Climate Activists Defend Spreading Computer Malware to Educate Skeptics

Essay by Eric Worrall

It started a month ago, when a group of climate activists invited kids to deceive climate skeptic family members into downloading malware disguised as a cookie recipe.

First published JoNova;

Climate Skepticism Is Increasing – What If We Could Hack Our Way Out Of That?

Two terrible things have happened: the world has entered the ‘global boiling’ phase of climate emergency; and climate skepticism has increased in the past four years, worldwide. Australia is the sixth most skeptical country in the world (following Saudi Arabia, Norway, Russia, USA and the United Arab Emirates). When I tell you I was shocked to read those stats… in the passionate, optimistic bubble that is the Zee Feed audience, it can feel easy to ignore the climate deniers, delay-ers or skeptics as a vocal minority. Trouble is, that cohort of voices, the way they are supported by media and the mechanics of social algorithms are big reasons why policy progress is so. damn. slow.

The survey reveals a huge 42% of Australians are climate skeptics – so chances are you know someone who thinks this way. We can’t let this group get any bigger… which is why Zee Feed and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition is asking you to help us cheekily and sneakily change their minds with NewsJacker.

Why did you say… sneaky?

Even though you probably know a skeptic, having a direct conversation with them is not that simple. Only 31% of young Australians (10-24) feel their parents are consistently listening to their concerns on the topic. 

Climate skeptics are victims of a misinformation echo chamber. NewsJacker is an attempt to hack them out of it, without them even noticing!

NewsJacker is a cheeky website which covertly increases your climate skeptic’s exposure to more factually accurate news. On the surface, it will look like you’re simply sharing an online recipe for easy homemade cookies. But when they visit the link, specially designed technology built into the site updates their online cookies… now telling The Internet that they are seriously pro-climate action. Because of this, as they browse they will see more search results for accurate climate change stories and be targeted by more pro-climate ads and content.

Read more:

This brazen act of computer hacking attracted criticism;

Malware Is Not Ok, No Matter Your Cause

Climate activists think distributing malware is “clever”

by Lushington D. Brady 29 September, 2023 11:30 am

If you think it’s a clever idea to send out a malware bot as a major recruitment campaign and still barely manage to suck in more than a couple of thousand confused Boomers, you just might be a “youth climate activist”.

The “clever” online campaign was the brainchild of the “Australian Youth Climate Coalition” — who are about as youthful as a middle-aged porn actress putting her hair in pigtails and claiming to be a “teen”. Although at least the porn actress is making an honest living.

Like all criminals, the climate con artists think their ends justify their dodgy means.

Grace Vegesana, AYCC’s director of climate & racial Justice, told The Australian that for young Australians, “climate change was the biggest fight of our lives – so we aren’t afraid to get creative in how we take action”.

“Ultimately, we’re taking action to create a fair and just world, with a stable climate and healthy environment for our communities and future generations – and don’t mind being a bit cheeky in the ­process,” she said.

Read more:

The “youths” have apparently defended their actions, on the grounds that they are not attempting to harm the targets of their deception, but all the stories I found mentioning this are behind paywalls.

Doesn’t this kind of desperation just scream “loser”?

The climate panic is dying. The climate panic is no longer useful to scoundrels who use such public panics as props to decieve voters, so it is just not getting the attention it once did. These days the only people who take the climate panic seriously are people who already intended to vote for the scoundrels.

But for a handful of true believers, this general collapse in interest, even amongst politicians they once thought were reliable supporters, spells the literal end of the world. People just don’t care that everything is collapsing!

I guess we can all look forward to a few years of increasingly frantic activism like this attempt to spread malware, if not violence and outright terrorism, during the final death throes of the climate scare.

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Joseph Zorzin
September 30, 2023 10:12 am

Climate Activists Defend Spreading Computer Malware to Educate Skeptics
I’m serious when I say the crime of spreading malware should be severe- something like 20 years of hard labor- maybe on a chain gang down in Alabama. I’ve gotten malware once or twice on my computers and what I would have done to the perpetrator if I could have gotten my hands on him would have been even worse than what I suggest above.

Peta of Newark
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
September 30, 2023 10:32 am

Naaaaah. Don’t get mad – get even

Simply turn the thing around so it does to warmists what they want it to do to skeptics.

