Primary School Children Targeted with Green Propaganda by Just Stop Oil Millionaire Funder

From the Daily Sceptic


david Vince sitting atop a pile of money

Just Stop Oil funder Dale Vince is pressing ahead with plans to flood British primary schools with environmental and Net Zero societal propaganda. Children aged 11 and under are being taught that they face an unprecedented global climate emergency, with the possibility that the planet is entering a sixth mass extinction. The solution of course is “sustainability” and green energy, a matter that is dear to the heart of multi-millionaire Vince. His ageing onshore wind farm company Ecotricity has collected £110 million in green taxpayer subsidies over the last 20 years, at a time when he has pocketed at least £43 million in various corporate payments.

The Ministry of Eco Education (MEE) was started by Vince in 2021 with the stated aim of “greening up the curriculum”. From an initial base of 15 ‘pioneer’ schools, it is working to scale this up to 1,000. MEE operates by inserting its messaging into all aspects of primary learning including transport, energy, food, nature and society. It aims to “save teachers time”, and it claims to have “rearranged the national curriculum” around what it describes as big questions. MEE also claims to be working with secondary schools to adapt its primary approach to Key Stage 3.

Although few lesson examples are available on the MEE website, it is easy to piece together some of the ideas being taught. A lesson on veganism notes that industrial farming has negative impacts on the planet, but apparently “isn’t just about food”. Most of the sources quoted are little more than promotions for veganism with a link to a Guardian article explaining why vegans don’t eat honey. There does not appear to be any discussion about the wisdom of removing all types of animal protein from the diets of very young children, something that many scientists think should be done only under strict nutritional supervision.

The education leader of MEE is Paul Turner and a video is supplied of him talking to a group of young children in the Ecotricity tent at the Womad festival. Bouncing around a giant globe, he explains that the correct level of carbon dioxide in the planet is the ‘magic’ number of 360 parts per million (ppm). Quite how he is able to point to such a precise – if magical – figure to stop the climate changing is not explained. There are many eminent scientists who think it is a little on the low side for animal and plant life to prosper. Certainly, the children are not told the dinosaurs lived in a world of plant plenty at a time when CO2 levels were much higher. Turner, who is described by MEE as a “radical geographer”, tells the children that we need to “hoover” up all the gas, and on this front Dale is making a contribution.

In fact the current level of CO2 is around 420 ppm and recent increases are believed to have led to a dramatic 14% greening of the planet. Hoover up all this extra CO2 and veganism starts to seem an ‘unsustainable’ option. Remove nitrogen fertiliser from agriculture as many eco-extremists want and the consequent massive reduction in crop yields starts to look like mass famine.

But then it isn’t just about the planet is it? In a paper published by MEE titled ‘Foundations for an Eco Curriculum’, it is said that “we are increasingly recognising that any efforts to tackle climate and ecological emergency must also respond to the structural inequalities inherent in society”. Furthermore, “any eco school curriculum must explore ideas of social structures and processes as much as they do the natural environment, as well as exploring the intersection of ideas such as gender, race and inequality. From a young age, children are aware of injustice and can apply ideas of fairness and the environment.”

In other words, children can be caught young and brainwashed with horrific, largely unsubstantiated tales of climate and ecological collapse – a process they have no intellectual ability to question – and be marched towards a collectivist society where ruling elites remove many personal freedoms and lifestyle choices. Oh, and energy can be provided by useless windmills requiring enormous public subsidies by enlightened philanthropists such as Mr. D. Vince.

Needless to say, MEE is not the only green educational propogandist operating in the U.K. As the Daily Sceptic reported earlier this year, other elite money is pouring into British schools. London-based Climate Science aims to supply free teaching materials, with children encouraged to plot implausible temperatures rises of 11°C, taught that alkaline oceans are ‘acidic’ and write letters to policymakers claiming “our house is on fire” in the style of Greta Thunberg. Among the billionaire backers are Schmidt Futures – the family foundation of former Google boss Eric Schmidt – and the Grantham Institute at Imperial, partly funded by green billionaire investor Jeremy Grantham.

MEE is also involved with the Young Green Briton Challenge, which has also attracted the ambassadorial support of TV activist Chris Packham. The new scheme operates on a Dragons’s Den format with 16 schools competing to win a £1,000 stake for a green project. Recently, Packham gave his backing to eco-protesters breaking the law and suggested that a “radical flank” could attempt to blow up oil refineries. For his part, Vince has given hundreds of thousands of pounds to Just Stop Oil, a group that engages in civil disobedience and criminal damage.

What a fine example these men set for the youth of today.

Chris Morrison is the Daily Sceptic’s Environment Editor.

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Jim Masterson
October 15, 2023 10:40 pm

What can I say? We are dealing with Communists.

Phillip Bratby
Reply to  Jim Masterson
October 15, 2023 10:56 pm

They also have something wrong upstairs.

