Just Believe and Drought Not

If you read a newspaper or watch or listen to TV or radio news, you have heard that the drought in the State of California is one or more of…

Permanent California Drought Update

But the drought’s not over!

Is Much of Washington State Experiencing Severe and Extreme Drought?

From the Cliff Mass Weather Blog Cliff Mass It is very unfortunate when government entities provide information that is incorrect and exaggerated. Misinformation made worse by the willing repetition by…

Doubts About Droughts

“Drought is a complicated phenomenon, and can be hard to define. One difficulty is that drought means different things in different regions. A drought is defined depending on the average amount…

New Studies Find No Global Drought Trend Since 1902…Global Flood Magnitudes Decline with Warming

With regard to drought, the global trends indicate there has actually been a de-intensification of meteorological (climate-related) drought from 1959-2014 relative to to 1902-1959.

Meteorologist: “No Need To Worry About Drought” in Germany…Enough Water In The Ground

We don’t need to worry at all that drought and dryness are coming in the foreseeable future. That issue we can completely forgotten about this summer, the way things look…

Dishonest Climate Fear-mongering headline of the week goes to USA TODAY

Rarely does a year elapse without a flooding event of a significant magnitude being reported in at least one of Vermont’s fourteen counties or perhaps statewide, making this the number-one…

Is The Dry Getting Drier?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach So I was wandering through the marvelous KNMI website, and I came across data for the Palmer Self-Correcting Drought Severity Index. This is an index…

Wrong, Washington Post, Climate Change Is Not Driving ‘Arizona’s Water Troubles’

This lack of investigative journalistic honesty has become commonplace at the WaPo, where apparently “Science Dies in Darkness.”

How Unusual Is the Recent Dry Period?

No suggestion that global warming/climate change is the cause.

Expert Prof. Gerd Ganteför Calls For More Studies On The Regional Climate Impact By Wind Turbines

More wind parks means less wind, which means less precipitation, which in turn means more drought and warmer temperatures. 

How a drought affects trees depends on what’s been holding them back

Contrary to expectation, sometimes a record-breaking drought can increase tree growth.

Note to Yale Climate Connections – There Is no Link Between Droughts and Climate Change

The author of the YCC editorial ignored these easily discoverable facts, perhaps out of ignorance

The Case of the Missing Climate Crisis:  Greek Edition

“Given the European declaration of climate emergency, along with the establishment of a ministry of climate crisis in Greece, this dataset was also investigated from a climatic perspective using the…

US Drought: What a Difference a Year Makes

…what alarmists were calling Extreme Climate Change in the US, was in fact, simply weather.

Claim: Droughts developing more rapidly says global study

…global warming has made the world wetter on the whole.

UN Secretary-General Wrong to Blame Climate Change for Somalian Suffering

Social and political instability is a much more likely culprit, especially since Somalia’s current drought is not unprecedented, and neighboring countries also under drought conditions are have not experienced similar…

The Science of Dryness & California Droughts & Fire

A public succumbing to fear mongering and lies only opens the door for bad solutions and government tyranny.

California Still in Drought?  Yes, No and Maybe — Part 2

What is the drought situation in California now, as of this week? You will not be surprised that the answer to this question is: “It depends on who you ask”

California Still in Drought?  Yes, No and Maybe — Part 1

“Drought is generally defined as “a deficiency of precipitation over an extended period of time (usually a season or more), resulting in a water shortage. … drought can be difficult…

The California Drought is Over. Definitively.

 Blaming climate change as the primary cause for current problems and recent “drought” leads to not dealing with the real problems.

BBC’s Fake Worst Drought in China Claim

Apparently a dry summer is worse than two years of barely any rain:

Climate Change is Not Causing Famines

While showing heartbreaking footage of children starving in Somalia, CBS News blamed their plight on climate change, but the facts reveal an entirely different story.

Somalia Says Drought Is Due to Climate Change, As They Demand Billions

…population growth, a ten-fold increase since 1950, is the main reason why droughts like these, which are perfectly natural and common events, now have such a human impact.

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