Experts Addle Kids’ Minds Over “Climate Change”

From William M Briggs’s Substack Science is Not the Answer


Question from Anon:

Why are the left so afraid of climate change? What is they want to preserve exactly? The whole concept doesn’t pass the simplest credibility check. They want to preserve the world for future generations they often say. But the world they want to preserve doesn’t include them themselves (they will be dead) nor their children (they don’t have children) nor their past (they believe preserving a cultural or historical past is racist), nor their language (again, racist) art (racist), music poetry ideals myths stories ethics (all racist). Why would say a Briton want to fight so hard as to make his one life on this Earth unbearable, intolerable, just to leave Britain a sort of temperate version of say a Dakka or Karachi suburb?

I don’t get it. They say they want narwhals and lemurs and platypuses around but they aren’t even prepared to take forceful action to preserve a hedge (which is the closest in terms of biodiversity and species richness they will ever get to Amazonia).

There is no one answer, but a distribution of them. We speak here of the untutored, non-Experts who react violently over “climate change”. By “untutored”, I mean those who cannot, or not do, or will not understand any of the fundamental physics and other massive complexities and uncertainties involved in three dimensional fluid flow over a rough differentially heated sphere. I mean regular people who have learned the minimum they need to support their beliefs.

For this set of people, particularly young people, there is one predominate answer:

Incessant propaganda.

Maybe you recall that New Jersey school that from Kindergarten through high school teaches “climate change” in every single class; yes, including gym. The level of science of these classes has to be on the order of a Bill Nye fever dream.

NPR—surprise!—recently did a follow up on this school.

Lansing and her classmates had spent weeks researching the impacts of human-caused climate change on their communities and their own lives. Their bas-relief tiles and the three-dimensional images sculpted onto them represented something each of them learned.

Lansing’s tile featured a blueberry branch – a nod to the rich agricultural heritage of New Jersey, which has earned it the nickname “the garden state.”

“A lot of those things that we are used to seeing aren’t going to be able to be grown here with the continuing climate change,” said Lansing, who comes from a family that grows their own food.

NPR claims “climate change education has been empowering.” Empowering. A favorite woke word. It can’t here mean educated, because none of these kids learned any physics. It can instead only mean a false earnestness glued to a quasi-religious morality. One which gives purpose and meaning to life, especially now that Christianity is fading so rapidly.

A junior in high school said, “As a little kid, I was really scared of the changes in the extreme weather that was going on around me and missing school because of hurricanes.”

This is New Jersey, remember, where the weather is as tumultuous as Methodist church service. There is therefore no justification for her fear. Not in Reality. Not from observation. That fear can only have been inculcated by a relentless barrage of propaganda—a barrage that can be resisted only by a few.

This kid continues: “[My teacher] telling me why these were happening made me feel like I could do something about it even though I was like 11.” (By “like 11” did she mean 10? Or 12?)

This kid’s mind was first addled by ignorant or unscrupulous teachers who falsely taught her there was reason to panic, and then those teachers comforted the very panic they induced by given that kid a false sense of “empowerment”. Error compounding error. Madness.

It is no wonder the young are ejected from “educational” factories with the mindsets of Mrs. Jellyby, who you will recall from Dickens’s Bleak House, a woman who “cared” so deeply about the miseries in Africa that she entirely forgot her own family. These kids come out wanting to save “the world”, but know nothing of their own neighborhoods.

For confirmation, here is a report from the Experts at the American Psychological Association. Which one source summarizes: “Climate change can play a major role in affecting young people’s mental health.”

Now it is impossible—it is not possible—that a few tenths of a degree change in some artificial index could affect anybody’s “mental health”. Unless they first have been severely propagandized and had their minds addled by Experts. Which is precisely what is happening.

One of these Experts, unable to help herself about the addling, nevertheless sees its harms, vaguely:

[Expert] is also concerned about how climate change could influence young adults who are making decisions about their career and relationships. The report identified that the consequences of extreme weather and climate anxiety affected decision-making, impaired cognition and lower levels of self-control.

Impaired cognition!

I challenge you to find a better two-word summary of our predicament.

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October 25, 2023 6:11 am

“”Why are the left so afraid of climate change? “”

Or more accurately… Why do the left use climate change? I think the answers to that are pretty well understood by those of a more sceptical bent.