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Phillip Bratby
October 15, 2023 11:20 pm

I don’t want to disparage your comment, but that’s basically the problem with Communists.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Jim Masterson
October 16, 2023 12:07 am

They believe wealth creation is a sin.

john cheshire
Reply to  Rod Evans
October 16, 2023 12:30 am

And yet, bizarrely, many prominent commies are very wealthy. And they always seem to be reluctant to impoverish themselves.

Reply to  john cheshire
October 16, 2023 1:13 am

But which comes first – the wealth or the communism?

Reply to  mikelowe2013
October 16, 2023 8:33 am

First they make wealth on the backs of the poor proles, then they want more and more wealth and power, only available from those poor proles they stiffed making their initial wealth – then, through made up fantasy calamities, they ensure those poor proles, once fully rinsed, will never be able to have what they have – it’s a self fulfilling dystopian prophecy – Oderint Dum Metuant

Reply to  Rod Evans
October 16, 2023 3:43 pm

On the other hand, they believe that usurping the wealth that has been created and spending it on them, is a good and joyful thing.

Reply to  Phillip Bratby
October 16, 2023 3:42 pm

If they weren’t disconnected from reality, they wouldn’t have become communists in the first place.

October 15, 2023 11:14 pm

Just Stop Oil Millionaire Funder

Tell you what, when I become a millionaire, I promise I will just stop oil. Deal?

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Mike
October 15, 2023 11:18 pm


Reply to  Mike
October 16, 2023 8:35 am

This Dale idiot has had millions in Govt gifted taxpayer subsidies for his wind farms – the same ones that wouldn’t be made or work without oil

Ben Vorlich
October 15, 2023 11:25 pm

Story tip
Attenborough’s apprentice is keeping up the good work.

BBC’s Hamza Yassin admits wildlife scenes are faked to elicit sympathy from viewers: ‘We are dramatising what we’re seeing’

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 1:14 am

So, like most Greenies, he lies. No surprise!

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 1:53 am

The plan was to put him on Strictly Come Dancing – to allow the (BBC viewing) public to get to know him.

It’s more anthropomorphising… Attenborough’s Earth III firmly points the finger at humans – the big impact is….us.

Lee Riffee
Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 7:34 am

Actually he is gunning to be the next Marty Stouffer (Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom)! There was quite a lot of staging and fakery in that wildlife “documentary” series….

Reply to  Lee Riffee
October 16, 2023 8:39 am

He’d be better suited to Madagascar, as Marty

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 8:38 am

Attenborough has made a nice fortune peddling the climate change narrative – if nature wasn’t threatened by some mystical, human induced fantasy Armageddon, he wouldn’t have accrued those hundreds of thousands of air miles in his private jet

It doesnot add up
Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 10:13 am

He is the walrus. Goo-goo-goo joob.

Rod Evans
October 16, 2023 12:03 am

That’s the complete story of eco fanatics its all, Mee! Mee! Mee! Not so much Ecotists (new word for them to use) but clearly Egotists every one of them. Maybe we can open up a support group for them, to help them vocalise their addiction?.
“My name is Greta I am an Ecotist”
‘Welcome Greta, we don’t judge here at EA. Please take a seat next to Michael you have so much in common’

john cheshire
Reply to  Rod Evans
October 16, 2023 12:32 am

Don’t you mean “ecotits”?

October 16, 2023 12:18 am

Pray the kids don’t read rubbish like Monbiot…

“”Masks work, especially if they’re N95 respirators or equivalent. They work best when everyone uses them,””

Masks don’t work and neither does Moonbat’s brain.

Rod Evans
Reply to  strativarius
October 16, 2023 12:51 am

This from the Guardians article justifying why its a good idea to give them some money.
1. Our quality, investigative journalism is a scrutinising force at a time when the rich and powerful are getting away with more and more.
2. We are independent and have no billionaire owner pulling the strings, so your money directly powers our reporting.
3. It doesn’t cost much, and takes less time than it took to read this message.

I can only imagine the rich and powerful is a reference to Bill Gates and his friends, Klaus Schwab, George Soros etc.
They clearly didn’t have Monbiot in mind when they penned the first sentence.

Remember the basic rule, never click on a Guardian article as it gives them click count revenue.

Reply to  Rod Evans
October 16, 2023 1:39 am

I haven’t bought the Guardian since the late 80s. It’s been a long decline from serious journalism to 6th form nonsense.

Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 12:19 am

It’s galling that he became wealthy thanks to subsidies to his company Ecotricity that came in part from my wallet.
It gives me a little bit of pleasure that his football team and propaganda outfit Forest Green Rovers is having a poor season and may end up as non-league next season

Reply to  Ben Vorlich
October 16, 2023 8:40 am

Demand a refund for mis-selling

October 16, 2023 12:22 am

A) The government democratically reflects public concern over Global Warming.
B) So the government subsidises wind farms – giving money to Ecotricity who could not make a profit without the subsidy.
C) Ecotricity pays out to its founder, Dale Vince.
D) Dale Vince uses some of his profits in paying campaigners to raise public concern over Global Warming.
E) Go to A.

It’s a good scam.
But Forest Green Rovers are still terrible.

john cheshire
October 16, 2023 12:28 am

Are the cops going to raid his home, as they did to Laurence Fox, and will he be deprived of employment?

