Rock Creek I and II Gen Tie Remand

Notice that the estimate of Bald Eagle take for this project and six others presently holding take permits is already a staggering 28% of the LAP per year.

More climate violence rhetoric: When it was “time to put heads on spikes”

Andrew “Twiggy” Forest is an iron ore billionaire who is mounting a crusade against climate change. He also owns Squadron Energy, a major Aussie provider of renewable “solutions”.

Siemens Energy’s Green Dream Meets Reality: Renewables in Distress

In a rather grim portrayal of the sector’s health, the term ‘green panic’ has been coined

Offshore Wind Demands £95/MWh

There never was any intention trigger those contracts, instead wind farm owners always planned to sell at much higher prices on the open market.

The Wind is Always Blowing Somewhere Fallacy

The fatal flaw is that New York City requires dedicated resources to replace existing generation when it is needed to keep the lights on. 

Aussie Energy & Climate Minister: Don’t Expect 3.4GW of New Renewables to Provide Grid Stability

Aussie Energy & Climate Minister: “I don’t see we can put all the pressure on Renewables for Stability and Reliability”, blames Climate Change for Hot Summers.

Aussie Snowy 2.0 Pumped Hydro 0.8% Progress Since June

At this rate Snowy 2, the keystone of Australia’s renewable energy roadmap, will take over 40 years to complete.

More Price Shocks Coming? British Energy CEO: “The costs of [Renewable] projects have gone up … 40%”

The UK needs “a power sector two to three times the size of the one today… ” – but who is going to pay for this?

UK CfD Subsidies Increasing Again

Most renewable output is still subsidised via Renewable Obligations.

IEA: Grid “Lack of ambition” Endangering the Green Energy Revolution

According to the IEA, “the world must add or replace 80 million km of grids by 2040, equal to all grids globally today, to meet national climate targets and support…

Extraordinary Costs Of Green Energy Creeping Slowly Into Public Awareness

…most of them are starting to face up to reality because of some combination of skyrocketing electricity bills and plans to ban gas heat and internal combustion cars.

Wake up Australia – renewable energy won’t save the planet if it costs the earth

It is undeniable that current Net Zero plans are astronomically costly, technologically impossible and politically unstable.

Four NY offshore projects ask for almost 50% price rise

Do we need any further proof that offshore wind is not as cheap as made out?

ERCOT Readies ‘Retired’ Gas Generation for the 2023/24 Winter Peak

From MasterResource By Ed Ireland “Much of the generation named by ERCOT as qualified under their latest RFP is generation units that were recently retired, many because they could not…

Update On Offshore Wind Projects Off The Mid-Atlantic and New England

Will any of these wildly uneconomic offshore wind projects actually ever get built? Let’s hope not.

It’s Time To Build The Intermittent Renewable Plus Hydrogen Storage Demonstration Project!

A recent report from the UK’s Royal Society proposes a “net zero” electricity system entirely powered by wind and solar energy and backed by energy storage. The report indicates that…

New Zealand Grid

New Zealand’s electricity grid largely relies on renewable energy sources, primarily hydro and geothermal, with a smaller contribution from wind energy. The grid faces challenges similar to Australia’s, including issues…

A Semi-Competent Report On Energy Storage From Britain’s Royal Society

From the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN  Francis Menton If you want to power our modern economy on intermittent renewables (wind and solar), and also banish the use of power from fossil fuels…

The six ways renewables increase electricity bills

There is only one way a windfarm will push your power bills, and that’s upwards.”

Offshore wind is systematically violating the Marine Mammal Protection Act

Clearly a thorough investigation is called for. In the meantime this illegal harassment must cease. Active IHAs should be suspended and no more issued until this issue is resolved.

Desperate governors beg for offshore wind cost relief

Six Atlantic shore Governors are begging the Feds to bail them out of a huge looming offshore wind cost overrun.

Not Just Birds and Whales: Windmills Threatening Extinction for Jaguars and Pumas in Brazil

The carbon cult is inflicting awful damage on the Mother Gaia it pretends to protect.  Even on its own terms, it is fraud.

A Tale of Two Whale Protection Groups

We shall see how NOAA responds to this serious letter of concern from the Save Right Whales Coalition.

Europe’s solar industry warns of bankruptcy risk as prices drop

“This is creating concrete risks for companies to go into insolvency as their significant stock will need to be devalued,” SolarPower Europe said.

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