While Goebbels is reviled his methods are revered

Richard Page
Reply to  strativarius
October 25, 2023 6:32 am

The left has no idea what a ‘tainted source’ is, so do not understand that the ends do not justify the means, they warp the end results by using harmful means.

A Babylon 5 quote: “You will fall upon one another like wolves. It will make what we did pale by comparison. The billions who live forever will be a monument to my work, and the billions who are murdered to buy that immortality will be a continuance of my work. Not like us? You will become us. That’s my monument.” Deathwalker.

Reply to  strativarius
October 25, 2023 7:09 am

The Right has apparently lost its voice when it comes to “climate change.” They should be correcting and stopping the left. Maybe they are getting more public money as well.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 12:18 pm

No politician is going to turn down tons of money for their district from Washington. They have to toe the line.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 1:22 pm

Infiltration has filled all the public spots.

Paul S
Reply to  strativarius
October 25, 2023 7:51 am

Humanity survived the last 100 years and it’s 1 degree (or so) rise. I think we will survive the next 100 years and it’s 1 degree rise.

Reply to  Paul S
October 25, 2023 8:46 am

The 1 degree rise is irrelevant. The question is whether or not we will survive ourselves.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  cgh
October 25, 2023 12:20 pm

We won’t survive if we’re told we MUST stop climate change- including stopping the rise of the sea. How pretentious and foolhardy.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 25, 2023 8:35 pm

I tend to agree. In other words, the first rule of survival is getting rid of the UN and its abysmal communist Secretary General Antonio Guterres. There will never be peace in our time as long as that goof is around to trouble the world.

Reply to  strativarius
October 25, 2023 1:19 pm

The useful idiots far outnumber the schemers like Goebbels, probably a million to one. Sure there are probably a handful who know it’s nonsense and urge on the climate cult as a useful vehicle to advance their agenda, but in reality most climate fanatics are simply zealous, uninformed people. You can fix the rationally uninformed with facts and logic but zealotry is virtually impossible to overcome.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  stinkerp
October 26, 2023 1:27 pm

I think you are correct: There are a few Climate Change Schemers and a lot of Climate Change True Believers.

None of them have any evidence showing CO2 is anything other than a benign gas, essential for life on Earth.

October 25, 2023 6:29 am

They don’t mention that “climate” is only 30 or so years now, not the thousands to millions of years that everybody learned in school. I guess that’s all their “models” could hope to forecast.

The real geological climates aren’t changing. The north and south poles are still cold, the tropics are still warm, the deserts are still dry and the rainforests are still wet.

Using their 30-year definition, the 30-year climate, like the weather, is always changing.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 6:40 am

The geological climate of the Earth as a whole is still a 2.58-million-year ice age named the Quaternary Glaciation. That fact is seldom mentioned in “Climate Change” stories and reports. 

The Earth is in a warm interglacial period that happens about every 100,000 years and lasts about 10,000 years which alternates with a cold glacial period that lasts about 90,000 years. The Earth still has around 200,000 glaciers and 11 percent of the land is permafrost. 

The ice age the Earth is in won’t end and the geological climate won’t officially change until all the natural ice melts.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 12:23 pm

It’s truly mental to think that we must stop the ongoing greening of the Earth.

Tim Spence
Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 1:14 pm

And Earth is really at the back end of the interglacial, previous glacials have left the planet with perilous, potentially end of all life scenarios.

We can try to decarbonize (pure folly) but we cannot argue with Milankovitch cycles, they are boss.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 1:23 pm

Wikipedia: “As of 2023, the Quaternary Period is divided into two epochs: the Pleistocene (2.58 million years ago to 11.7 thousand years ago) and the Holocene (11.7 thousand years ago to today); a third epoch, the Anthropocene, has recently been proposed, but it is not officially recognised by the ICS“. Isn’t it amazing how in a single sentence they can wipe out every inter-glacial period in the Quaternary, bar one. Well, they don’t exactly wipe them out, they just apply hubris in spades to elevate one inter-glacial period, the Holocene – “our” inter-glacial period – above the dozens of others in the Quaternary, And they even give credence to the attempt to subdivide the Holocene further to make “us” even more important. At this rate, they will get an “Epoch” down to a single week by 2030.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  scvblwxq
October 25, 2023 12:22 pm

The 30 year thing is sooo arbitrary. I doubt any succession of 30 year periods ever lined up all the critical climate numbers with no change. Impossible.