The really concerning aspect to this is that they didn’t even envisage that possibility.
As The Wisdom goes:
When thought of as a fool, don’t act or open your mouth so as to remove any doubt

Reply to  Peta of Newark
September 30, 2023 4:43 pm

And remember that if you swing your fist at my nose, the response may not be proportional.

Paul Hurley
September 30, 2023 10:13 am

Yes, but it’s “good” malware. So what if it renders your work or home computer unusable and susceptible to other infections and spyware? It’s the message that’s important.


Reply to  Paul Hurley
September 30, 2023 2:39 pm

Get these people ON RECORD on the issue.

Reply to  Paul Hurley
October 2, 2023 2:23 pm

These people believe that the end justifies the means, just like you-know-who.

September 30, 2023 10:14 am

Desperation is becoming apparent.

Reply to  mleskovarsocalrrcom
September 30, 2023 11:31 am

Diane Feinstein says it sure is hot around here.

Reply to  Scissor
September 30, 2023 6:48 pm

Just wait until Brandon asks her on stage to give a few words…

Joseph Zorzin
September 30, 2023 10:15 am

Grace Vegesana, AYCC’s director of climate & racial Justice, told The Australian that for young Australians, “climate change was the biggest fight of our lives…”

Oh, how little do these youngsters know!

Richard Page
Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
September 30, 2023 12:58 pm

A few years down the line with this level of climate change activism will result in a “fight of our lives” but not of some fictional, overhyped ideological struggle but heating, lighting, food, jobs – actual survival.

Reply to  Joseph Zorzin
October 1, 2023 8:54 am

No, China has a long term goal of colonizing Australia. That will be the biggest fight of Aus grandchildrens’ lives. Whoever has the best drones or selective biological agents will win.

Joseph Zorzin
Reply to  DMacKenzie
October 1, 2023 5:11 pm

and best nuclear subs?

Ron Long
September 30, 2023 10:18 am

We’re in a war. If you are reading WATTS (with a few exceptions) you play by the rules, try to analyze with actual data in a scientific process, and reach a conclusion. The Green Mob/Net Nothing/CAGW crowd does not follow the rules. I was in a war where we followed the rules (or suffered the consequences) and the other side did not. OK, one of us, on the good side, did not follow the rules. The Australian pilots I flew on OV-10 Bronco missions said, often, and with action to back it up “rules? We kill the enemy and go home. That’s the rules.” Climate hackers beware.

Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 30, 2023 4:31 pm

Actually Skeptics/realists won the argument years ago as I see it from the few large forums that I attend to correct and expose the errors and the lies they promote which have become easy for me as I have posted over 5,000 times on this singular topic alone and a few hundred more on blogs and have run my own climate forum for years as well before it was maliciously shut down but wayback machine really liked my forum as most of it still accessible.

The Warmist/Alarmists in forums are chronic liars as they use the same few papers that were long ago exposed as failures and that they continually ignore long history of past weather on singular bad weather events we see today they also move the goal post a lot and ignore good science papers by the THOUSANDS that doesn’t support the climate crisis industry all as posted in a few blogs and a forum.

They use the following junk papers such as Sherwood’s bogus “hot spot” is real paper, Marcott’s bogus paper with that stupid add on temperature data onto a proxy only based chart, Shakun’s dishonest paper, Manns hockey stick paper and more all are dishonest to just lies level of deceit a sure sign they KNOW they are shilling the climate crisis propaganda to support a lie for monetary gain and false prestige they gain from it.

Jim Masterson
Reply to  Sunsettommy
September 30, 2023 9:05 pm

All good junk papers. I would add Kiehl and Trenberth 1997 too.

Jeff Alberts
Reply to  Sunsettommy
October 1, 2023 7:24 am

Did you take a breath while typing those three run-on sentences? 🙂

Gregg Eshelman
Reply to  Eric Worrall
October 1, 2023 2:38 am

Doctors Without Borders has been running scaremongering YouTube ads about increasing natural disasters caused by the “climate emergency”.

abolition man
September 30, 2023 10:30 am

A key trait of psychopaths is their ability to engage in and justify criminal activity! We are currently engaged in a war for the survival of human civilization where our opponents are largely ignorant, illiterate or insane; in other words, perfect Marxist cannon fodder!

September 30, 2023 10:38 am

We are winning one small step at a time. CAGW monsters know they have no proper science to back them up, only lies and cheating. This article proves it. We need to double down and get our message out to the average guy. It is the average guy who is going to push us over the finish line.

