The Cult of Darkness

From MasterResource By Edward Hudgins — December 22, 2023 “Energy is not for conserving; it is for unleashing to serve us, to make our lives better, to allow us to…

NETZERO is impeding progress on UN Sustainable Development Goals

There’s no such thing as a low energy, rich country.

Convicts, cars, rats and the best program you’ve never heard of – lessons for energy

That is what can cause one to lose their mind by following energy too closely; the possibility for fantastically productive ‘and’ solutions is not encouraged, it is discouraged. We need…

Net-Zero Targets: Sustainable Future or CO2 Obsession Driven Dead-end?

Only nuclear energy is a viable “stock limited” resource where the stocks are much larger than the jack pot from fossil fuels.

Africa Doesn’t Need Western Elites’ Meaningless Climate Policies

The economic benefits of fossil fuel production are obvious and badly needed.

Bad Policy: Germany Keeps Making Its Energy Increasingly Expensive, Fueling Inflation

Germany’s exploding prices have little to do with economic cycles. The inflationary spiral is being driven by short-sighted, misguided government energy policies based on junk climate science.

The AI Revolution Is Bad News for Net Zero

Driven by the expansion of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and the need for economic growth in developing countries, there is zero chance that Net Zero will be achieved…

The Elites Directing The Energy Transition Really Have No Idea What They Are Doing

They can be very confident that no one in their circles will ever check the math to see if the numbers add up.

New Book—Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure

Green Breakdown is a complete discussion of all facets of the proposed renewable transition, including power plants, home appliances, electric vehicles, ships, aircraft, heavy industry, carbon capture and storage, and…

Voters Will Need to Decide If Our Energy System Remains Affordable and Reliable, Or Descends into Chaos

Don’t buy magic beans. And please, please don’t vote for anyone that doesn’t know the difference. No one has any idea how much is at stake.

Germany – UK – France Weather-Dependent “Renewables” 2022 : 2023

This damage to the performance of power generation in Western Nations is made in the context that most of the world including China, India and other rapidly growing Nations have…

Labour’s Energy Plans Will Lead To (UK) Blackouts

The model also finds that there would be a shortage of power for 48% of the year, and a surplus for 52%.

LA Times says quiet part out loud: ‘Would an occasional blackout help solve climate change?’ – ‘We might not have a choice’

Could we get started ditching gas sooner — and save some money — by accepting a few more blackouts for the next few years?

Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie: Power Grid is Facing ‘Dire Consequences’ Due to Coal & Gas Retirements

The problem is the subtraction of coal and gas and other dispatchable resources which are the ones we need during this transition to keep the lights on.

Coal: The Missing Link

The natural-gas industry in Australia is effectively ‘feeding the crocodile’. It should consider the possibility that, after coal, it is next on the list. And treat coal as an ally,…

EPA to Propose First Controls on CO2 Emissions From Power Plants – ‘Will be 1st time fed gov’t has limited CO2 from existing power plants’

Ignoring last June’s SCOTUS decision in West Virgina v. EPA, the rogue Biden regime plans another assault on our electricity grid by essentially requiring CO2 capture and storage for fossil…

The Unbearable Lightness of Renewables – In Time

By: Leen Weijers, VP Engineering, Liberty Energy Wind and solar don’t work most of the time. You may think intermittency is acceptable because the sun shines for free and the…

12 Ways the Planet Could Truly Be Saved | Bjørn Lomborg | EP 345

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Bjørn Lomborg go through each of the “doable dozen,” a series of issues that cost relatively little to solve, and yet doing so would yield…

A Fresh Approach to Energy Policy

The government’s relentless pursuit of lower emissions is inconsistent with these yet-to-be-resolved issues.

Lauren Boebert on climate and politics at Heartland’s Climate Conference in 2023

She discussed how she and fellow conservatives fought for reforms in the House Rules, and how she is fighting against the radical climate agenda of the Biden administration and Democrats…

Feasibility for Achieving a Net Zero Economy for the U.S. by 2050

Short of a command economy, it is simply an unattainable pipe dream, and we will struggle to get 10–20% of the way to the target, even with a democratic mandate…

Don’t Believe the Geniuses Claiming to Know Our Energy Future

The energy supply will inexorably move to whatever best supplies consumer needs at the lowest cost.

Childish Beliefs Drive Lethal Energy and Agricultural Agendas

These ideas, and these policy proponents, are what should be banished from government, media and academic institutions. Not the wondrous technologies that make modern life possible. 

Andrew Bolt: ‘Willful ignorance’ on climate change is making people ‘poorer and weaker’

“One green scheme after the other, failed or in strife, costing billions more than promised.”

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