October 25, 2023 6:49 am

In China, the little kiddies are being put in military uniforms and drilled – no climate change for them.

Reply to  antigtiff
October 25, 2023 11:53 am

Meanwhile, the Uighur slaves are busy preparing nut zero tat for the globalist cause

J Boles
October 25, 2023 6:52 am
Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  J Boles
October 25, 2023 12:27 pm

The subtitle of that article:

“One of the saddest examples of suppression is the reluctance of conservative editors to challenge climate alarmism”

So true!

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 1:37 pm

It’s not easy to challenge human-caused climate change.

The Climate Alarmists can throw things at a skeptic from all sorts of scientific discplines, and if a skeptic is not well-versed in all those disciplines, then he is going to have a lot of trouble challenging the narrative.

I think that’s why most skeptic politicians don’t challenge. They will get tied in knots by the Media and they know it, so they remain silent.

I think places like WUWT are essential to this process. Here, there are people from all the scientific disciplines, so climate alarmist claims don’t overwhelm the narrative here. You get answers here, not blank stares.

When I see a climate alarmist outrageous claim in the Media, I come to WUWT and find it is usually covered here and debunked here by experts knowledgeable about the particular climate alarmist claim.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Tom Abbott
October 26, 2023 1:55 pm

I agree- I’ve learned a lot here- at least I’ve learned how weak climate science really is- but not enough to openly debate someone who claims to be an expert. It would be like trying to debate with a Catholic priest. I’d do better debating the priest. I think the priests are more likely to listen to what non believers have to say- though they’re not gonna change their minds either.

Yuh, it pisses me off if I hear a politician say, “but the science says” which means they’ve read some simple minded article in the NY Times or whatever. Most are liars…er.. I mean lawyers who can’t grasp serious science and they’re not into rocking any boats. Being a politician is a Mickey Mouse job with decent pay and a great oppotunity to get payoffs and name recognition when they set up their own law firms. Or set up a lobbyist firm.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 27, 2023 4:54 am

“It would be like trying to debate with a Catholic priest.”

Good one! That made me laugh!

I think politicians who are skeptical look at it just like that. It’s a losing proposition for most of them to try to argue “the science” with climate alarmists.

Although I must say, my former U.S. Senator, Jim Inhofe, recently retired, was not afraid to argue the subject. He used to infuriate the climate alarmists with his skepticism about climate change alarm.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Tom Abbott
October 27, 2023 5:17 am

I like vigorous politicians with brains. I recall Inhofe talking about the climate and it bothered me that the lefties hated him. I seem to recall him also talking properly managing natural resources – and I thought what he said on that topic was right on.

J Boles
October 25, 2023 7:06 am

I would preach it right back at the preachers of it, and if they ask me what I am doing about it I would ask them to show me their solar panels which I bet none of them have at home, and I would point out their daily use of fossil fuels and them every time they preach CC to me I would call them HYPOCRITES.

J Boles
Reply to  J Boles
October 25, 2023 7:10 am

I get 4 PBS tv stations here near Detroit and two PBS radio stations, they are always mentioning CC, and some of their news shows are the BBC who really bang the climate drum. Anyone watching their shows can tell they only preach it and never sacrifice anything to the climate gods. If everything is climate change then nothing is climate change.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  J Boles
October 25, 2023 12:32 pm

The self proclaimed socialist who started and runs the very big and influential NPR in Albany, NY earns almost 200K from that “public” station- supposedly a non profit. I doubt any radio station in America is more woke.

Bill Powers
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 8:32 am

And Joe, you use the term “earns” lightly of course. These aren’t salaries paid to those bureaucrats running these government funded institutions, they are transfer payments form the private sector taxpayer.

Reply to  J Boles
October 25, 2023 8:44 pm

How could anyone take PBS seriously as a news network? It ignored decades of sexual abuse by Charlie Rose, only severing ties with him after his abuses were discovered. PBS was part of the coverup.