Rick C
Reply to  Bob
September 30, 2023 8:51 pm

It always amazes me that these climate activists think that skeptics can be convinced by bombarding them with ridiculous propaganda such as that churned out by Covering Climate Now hacks. If you want to change a skeptic’s mind sit down with one and have a serious discussion and debate the evidence. Of course, this can result in the climate believer losing faith, but most will simply not engage because they don’t actually know anything about the actual science. They just repeat what they’ve been fed by the media and propagandists such as “97% of scientists agree.” On the rare occasion when I’ve gotten into a discussion with an activist, it immediately becomes apparent they know nothing about the science. Most cannot even tell you the approximate composition of the atmosphere, much less what ECS, TCR, LWR or TSI mean. Activists will not engage in debates with skeptics because they simply don’t know what they’re talking about.

Reply to  Rick C
October 1, 2023 3:38 pm

You are right.

September 30, 2023 10:40 am

“But when they visit the link, specially designed technology built into the site updates their online cookies… now telling The Internet that they are seriously pro-climate action. Because of this, as they browse they will see more search results for accurate climate change stories and be targeted by more pro-climate ads and content.”
So it modifies the browsers cookies. Which then direct searches – meaning google and bing.
They are already filtering.
I wonder if malwarebytes can check cookies. Hmmm.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  bonbon
September 30, 2023 11:54 am

Is secretly updating cookies to do that or unnecessary installing cookies legal in the UK and EU?

Reply to  bonbon
September 30, 2023 12:17 pm

I wonder if malwarebytes can check cookies.

I am unfamiliar with malwarebytes. I am unfamiliar with many, many things. I use no social media sites or any other service that requires me to agree to legitimising squatters on my computer.
The day I found out what cookies are, I scrubbed my hard drive of them, set my browser to delete cookies on exit, and I close down pages that insist I accept cookies before I can visit.
I look down on people who accept “Recommended for you” links. Especially since I found out the “AI” that censors the ‘Net is actually a bunch of blue-haired misgendered diabetics who have a tendency to smear their excrement all over their shift-share cubicle before they jump out the window onto the car they live in.
…but you must admit, is was friggin’ hilarious when people suddenly realised all those CIA spooks working on social media used to work for the…CIA.

UK-Weather Lass
September 30, 2023 10:41 am

Let’s not forget the whole Climate Activist movement has been malicious and deceitful from the very beginning including Mann’s ‘hockey stick’, the many cancellations (Ridd, Curry, etc), and the seething conceit of a movement that believes it has a right to literally harm all others standing in their way.

What goes around comes around.

Richard Page
Reply to  UK-Weather Lass
September 30, 2023 1:03 pm

Peter Gleick helped set the bar incredibly low for activist ethics and morals.

Reply to  Richard Page
September 30, 2023 2:49 pm

Low bar for sure… but they keep trying to set a new limbo record.

Reply to  UK-Weather Lass
October 2, 2023 5:15 pm

If we get in their way . . .

September 30, 2023 10:43 am

So now the climate “truth tellers” reckon they have to resort to lying in order to get their “truths” accepted.

These jokers really do regard 1984 as an instruction manual.

September 30, 2023 10:44 am

“”invited kids””

They use kids.

Utterly disgraceful

David Wojick
September 30, 2023 11:01 am

I think “trickware” might be more accurate than malware. Here is a standard definition of malware: “Malware, or malicious software, is a blanket term for any kind of computer software with malicious intent.”

Note malicious intent as a necessary condition. That looks to be absent in this case, quite the opposite in fact. They think they are doing good.

Curious George
Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 11:13 am

At least they put some effort in trickware. Has anybody analyzed it?

Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 12:25 pm

Note malicious intent as a necessary condition. That looks to be absent in this case,

While I see your point, I feel a pointed need to point out that the goodness of an action is measured by the result, not the intent. There are people who feel morally obliged to introduce children to the machinations of sexual intercourse at the earliest possible age. Can we prove malicious intent? But it is evil, still?
But, technically, the conscious attempt to infiltrate my equipment with intent to change my behaviour? That’s a form of terrorism, and the intent to harm, obvious.

David Wojick
Reply to  cilo
September 30, 2023 12:33 pm

Glad you see my point. As for this being terrorism, surely not. Every ad inserted into your screen is with the intent to change your behavior. We need to save the word terrorism for the real thing lest the word become useless.

Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 11:06 pm

Seeing your point, disagreeing with your point.
Advertising is when you try convince me to buy your product or service. Refusing to make adverts where all the family is one colour, that’s propaganda. Twenty-second movies to convince my children to cut off their genitals and buy only approved symbol-drenched crud that poisons them as they walk, while denigrating their own culture? That’s terrorism.
The climastrologist libtard resetter movement is a terrorist conglomerate any way you look at it, and giving them leeway for misunderstandings and oopsies is exactly how they got where they are; influencing the very way you look at life and existence. They make no mistakes, ever, they just get caught out a lot, but who’s gonna stop them, even the good guys on WUWT are protecting them!

Reply to  Eric Worrall
September 30, 2023 4:52 pm

If it causes my machine to do something that I did not ask it to do, then it is malware.

Rud Istvan
September 30, 2023 11:02 am

More evidence they know we are slowly winning and they are slowly losing. The shriller they get, the better. And they have nothing but shrill left:

  1. None of the past predictions of doom came true—sea level rise didn’t accelerate, summer Arctic sea ice didn’t disappear, Glacier National Park still has glaciers.
  2. At meaningful grid penetration, renewables become ruinables.
  3. Net Zero is physically impossible; Sunak blinked.
  4. China and India won’t play along.
  5. Greenies running out of other people’s money.
Reply to  Rud Istvan
September 30, 2023 12:26 pm

Greenies running out of other people’s money.

…but they won’t stop until they’ve run out of other people.

J Boles
Reply to  cilo
October 1, 2023 8:44 am

YUP! They are going to fight CC until the last drop of…the peasants blood!

Reply to  Rud Istvan
October 1, 2023 9:11 am

Rud, I’m not sure about that winning scenario. In Alberta we’re geographically flat with little potential for hydro dams, but are wealthy in coal, and O&G. Our vote smuckering federal masters ram carbon taxes down our throat to pay for their EV incentive programs to the condo dwellers of Toronto and Montreal. There is a palpable feeling of political revolt in the air based on CO2…incredibly stupid…

David Wojick
September 30, 2023 11:03 am

I do not see the climate panic dying, just weakening a bit. It is important to get this right.

Mr Ed
Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 11:56 am

It’s only a matter of time as the reality of the green blob is realized =====>

$1Million ea while they are sitting on a major gas field.

Rud Istvan
Reply to  Mr Ed
September 30, 2023 12:13 pm

Proterra is bankrupt and gone. Going to be very difficult to get those Jackson Wyoming busses running again.

David Wojick
Reply to  Mr Ed
September 30, 2023 12:35 pm

Yes but it might take 50 years and even them alarmism might become a relatively harmless standard left wing plank, like gun control.

Mr Ed
Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 1:38 pm

I’m keeping my eye on two things, the unemployment rate and the price of
diesel. We came very close to a major depression back in ’07/’08 and with
the level of debt which those buses and other green agenda items were financed with and if the economy goes off track the reality will hit hard and deep.

Reply to  Mr Ed
September 30, 2023 7:18 pm

This week the Biden mal-administration passed new regulations whose goal is to make gas stoves all but illegal.

Gregg Eshelman
Reply to  Mr Ed
October 1, 2023 2:58 am

I don’t know why none of these cities will call up Chattanooga, TN and ask how their electric shuttle buses have been going for over 30 years. They got an initial federal grant circa 1992 to get started. Since then it’s been funded from a cut of the paid parking downtown and donation boxes on the shuttle buses and at the two stations.

The first buses used lead acid batteries and a quick swap system was installed at the old train station. When upgrades were made to nickel-metal-hydride the quick swap system was no longer needed. The buses could run almost a full day’s use on a charge, and topping up was fast enough to get enough charge to finish a shift. A few years ago they had switched most of the fleet to lithium-ion which could have enough capacity for a full day’s use.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they are or soon will be switching to lithium-iron-phosphate.

Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 12:28 pm

…and the more they lose, the more cruel they’re going to become…

David Wojick
Reply to  cilo
October 1, 2023 12:28 pm

But they have limited power for cruelty at this point. Alarmism is no in charge, especially not in America where very few Republicans are seriously alarmist.

September 30, 2023 11:34 am

When someone stoops to using deception, they reveal their true nature. Such a person can’t be trusted, regardless of the motivation for their deceit.