Reply to  john cheshire
October 16, 2023 1:54 am

They’ll bring him a cup of [green] tea.

Reply to  john cheshire
October 16, 2023 8:42 am

No, he will likely be Labours next Energy & Nut Zero Minister – anyone who’s made millions peddling this fantasy bulls**t should be awarded high office in the Climate Ministry

October 16, 2023 12:40 am

Here’s the problem: If a school teaches the “MofEE” curriculum, they cannot teach real science to the same students. MofEE curriculum starts with unfounded assumptions about CAGW, etc. which are unquestioned and unquestionable. Science is the method of arriving at truth through asking questions and testing hypotheses with experiments. They are incompatible philosophies and if students are taught the gospel of climate change they will never use science to question the underlying assumption of human evil destroying the planet. Another generation of useful idiots paid for and delivered. Game over.

Right-Handed Shark
Reply to  Nevada_Geo
October 16, 2023 5:08 am

I don’t think real science has been taught for decades. No-one under 50 seems to understand the carbon cycle or basic laws of physics, nor do they understand basic mathematics as they don’t seem to know how to convert 420 ppm to a percentage.

Lee Riffee
Reply to  Right-Handed Shark
October 16, 2023 7:46 am

Oh for the good old days back when I was in middle and high school, when the carbon cycle and other things you mention were still being taught. Not one word about “evil humans destroying the planet” nonsense – they just taught the facts. Same thing with sex ed – here are the parts you have, and this is how they work. No politics. And I went to a public high school….
I was in high school in the late 80’s so I guess I was one of the last to get something very close to a real education in public schools. Very sad and disturbing that this is no longer the case.

Reply to  Lee Riffee
October 16, 2023 12:55 pm

A climate was also something that lasted thousands to millions of years back then. Now it’s only around 30 years, which the articles on climate don’t mention. I guess that’s all the models could ever hope to forecast.

Reply to  scvblwxq
October 16, 2023 1:56 pm

“Millions of years” was the agenda for a while.Forget all that. The world started in 1850.

Reply to  Lee Riffee
October 16, 2023 1:54 pm

There was an agenda. It might have been a different agenda but it was there.

UK-Weather Lass
October 16, 2023 12:44 am

I think it is worth saying that without Watts’s condenser, coal, gas, and other fossil fuel , Mr Vince would not be here and neither would lots of other us’s. He is a prize hypocrite.

October 16, 2023 1:12 am

Thereby proving not only his venality, but also his inability to understand the science!

October 16, 2023 1:42 am

“Dale Vince is pressing ahead with plans….”

Ecojet, styled as a “flag carrier for green Britain”, will launch early next year with a 19-seater plane travelling on a route between Edinburgh and Southampton. The planes will run initially on kerosene-based fuel for the first year, before being retrofitted with engines that convert green hydrogen into electricity.”

And when the Hydrogen doesn’t work they’ll carry on as they are.

Ed Zuiderwijk
Reply to  strativarius
October 16, 2023 2:09 am

Just imagine that the Hydrogen stops working in mid flight.

Krishna Gans
Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
October 16, 2023 7:26 am

Like here ?

comment image

Reply to  strativarius
October 16, 2023 12:56 pm

Burning hydrogen releases water vapor, a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2.

Ed Zuiderwijk
October 16, 2023 2:07 am

With a bit of luck MEE’s premises are heated by Hydrogen.

John the Econ
October 16, 2023 6:48 am

“…No dark sarcasm in the classroom. Teacher leave the kids alone…”

October 16, 2023 6:51 am

New series: Lifestyles of the Rich and Devious followed by spinoffs for the Lifestyles of the Deluded and The Walking Zombie Climate Cult

Mr Ed
October 16, 2023 7:25 am

Interesting piece, a quick google put a bit more color his views and ways ====>

tories vs labour eh? That will be interesting..

October 16, 2023 8:25 am

Indoctrinating kids with clearly unproven, hysterical, heretical alarmist mumblings is child abuse – Western leaders used to call out failed states for doing this

October 16, 2023 8:53 am

Does this mean no more tar for British roads? Just a yes or no response for the court of opinion

Richard Page
Reply to  ResourceGuy
October 16, 2023 9:23 am

The local councils that are trying to bring in LTN’s (Low Traffic Neighbourhoods) are ignoring the state of the roads. So no and yes, depending on the flavour of the local government.

October 16, 2023 11:08 am

Eliminate all mandates, subsidies and tax preferences and all of our CAGW problems go away. Build new fossil fuel and nuclear generators and remove all wind and solar from the grid.

October 16, 2023 12:46 pm

Bloomberg’s green energy research team estimated that it would take $US200 trillion to stop warming by 2050, and other estimates are similar.

All of the cash, savings, and checking accounts only have $US40 trillion.

The wealth of the world is estimated to be around $US208 trillion. A 95% wealth tax would just about cover it.

October 17, 2023 9:05 am

I thought that the “correct” concentration of CO2 was 350 ppm.

October 17, 2023 7:27 pm

funding terrorists!

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