Which is somewhat ironic: PBS made its reputation decades ago by helping to disclose the Watergate coverup of Richard Nixon and his gang of fools.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  cgh
October 26, 2023 9:21 am

I was driving through DC during the coverup trial and stopped so I could get into the court. I saw all the honchos except Nixon.

Bill Powers
Reply to  J Boles
October 26, 2023 8:51 am

Well put J. I have been trying to discover when, in human history, the climate didn’t change. More important, when was it at an ideal? Most importantly, what exactly were the conditions around the globe at the time of this ideal recording? After all before we continue down this road, shouldn’t we know what to set the thermostat to?

Finally, what do these officious bureaucrats think they can do to control the climate on our planet and move it back to this ideal and keep it there? These being the salient points. No one seems to know. But we are scientifically positive that not burning fossil fuel didn’t control the climate in the past and allow it to stay in equilibrium, whatever that is.

Bottom line, the bureaucrats have the wherewithal to control the people but they cannot control the climate and we can live better without bureaucrats than we can without fossil fuel.

William Howard
October 25, 2023 7:27 am

why are they so adamant – has nothing to do with the climate as the former head of the UNIPCC stated – the environmental movement is more about the destruction of capitalism than the climate – so what we have is an attempted takeover of the world by communists which of course they believe will affect their current living standards – the new utopia – complete fools

Reply to  William Howard
October 25, 2023 8:31 am

I believe all of us including the communists will be affected by changing living standards should the advocates of “climate change” succeed in their work. The living standards will of course be reduced by half at least and perhaps to as little as 1/10 of our current standards. Venezuela has experienced living standard declines of such a magnitude in just the past 50 years as a consequence of the destruction of their industry and society by the dictatorial governments they elect without any changes in their climate whatsoever. There are now tens or hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans clamoring to get into the USA at our Mexican border, the most numerous of all nationalities doing this.

Gregory Woods
Reply to  Denis
October 25, 2023 10:45 am

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands residing here in Colombia.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Gregory Woods
October 25, 2023 12:33 pm

Too bad they don’t get rid of their current government instead.

Reply to  William Howard
October 25, 2023 11:57 am

You need to understand the Marxist long march (der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) since the early 60’s – it’s all dropping into place

general custer
October 25, 2023 7:32 am

Anyone who has grown up in the US, or any other country, has been exposed for years to the propaganda of the national education system, which in the US has changed from an extended introduction to the values of America and an indoctrination in passive acceptance of authority to the current embrace of the wokeism of academia. Since catastrophic climate change can’t be scientifically proven, using it as an impetus for incredibly expensive actions smacks of religion. But that’s not what’s important for both believers and climate atheists. Academia, government, media, business and the legal profession all see the climate fantasy as a pot of gold for their organizations and individuals. The science doesn’t matter to them as long as funding is available and they have an opportunity to get some of it.

Using propaganda and mind control techniques in education are the inevitable result of academic research in psychology that also extends to marketing, politics and international relations. This is all connected in the most solidified way to the most important thing in Yankee land–money. Climate change propaganda is advertising. It’s meant to spur the acceptance of a command economy that determines the technology available to the masses based on an idea and enforced by anonymous agents. Teachers in primary schools are the foot soldiers of academia.

Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 8:48 am

“…all see the climate fantasy as a pot of gold for their organizations and individuals.” Of course they do. That is the way people are. It is the method of all communist and dictatorial governments – to enrichen a few but enough people to stay in power, always by force. The same would happen under democratic governments without regulation of capitalism that democracies enable. Our heretofore regulatory government is currently failing by creating pots of gold to address imaginary problems that the rich are happy to exploit. The rest of us are expected to fill and refill the pots of gold for decades to come.

general custer
Reply to  Denis
October 25, 2023 9:51 am

You’re missing the point. Leftists and dictatorial governments don’t initiate the theories of catastrophic climate change, academics do. Of course, there’s a constant interchange by individuals between academia and government but the fantasies originate in climate models and atmospheric physics of academia.

If a thinker is genuinely concerned about the misapplication of resources in the phony fight against climate change, the idea that it’s a leftist,communist concoction doesn’t mean anything. It couldn’t happen without the enthusiastic support of capitalist enterprises.

Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 10:10 am

No it’s a response to the warping of a market by government mandate. The “ enthusiasm “ is the enthusiasm of the the relatively small number of con men or opportunistic investors. And now we have a situation where both individuals and corporations feel they won’t survive unless they ( comply) . In other words government: “ let me make you an offa ya can’t refuse” And it’s a terrible situation for a CEO or board to be put in because they don’t have unlimited resources to hedge in all directions.

general custer
Reply to  John Oliver
October 25, 2023 10:56 am

Businesses like National Grid Renewables were created to exploit the climate change madness. Certainly they have close connections with academia, business and government but no one is forcing them to operate in this venue. In fact, they enthusiastically pursue the opportunity.

Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 11:51 pm

Maurice Strong, academic???

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 12:35 pm

Makes sense. So now what do we do about it?

October 25, 2023 7:44 am

King Charles, spelled it out clearly at Davos.

“You will be poor, have nothing, but be happy”.

The last part, he deliberately misrepresented, he should have said “they will be happy”.

How else can they turn the clock back 400 years, without scaremongering the populace through climate change?

Richard Page
Reply to  bobpjones
October 25, 2023 8:18 am

It wasn’t Charlie – it’s from a 2016 WEF video summarising an essay by Ida Auken, a Danish leftwing politician and another of the WEF’s ‘Young Global Leaders’, who wrote it in 2014. I get the strong feeling that the term ‘Young Global Leader’ should translate as (something or other)-jugend.

Reply to  Richard Page
October 25, 2023 2:50 pm

… translate as (something or other)-jugend.

would be

… translate as Schwab-jugend.

There you go.

Reply to  bobpjones
October 25, 2023 8:51 am

“You will be happy”

They leave off “or else”

Mumbles McGuirck
Reply to  bobpjones
October 25, 2023 10:13 am

*Sigh* Where’s Ollie Cromwell when you need him?

Screen Shot 2023-10-25 at 1.11.58 PM.png
Gregory Woods
Reply to  Mumbles McGuirck
October 25, 2023 10:54 am

Isn’t that the other Ollie?

Reply to  bobpjones
October 25, 2023 11:59 am

King Charles made £100Mn last year from the Crown Estate renting out the UKs seabeds to off shore wind developers – he’s fully signed up to the con

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Energywise
October 25, 2023 12:46 pm

Say what? An estate owner, whether royalty or not, has rights to the nearby seabed? Or just royalty? When I saw him wearing his crown I thought- how absurd!

Richard Page
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 3:25 am

Just royalty. The Crown traditionally owns coastal waters (and seabed) out as far as you can still see a barrel bobbing on the water. These days it’s likely a bit more technical but you get the idea.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Richard Page
October 26, 2023 4:01 am

Do they “own” it in the sense of having stewardship over it for the people of the UK- or do they personally own it, that is the royal family?

Dave Andrews
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 6:20 am

The Crown Estate is an independent commercial business established by Act of Parliament in1961.

The Royal family neither own it nor are involved in its commercial business. However they do receive the Sovereign Grant, established in 2011, for public duties which is set at 25% of the Estates profits two years previously.

I think there has recently been and additional increase because Buckingham Palace needs multi million pound refurbishment.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Dave Andrews
October 26, 2023 7:38 am

I presume the Palace will have zero carbon footprint. It’ll be covered with solar panels and have 2-3 500′ tall wind turbines on the lawns. 🙂

October 25, 2023 7:50 am

In past decades we saw attempts to inflict communism and socialism to overturn capitalism.

Now it’s “climatism” that leftists try to inflict.

Which is an essential element of “wokeism” of course.

So basically, leftist is about undoing all the tenets of free expression and enterprise in order to – what?
Feel better about themselves?

Maybe an effective message to address wokeism and all its components could be –

“How about embracing mental self-improvement- you just look after you, and stop trying to dictate how everybody else should live their lives. You’ll feel much better for it”.

George Daddis
Reply to  Mr.
October 25, 2023 8:06 am

One small step is to not use THEIR language.
To me defending “free markets” is a lot easier than supporting “capitalism”, a vague term invented by Marx as a pejorative.