David Wojick
Reply to  ppenrose
September 30, 2023 12:38 pm

I would say these people are downright dangerous, much less not trustworthy.

September 30, 2023 11:41 am

This action put the NewsJacker website is a clear violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now in force and now implemented on most websites around the world. Stealth insertion of a tracking cookie is a clear breach of the rules and can lead to appreciable fines.

“Failure to comply with GDPR may result in a fine of up to 4% of the annual turnover. It is defined in article 12 of the Regulation.”

The GDPR analysis tool reports:

=====X Prior consent to other than strictly necessary cookies (ePrivacy)
What’s the Problem:
Cookies installed during the loading of pages are not strictly necessary. For EU users these cookies can be installed after obtaining prior consent (Rec. 30 and Rec. 32 of the GDPR)
How to Solve it:
On the site, you need to add a cookie consent form and block cookies if user consent is not obtained. For details, see this guide
Pages list:
Below are the webpages loaded and cookies that require prior consent from EU users to be installed:
Cookie (Google Analytics): _ga;

Reply to  fos
September 30, 2023 11:59 am

Checking further, the situation is much worse. The malware link takes you to the website

This is what the GDPR tool finds:

Prior consent to other than strictly necessary cookies (ePrivacy)

What’s the Problem:
Cookies installed during the loading of pages are not strictly necessary. For EU users these cookies can be installed after obtaining prior consent (Rec. 30 and Rec. 32 of the GDPR)

How to Solve it:
On the site, you need to add a cookie consent form and block cookies if user consent is not obtained. For details, see this guide

Pages list:
Below are the webpages loaded and cookies that require prior consent from EU users to be installed:
Cookie (Google AdSense): _gcl_au;
Cookie (Google Analytics): _ga;
Cookie (Google Doubleclick): IDE;
Cookie (Vimeo): vuid;
Prior consent to personal data (GDPR)
Possible problems! Hide

What’s the Problem:
Cookies installed during the loading of pages are used to track site visitors for marketing purposes, including displaying relevant ads. For EU users these cookies can be installed after obtaining prior consent (Rec. 30 and Rec. 32 of the GDPR)

How to Solve it:
On the site, you need to add a cookie consent form and block cookies if user consent is not obtained. For details, see this guide

Pages list:
Below are the webpages loaded and cookies that require prior consent from EU users to be installed:
Cookie (Google AdSense): _gcl_au;
Cookie (Google Doubleclick): IDE;
Personal data is transmitted to ‘adequate countries’ (GDPR)
Possible problems! Hide

What’s the Problem:
Cookies installed during the loading of pages can be used to track for marketing purposes and be transferred to countries that are not recognised as providing an adequate level of data protection (Art. 45 GDPR)

How to Solve it:
You need to analyse whether the data transfer complies with Articles 46-49 of the GDPR. Otherwise, according to Art. 49 (a) of the GDPR, clear consent should be obtained from EU users.

Pages list:
Below are the webpages loaded and cookies that require prior consent from EU users to be installed:
Cookie IDE:
•,, United States
•,, United States
Other risks of personal data breaches (GDPR)
The scanner did not find known issues

These people cannot be described in polite language!

Reply to  fos
September 30, 2023 12:19 pm

The owner/administrator of is:
Clemenger Group Limited
Address:474 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004 AU (Australia)

WUWT’s Australian readers should consider some non-violent action…

David Wojick
Reply to  fos
September 30, 2023 12:44 pm

Wow! They claim to be Oz’s biggest marketing company.
Heavy hitters. Who is paying for this evil campaign?

David Wojick
Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 1:34 pm

This might be an illegal form of fraud. It might even be wire fraud. On Oz who would one report wire fraud to? That might at least scare them off.

Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 10:50 pm

I forgot to add this – sorry.

There is a banner at the bottom of the single page of It concludes with an interesting sentence:

By accepting our site’s cookies you are also agreeing to signalling an interest to digital media companies that you’re interested in improving the quality of news you receive on our climate.

We could have a lengthy debate about the ‘legality’ of this statement, particularly since the home page is the only page there is on this website.

I haven’t tested this (can’t be bothered, frankly) but my suspicion is that the cookies are set whether the visitor clicks the accept button or not. This would explain why the GDPR compliance tester threw up so many alerts, since the cookies were set without the user’s explicit acquiescence.

Reporting this abuse:
The violation would have to be reported to the Australian data protection body that is responsible for GDPR. I’m not in Australia, so I am not eligible to do this.

