Dr. Fauci’s own career-making medical research had no clinical control group, used historic controls #coronavirus

Guest post by Alec Rawls For weeks Dr. Anthony Fauci has dismissed all of the mounting evidence for the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine treatments for Covid-19 as “anecdotal” and “the slightest…

To save our economy roll out antibody testing alongside the active virus testing

Guest post by Alec Rawls Social distancing is very costly to our society and not everyone needs to be doing it. The greater Seattle area alone is right now rapidly…

Eclipsified leaf-gap shadows: nature reveals what the eye cannot observe directly

Guest post by Alec Rawls With a weak sun well up in the clear blue sky yesterday morning I was thinking I should go punch a hole in some cardboard…

First Peoples: The warming alarm-dog that didn’t bark

Guest post by Alec Rawls Beneficial climate change allowed modern humans to emigrate out of Africa and spread around the globe says the new PBS documentary “First Peoples,” but it fails…

Dr. Willie Soon on the Vatican’s repeat of its Galileo debacle

Putting papal authority behind yet another failed scientific paradigm Guest post by Alec Rawls As Galileo insisted about the perversity of his persecution by the Catholic Church: “[I]t is impossible for…

CBS turns cute story of toddler's first spring rain into dishonest climate alarm propaganda

Guest post by Alec Rawls Salient firsts in a child’s discovery of the world are often treasured moments for doting parents: a toddler’s first encounter with a friendly dog, his…

How to reduce the amount of air in a football without letting any air out

Guest post by Alec Rawls Just fill the ball with warm humid indoor air, then when it temperature-equalizes with the 25°F cooler outdoor air on your AFC Championship playing field…

What would Thucydides do? How to create negative atmospheric pressure in the Ebola hot-zone

While not our usual fare, I provide this guest essay for discussion without comment, as it is concerned with an issue of great interest and impact to millions of people…

Taking Keating seriously part 2: the IPCC's human-attribution claim is prima facie unscientific

Guest post by Alec Rawls (see part 1) Ex-physics teacher Christopher Keating, who strongly believes that human activity is causing dangerous global warming, is offering $30,000 to anyone who can…

Taking Keating's $30,000 skeptic challenge seriously, part 1

Contradictory contest criteria have been rectified via Keating “clarification” Guest post by Alec Rawls At first glance retired physics teacher Christopher Keating’s challenge appears to be an obvious bait and switch.…

BBC runs 6 excellent minutes on quiet sun and past correlation with Little Ice Age

Guest post by Alec Rawls Nice hype by Matt Drudge, whose three linked quotes are all from the BBC’s one brief paragraph of text, but the accompanying video (full transcription…

Is John Cook planning to use systematically biased "correct" survey answers to make unbiased skeptics look biased?

Guest post by Alec Rawls After finalizing a long post on John Cook’s crowd-sourced consensus-rating survey  (to be titled “I take Cook’s survey so you don’t have to”), I submitted…

CO2 sequestration research stumbles onto something useful: a big lithium strike in Wyoming

Guest post by Alec Rawls Most lithium (the lightest metal) is now mined in the Andes (image above), but it looks like the U.S. has more than a little of it…

UV shift in the leaked IPCC report: more inversion of the scientific method

Guest post by Alec Rawls A Fox News story on the leaked draft of AR5 got big attention through the Drudge Report the other week. Fox reporter Maxim Lott begins…

Commitment studies belie "consensus" claim that a persistent high level of temperature forcing cannot cause continued warming

Guest post by Alec Rawls They say it all the time: even if there were some substantial mechanism of enhanced solar forcing it couldn’t be responsible for late 20th century…

Dana Nuccitelli's holiday trick for sobering up quick: put a little less rum in your egg nog

Guest post by Alec Rawls When he argues that a reduction in forcing will cause cooling Dana Nuccitelli is not actually talking about drinking. He is talking about the solar forcing…

Haigh Anxiety: a psycho-comedy of errors

Guest post by Alec Rawls In an interview with NewScientist magazine, Imperial College professor of atmospheric physics Joanna Haigh scoffs at the idea that late 20th century warming could have…

A rebuttal to Steven Sherwood and the solar forcing pundits of the IPCC AR5 draft leak

Teaming up with Jo Nova to answer The Team down under: “Professor Sherwood is inverting the scientific method” Guest post by Alec Rawls My leak of the draft IPCC report…

Exxon called hateful for producing value

How do we know that Solyndra and First Solar and Fisker Automotive and thirty other failed Obama-subsidized green energy ventures are (or were) highly moral enterprises? Because they are all going bankrupt.…

Art show for children: "In this vision we have poisoned our environment with toxic waste"

Guest post by Alec Rawls A venerable Aussie art gallery has gone over to the eco-propaganda dark side. An exhibition for children at the Ballarat depicts mankind’s impending and well-deserved…

Isaac Held's 2-box model: another failed ocean-equilibration excuse for dismissing solar warming

Guest post by Alec Rawls Dr. Isaac Held, who models fluid dynamics at NOAA, dismisses a solar explanation for late 20th century warming by invoking a 2-box model of ocean…

Teaching kids to hate mom and dad: "the atmosphere is frying… and we're kinda blaming you"

Guest post by Alec Rawls Is this video below child abuse? Instead of children exploding or polar bears falling like victims of 9/11, this time it is spectral children hating on…

Muscheler retracts? Offers a NEW excuse for why solar activity can't be responsible for post-70's warming

Guest post by Alec Rawls Technically Dr. Muscheler is asking me to retract the title of my post, “Raimund Muscheler says that a steady high level of forcing can’t cause warming“:…

Raimund Muscheler says that a steady high level of forcing can't cause warming

Guest post by Alec Rawls Solar warming and ocean equilibrium, part 4 I emailed Dr. Muscheler about the very strange remarks that were attributed to him in the recently released…

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