Similarly, there is nothing wrong with standing up for “Making America Great Again” but the left have poisoned the minds of the the young with the acronym MAGA as if it were inherently evil.

general custer
Reply to  Mr.
October 25, 2023 8:19 am

Socialism was introduced into the US with public education, the finances of which are levied on the population in general through taxes. Be that as it may, there is nothing leftist about the climate change religion. The response to the rising seas and shrinking ice caps is capitalist in spades. The remedies for mythical climate change are a mountain of opportunity for capitalist creatures like National Grid Renewables, Form and other corporations whose focus is almost exclusively on unneeded and expensive solutions to non-existent problems. The situation could easily be compared to the corporate/military symbiosis that has existed for over 75 years. Some guns need to be fired at enemies so the gravy train can continue. In the case of climate change mitigation, since the problem is an erroneous abstraction that can never be solved, efforts to do so must continue forever, just as huge sums must be devoted to national defense regardless of the international situation. The eventual required adoption of EVs, electrical heating/cooling, green hydrogen, etc. will be encouraged and supplied by capitalist entities, just as fighter jets, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are.

Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 8:58 am

Socialism was introduced into the US with public education

I have an old copy of The Communist Manifesto that has a section about public schools and using them to indoctrinate future generations. I have a more recent copy that does not have that section.

Reply to  Tony_G
October 25, 2023 6:06 pm

I hope you disinfect your hands every time after handling those publications.

Otherwise we’ll have to start calling you “Comrade Tony”.

Reply to  Mr.
October 26, 2023 7:11 am

Mr, I use surgical gloves 🙂

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  general custer
October 25, 2023 12:50 pm

Not sure why as of this moment you have 5 demerits- I like your way of thinking on this subject. If I may ask- what is your background, general custer?

Reply to  Mr.
October 25, 2023 9:53 am

The Right is silent. Maybe they are hoping to get some of that gold themselves.

October 25, 2023 8:15 am

It really gets tiresome – the green blob. And their mean ( nasty and vengeful and arrogant)too. But it isn’t just the intellectual ly and logically challenged unfortunately.

I was listening to a interview of the popular physicist Nick Lane and it was a interesting interview on the origins of life which are oxygen combining with …. Yes… yes!

Then he ruined it and himself ( in my point of view) by going on a Warmist AGW digression. More evidence for my theory that only one third of the worlds human inhabitants have true ability to remove emotion from the process and engage fully in purely logical thought. That is why I mainly only comment here on WUWT.

Reply to  John Oliver
October 25, 2023 8:22 am

Nick evidently thinks we are doomed by man made co2!

Reply to  John Oliver
October 25, 2023 1:19 pm

worse, man made Co2

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  John Oliver
October 25, 2023 12:53 pm

And you have a TV show. Oh, no- that’s another John Oliver, a very woke guy- but regardless, I enjoy his comedy, woke or not. Nothing funnier to a Yankee than a witty Brit. 🙂

October 25, 2023 8:40 am

Correction Nick Lane – Bio Chemist

James Snook
October 25, 2023 9:11 am

Off thread, but the alarmist requirement for us all to drive EVs doesn’t seem to be getting through and the legacy auto builders are clearly getting cold feet.
GM, Honda scrap plans to co-develop ‘affordable’ sub-$30,000 EVs

James Snook
Reply to  James Snook
October 25, 2023 9:15 am

Sorry, can’t edit that, but it is the headline of a lengthy article on CNN business today. They are concerned st the lack of demand for their EVs.

Dave Andrews
Reply to  James Snook
October 26, 2023 6:31 am

Back in January 2023, Paul Philpott UK CEO of Kia Motors told the Times newspaper that

“A mass market in affordable electric cars will not happen because of the difficulty of producing them on a viable basis” and that Kia had “no immediate plans for” such a vehicle.

Times 23rd Jan 23.

Reply to  James Snook
October 25, 2023 12:01 pm

The masses have said NO – that’s all it needs

Michael Lewis
October 25, 2023 10:01 am

Good observations about the connections between mental health and propaganda. Climate angst is ubiquitously engendered by ignorant flaming headlines, meaningless LTEs, and gullible news television news presenters.

The two most important words regarding “climate change” are not “Impaired cognition,” but qui bobo. The answer comes not from Left vs. Right, which has no dog in this fight, it comes from economic interests that benefit from government, industry and public lack of understanding of weather and climate dynamics and how they affect human societies.