David Wojick
Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 1:35 pm

Including software development we have to be talking millions of dollars, maybe many.

Reply to  David Wojick
September 30, 2023 3:58 pm

“[In] Oz who would one report wire fraud to”
If damage can be demonstrated, you can report a cybercrime, incident or vulnerability to I have a report that is being actioned by the State Police. For more general “wire fraud”, complain to the TIO – telecommunications industry ombudsman. The latter has rather a lot of complaints. Last time I looked there were 275,000, 90+% against a government-owned agency 🙂 You can report scams to
For self-defence, use a browser that permits addons, eg uBlock Origin. You can turn this on and off. Cookies are an item that mostly helps them rather than you. Try purging all cookies every so often.

The CVE website ( ) lists the number of cybersecurity vulnerabilities for three operating systems; ChromeOS; 55, Windows; 1111, macOS; 2212. Android not yet counted but probably substantial. Have a look at ThreatFabric [ ] Be vigilant, don’t use two-factor verification on a phone (it can be hacked by $80 software). Get good virus/malware protection. If you have a spare desktop computer of a recent standard, reformat it (not dual-boot) and run Linux.

September 30, 2023 11:43 am

I think I heard a similar idiotic justification, just worded differently:

“It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”
—unnamed US major quoted by AP journalist Peter Arnett covering the battle of Bến Tre during the Vietnam War

Ben Vorlich
September 30, 2023 11:49 am

Is it morally justifiable to fix the Climate into the state it was in when you were a child?

Richard Page
Reply to  Ben Vorlich
September 30, 2023 1:09 pm

I wouldn’t trust these incompetent climate enthusiasts to fix their own bedroom into the state it was in when they were a child, far less the climate.

More Soylent Green!
September 30, 2023 12:12 pm

These people need something to give meaning to their lives. Traditional religion is out with our youth. Activism, especially climate activism, is hip or cool or whatever it’s called these days.

Don’t get me wrong, climate is a religion.

September 30, 2023 1:49 pm

Stop using Microsoft Windows, and all malware threats disappear. If most of the people in the world stopped using Windows tomorrow, the software security business would vanish overnight. Malware is based on a technology invented by Microsoft called ActiveX. The Unix-based operating systems don’t have that problem (Mac OS, Linux, and a half dozen others). This is not news. I’ve known about it for over twenty years.

Reply to  apsteffe
September 30, 2023 2:12 pm

Windows gets the bulk of the malware because it’s the most popular OS in general use. I won’t argue that it’s not easier, but if everyone gave up Windows, they would find another target.

Other OS’s have their share of malware already.

Reply to  Tony_G
September 30, 2023 11:35 pm

Tony, I think my comment above was for you…

Reply to  cilo
October 1, 2023 9:30 am

I will never argue that MS isn’t the most vulnerable, but if there IS one I certainly have not heard of it. I’ve just seen malware for other OSs often enough to know that OS doesn’t make a difference other than the sheer number.

MS products certainly do collect information. I remember a scandal some years back that even if you “opted out” it was still sending data. It’s certainly not the only one that does. I just operate with the assumption that all commercial programs do, and even open source programs might (unless I’m involved in their development and therefore know the code).

As for being a tool for the CIA from the start, I can’t say I quite buy that (although I wouldn’t doubt it presently at all) – it sounds a bit conspiracy theory-ish. But given recent events, I don’t dismiss conspiracy theories. Too many seem to be proving true.

As for Gates, his “genius” was marketing, not coming up with the OS (that certainly was stolen from elsewhere)

Reply to  apsteffe
September 30, 2023 11:34 pm

You are sort of on the right track. Microsoft is not the only vulnerable operating system, they all are. What makes Microshit special, is that it was, from the day Baal Gates “bought” it, a tool by/for the CIA to snoop on computers. Windows was designed to collect information, and I’m starting to suspect there’s a deal with the carriers, not to count the data Microsheize runs in the background, feeding your actions back to Langley.
Or do you really think that slightly retarded clown in rayon jumpers invented anything, or did anything honest in its life?

September 30, 2023 1:57 pm

The climate of the Earth as a whole is still a 2.58-million-year ice age named the Quaternary Glaciation. The Earth is in a warmer but still cold interglacial period that happens about every 100,000 years and lasts about 10,000 years which alternates with a cold glacial period that lasts about 90,000 years. The Earth still has around 200,000 glaciers and 11 percent of the land is permafrost. The ice age the Earth is in won’t end and the climate won’t officially change until all the natural ice melts.