“Follow the money.” Henry E. Peterson, 1974

Michael Lewis
October 25, 2023 10:04 am

Typo correction:

The two most important words regarding “climate change” are not “Impaired cognition,” but qui bono. The answer comes not from Left vs. Right, which has no dog in this fight, it comes from economic interests that benefit from government, industry and public lack of understanding of weather and climate dynamics and how they affect human societies.

“Follow the money.” Henry E. Peterson, 1974

Richard Page
Reply to  Michael Lewis
October 26, 2023 3:29 am

So my take from this is that your dog is called bobo and he likes bones?

October 25, 2023 10:23 am

Only ugly people would load up children’s brains with a lot of scary unpleasant future dialogue which is a hall mark of eveil fanatics who will do anything to get what they want even if it destroys a lot of innocent lives.

Leftism/Marxism is a VILE ideology that should be strongly resisted everywhere!

general custer
Reply to  Sunsettommy
October 25, 2023 11:37 am

In what way should that strong resistance be shown? The US has already spent many billions in a battle against anything remotely different than its own form of “democracy”, including killing a lot of disinterested citizens. Well, not everything. Our buddies the Saudis don’t care to go through the bother of elections but they’re different, being ignorant of Marx and in no sense a dictatorship.

Smart Rock
October 25, 2023 10:33 am

They (the faceless “they”) have taken over most of the media, the schools, the colleges and universities, the churches, the big corporations, the institutions of government, the “charitable” NGOs, the quangos (which have sprung up like weeds all over the landscape), and what passes for the brains of most politicians.

Let’s face it, “they” are winning. Hands down.

Perhaps the hoi polloi will rise up in a popular revolt when their level of material comfort falls to the point where it can’t be ignored, as net zero starts to really hurt. Maybe. If we’re lucky. Charismatic leaders will be needed, and it could get very messy.

Reply to  Smart Rock
October 25, 2023 11:58 am

I must agree that “they” are winning. In fact, “they” have won in the CO2-Climate Change dispute. The Rationalists (“us”) have lost. [Yes, I’ll get down voted for that, and those on WUWT who relish in ad hominem attacks will jump all over me, but prove me wrong.]

“We” rationalists should be continue to get the word out to the “hoi polloi” that not only can Net Zero not work, it will bankrupt all of us and that our “material comfort falls to the point where it can’t be ignored”. We may be successful in getting the “hoi polloi” to rise up and stop, then reverse, the Net Zero idiocy and, the Climate Change religion will disappear. Ideally, the “hoi polloi” will have learned a lesson and will recognize false “problems” and will never, ever, trust the Government to “solve” those “problems”. The Government is not here to help us.

However, at least the US House of Representatives has just (finally) elected a new speaker.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Retired_Engineer_Jim
October 26, 2023 2:17 pm

Yes, finally!

Now, they need to dazzle us with their legislation.

I think Mike Johnson, the new Speaker of the House of Representives is a smart guy. I’ve always been impressed with his take on things when I heard him in interviews in the past on one subject or another.

I don’t know where he stands on Human-caused Climate Change.

He supports Donald Trump and Donald Trump supports him.

Yes, finally. It’s time to get to work.

I think their highest priority should be stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States, and sending those here illegally, back to where they came from.

One of Trump’s campaign promises is to deport all illegal immigrants. I support that position.

Gregory Woods
October 25, 2023 10:40 am

How about a one word describing the situation?

Reply to  Gregory Woods
October 25, 2023 11:54 am

“Cluster-fvck” is a hyphenated word.

But will that be suitable?

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  Mr.
October 25, 2023 12:59 pm

That’s what the Russian soldiers are now saying as they get clobbered by cluster shells and ATACMs.

Reply to  Gregory Woods
October 25, 2023 12:16 pm


Reply to  Gregory Woods
October 26, 2023 12:00 am


October 25, 2023 11:39 am

The left aren’t afraid of climate change – they know it’s a hoax, but the capital to be gained by destroying capitalism, is priceless to them

October 25, 2023 11:54 am

There are numerous hurdles to overcome in our fight to discredit CAGW. The public school system has to be at the top. US public schools are deplorable.

October 25, 2023 12:09 pm

Impaired cognition defines left wing ideology. It is a complete disconnect from how cause and effect works in the real world.

Indoctrination is the cause of this. My children were taught that the constitution is a document written by racists to preserve white supremacy. Individualism was denounced in favor of socialist constructs. Children have been groomed to embrace a trans lifestyle by TV programming that portrayed gays as the cool kids to emulate. In middle school my daughter wanted her brother to be gay because she thought it would make her more popular.

The climate crisis lie has been presented as an unquestionable fact and repeated countless times so that people can’t even comprehend it could be false. Closed loops of perception are almost impossible to break open because people’s egos can’t accept they were fooled. Social pressure to conform to belong to the tribe is a powerful motivator to not question.

WW3 is happening as psychological warfare. Official false narratives are almost all you can find on web search results. Totalitarian control of information and markets is being implemented assisted by compliant sheep. An increasing number of people are seeing through the ruse as evidenced by the lack of trust in legacy media. I’m also seeing more Democrats denouncing Progressive failures in liberal cities. Reality can only be denied for so long before it becomes obvious.

The Epoch Times has been featuring science based denouncements of the climate crisis lie. They have an increasing and significant market share now because they are doing real journalism by covering issues being censored by legacy media. I think we have the critical mass to reverse the mass indoctrination that has led to mass delusion. It’s probably going to take shaming those who have embraced idiotic beliefs to shake them out of their bubbles.


Joseph Zorzin
October 25, 2023 12:13 pm

Lansing’s tile featured a blueberry branch – a nod to the rich agricultural heritage of New Jersey, which has earned it the nickname “the garden state.”

“A lot of those things that we are used to seeing aren’t going to be able to be grown here with the continuing climate change,” said Lansing, who comes from a family that grows their own food.

So here in Wokeachusetts, this growing season was a bit warmer and quite a bit wetter than most years. My dozen or so blueberry bushes had a great year. They love climate change.

My half dozen fig trees (in large clay pots out on the patio) also had a great year- more figs than any previous year. Nothing is as tasty as figs right off your own tree- as sweet as honey. They also love climate change.

Bring it on, climate change! 🙂

Only wimps fear it.

abolition man
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 26, 2023 1:02 am

You are sooooo right about fresh figs!! These days I would add some heavy cream to make them a healthier treat, but in my misspent youth I would add them in with my morning cereal!
Climate change seems to be benefiting many types of plants; my jalapeños had a bumper crop this year that I will enjoy for months to come! Unfortunately, the “hottest year evah!” wasn’t warm enough for me to get happy tomatoes; I’ll try a different heirloom variety next year!
Hope things are well in Wokeachusetts. Always remember that trees are one of our most renewable resources, and that wood and timber framing are great ways to sequester CO2! Enjoy global warming while it lasts, and keep spitting in the eye of climate alarmists; their religion is modern human sacrifice!

October 25, 2023 1:20 pm

I was like 11.” (By “like 11” did she mean 10? Or 12?)

The uncertainty is +/- 364 days. Maybe they are learning something useful?

Edward Katz
October 25, 2023 2:26 pm

The public education system is largely to blame here since its teachers follow a leftist alarmist curriculum while possessing little knowledge of anything climate-related beyond it.

Eamon Butler
October 25, 2023 5:04 pm

As long as the ”experts” confirm the problem exists, the kids will continue to suffer the anxiety. The therapists and psychologists who are supposed to be helping them, need to tell them the climate is just fine, the crusade is a phony.

Gregg Eshelman
October 25, 2023 9:14 pm

Impaired cognition. “I challenge you to find a better two-word summary of our predicament.”

Total idiocy.

abolition man
Reply to  Gregg Eshelman
October 26, 2023 1:04 am

Moral depravity!? It’s widespread in the leaders of the Climatocracy!

October 27, 2023 9:52 am

There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9) “Climate change” is the poster-child of the broader, age-old struggle. The world system is committed to four major objectives – power, pleasure, fame and fortune. Those embracing the world system are motivated by one or more of these objectives. We cannot call them hypocrites, because they truly have no interest in the climate. It is merely a convenient tool, a means to their ends.

Empty, mindless fools such as Mann, Dessler and Hayhoe are driven by these same four objectives and will say anything to stay in the good graces of their betters.

Fear is a powerful tool. Instilling needless fear is a means of gaining control. With respect to children, climatistas fully intend to frighten and indoctrinate children, with no regard for the damage it causes.

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