Although it is warmer than in glacial periods, people outside of the tropics still have to live in heated houses, drive heated cars, work in heated buildings, and wear warm clothes and shoes in parts of the Earth like the United States and Europe during the winter and often the spring and fall as well. Humans like the temperature of their skin to be around 85 degrees Fahrenheit but the average temperature in the United States is around 52 degrees, so they have had to find ways to keep warm to live there year round..

September 30, 2023 2:05 pm

Bloomberg’s green-energy research team estimates it will take $US 200 trillion to stop warming by 2050 and calls that a bargain. 

Figuring that there are about 2 billion households, that is about $100,000 per household. Also figuring that 90% of the households in the world don’t have extra money, that would be about $1 million dollars for households in developed nations or about $30,000 per household per year over 30 years to stop temperatures from rising 1 degree Celsius. 

That is completely unaffordable. Given the choice between having temperatures rise 1 degree or having $1 million dollars almost everybody would prefer the $1 million dollars.

The millionaires and billionaires have $208 trillion in wealth. That would cover it, but they would probably like to hold onto their wealth and they control the media.

September 30, 2023 2:37 pm

Do they also chant the “Nobody is above the law” mantra is that area?

September 30, 2023 2:47 pm

Noted that none of the usual trolls have arrived to condone this malware initiative.

Lee Riffee
September 30, 2023 4:37 pm

These kids who are being roped into sending malware to family members’ computers really need to study history. That way, they can learn about ancient societies and what was often done to try to ensure good weather and a stable climate. And then to find that no amount of bloodshed (both animal AND human) had any effect on the climate….and that societies and kingdoms rose and fell, often on the whim of nature and earth’s ever changing climate!

And being young people, if they had been born in a different age and time, they might well have found themselves on a sacrificial altar. All in the name of appeasing some weather or agricultural deity.

But actually, it is today’s youth who will end up being one of the sacrifices if this green madness isn’t stopped.

September 30, 2023 5:37 pm

They’re a “youth coalition” in the sense that, no matter their biological age, they’re stuck in adolescent thinking: black-and-white, uncalibrated to context and experience, and grossly lacking background knowledge.

September 30, 2023 8:43 pm

Like all good little communists, the ends justify the means – and, to quote Reagan, there’s just so much they know that isn’t so.

John XB
October 1, 2023 5:02 am

Maybe scepticism is increasing as people learn more about the issue and see for themselves all the prophesied dooms have not come to pass?

George Daddis
October 1, 2023 7:00 am

Their deception aimed at children goes beyond “malware”.

“Two terrible things have happened:

..the world has entered the ‘global boiling’ phase of climate emergency;”…
That phrase is a nonsensical exaggeration taken from a speech by a UN official with absolutely no scientific meaning;

“..and climate skepticism has increased in the past four years, worldwide.”
Because they prefaced the sentence by saying two terrible things have happened they are misleading kids into thinking skepticism about their claims is a bad thing (a form of “begging the question”.)

Jeff Alberts
October 1, 2023 7:20 am

Two terrible things have happened: the world has entered the ‘global boiling’ phase of climate emergency; and climate skepticism has increased in the past four years, worldwide.”

Two untrue things, right off the bat.

Obviously there is no “global boiling”. That’s just stupid.

And does anyone here know of anyone who is skeptical of climate?? Anyone? Beuller?

J Boles
October 1, 2023 7:36 am

But you can be sure that all those who yell CLIMATE CRISIS! themselves use FF every day, every day without fail and if you took away their FF they would go ballistic!

Bob Johnston
October 1, 2023 8:39 am

The thing I don’t understand is that CAGW skeptics are skeptics because they’ve recognized the propaganda as propaganda… sending more propaganda their way is simply going to piss them off and not sway them.

These dumb alarmists have always viewed their message being rejected as a communication problem when actual the problem is that skeptics know they’re full of sh#t.

October 1, 2023 9:10 am

Actually it is the climate activists who are in an echo chamber, reverberating their junk science and believing it to be true. Skeptics are based on real science and facts, not an opinion or belief. These are two very different mindsets. One based on false assumptions of junk science and false beliefs, even faith. The other is anchored in the real world, real science, and how it works.

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