The Evil of Climate Alarmism: Dissecting Michael Walsh’s: Hoax of the Millennium

The discourse around climate change has been nothing short of apocalyptic, with proclamations of impending doom dominating our news feeds. However, as Michael Walsh’s excellent column, “Hoax of the Millennium,” elucidates, the scenario isn’t quite as dire as climate alarmists would have us believe. This blog post attempts to dissect Walsh’s column and unpack the truths often overlooked in the climate change debate.

Today, and each day for the next two weeks, will address the issue of “climate change,” which like Covid-19 and “Russian collusion,” is one of the great hoaxes of the modern era, maliciously concocted out of whole cloth by people who mean to harm western civilization and using the cudgel of “compassion” and “concern” with which to do it. Of the three, the “climate change” hoax, which threatens the foundations of civilized life, is by far the most inimical. Please follow our series as we debunk the claims made by the apocalypticists and their media allies.

Walsh begins his column by labeling climate change, Covid-19, and “Russian collusion” as the greatest hoaxes of the modern era, designed by those who intend to harm western civilization. But it is climate change, according to Walsh, that is the most threatening hoax because of its potential to undermine the foundations of civilized life. He urges readers to follow the series at, for the next two weeks, where they will regularly debunk the apocalyptic claims made by the media and climate alarmists. Emphasis mine.

To begin: the climate is always changing. Only an illiterate or a fool cannot understand this elementary concept. There is no need to delve into any scientific studies based on wildly or deliberately inaccurate computer “models” to know this. There is no need to be emotionally stampeded by tiresome, and always wrong, Jeremiahs of doom like Paul Ehrlich. There is no truth in the statistical manipulation that proclaims a full 97 percent of “climate scientists” agree that changes in the climate are the work of mankind. You don’t have to worry about carbon emissions.

The Last Days are not upon us.

Walsh suggests that the “climate movement” threatens to undo Western civilization’s accomplishments in science, technology, and religion, replacing them with an inhuman and godless form of primitivism. The movement, according to him, promotes a culture of fear and guilt with the ultimate aim of controlling the human population. He likens the climate change narrative to a global-scale mass-suicide cult, coercing individuals into reducing their standard of living and lowering their expectations for the future.

Our writers will tackle this topic and more in the coming fortnight, but one thing is clear: you are being lied to on a massive scale by a quasi-Marxist mass-suicide cult — think Jonestown on a global scale — in order that you lower your standard of living, rid yourself of all earthly possessions, abandon your expectations for the future, stop having children, cease all consumption, and disappear from planet Earth.

The rise of this climate movement, according to Walsh, can be attributed to the decline of education, the resurgence of superstition, and an attack on the institutions and essence of Western civilization. Such a cult perceives Western civilization as the ultimate expression of “white supremacy,” advocating for its obliteration.

It is imperative that we break the stranglehold this new form of demonic possession now has on our society.

The column goes on to link the decline of traditional Christianity with the emergence of a twisted form of dictatorial nature worship. Walsh describes this as an ‘unnecessary guilt trip’ over supposed sins against other cultures, which now leverage their lack of scientific and artistic achievements as a critique against the West. He urges society to break the stranglehold this form of nature worship has over our civilization.

Yet. But the “climate movement” bids fair to undo everything Western man has accomplished in the fields of science, technology, and religion and replace it with a savage new primitivism that is both inhuman and godless. It relies on the patina of science to promote a culture based on fear and guilt, with the goal of reducing and taming the human population under the aegis of a small group of self-appointed bonzes.

Walsh then provides examples of how governments are implementing radical measures to satisfy this new wave of environmental fanaticism, from Holland’s seizure of farmers’ land to Ireland’s plan to cull cattle to meet emissions targets. He points out the absurdity of these measures, noting that cattle have historically been integral to Ireland’s national identity. These actions reflect the disturbing trend towards sacrificing cultural and economic stability in the name of climate action.

But the greatest deception, Walsh argues, lies in the portrayal of carbon emissions as a destructive force. He reminds us that carbon is the basis of life as we know it:

The bugbear du jour is “emissions,” a nebulous, one-size-scares-all excuse imposing an otherwise clearly insane policy on a body politic that has never once voted to starve itself to death. Our feminized culture has been so browbeaten by the Left’s shameless propaganda that the very sight of a wisp of smoke or the hint of a fart now gives a manipulated populace the vapors. Worst of all are “carbon emissions,” which have been dishonestly linked to “climate change” and have created a perfect storm of panic and fear among the gullible.

“Carbon is life. It exists in every organic life form. Life is impossible without it… The carbon atom is the essential building block of life. Every part of your body is made up of chains of carbon atoms, which is why we are known as “carbon-based life-forms.”… To attack “carbon” as an evil is to attack yourself; to eliminate carbon is to eliminate humanity.”

Walsh includes this excellent report on the benefits of CO2 from the CO2 coalition.

Walsh concludes by debunking the urgency around “climate change,” stating that the Earth will continue to warm and cool until the sun dies. He dispels the panic surrounding a global temperature rise of two degrees centigrade, arguing that a slight warming would actually be beneficial for humanity. He warns against the nefarious intentions of the World Economic Forum and its commitment to the reduction of the human population, reminding us that when you have “net-zero” emissions, you are, in effect, dead.

  • There is nothing urgent about “climate change.” The earth will continue to warm and cool until the day the Sun dies.
  • Nothing bad will happen in either the short- or long-term if global temperatures rise by two degrees centigrade, the arbitrary figure of alarm for the cultists. Indeed, a slight warming will help all of humanity.
  • Many of the people promoting the panic emerge from the malign precincts of the World Economic Forum which, under its Bond villain-in-chief, Klaus Schwab, is dedicated to the impoverishment and reduction of the human population. These are the same people who gave you the recent Covid hugger-mugger, which needlessly atomized the world’s economies and illegally locked down whole populations while cowering from a bug of next-to-zero lethality in the general population.
  • When you have “net-zero” emissions, you are dead.

His closing word, a powerful one, describes the current climate alarmist scenario as “Evil.” He calls upon readers to combat this evil not idly or half-heartedly but with the force of one’s strength, mind, and body.

There is a fine line between taking the necessary measures to protect our planet and propagating fear to serve vested interests. Michael Walsh’s column provides a thought-provoking perspective on this critical issue. It is crucial not to let the narrative become a tool of manipulation and control.

Whether you agree with Walsh’s religious perspective or not, his points of the evolution and motivation of the Climate Change Cult are extremely strong.

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Tom Halla
August 5, 2023 6:16 pm

It is more of Eric Hoffer’s observation post WWII that political movements look very much like a preaching religion. There are a limited range of behaviors people do when they get into a Cause.
A Falangist Catholic will act very much like a Trotskyite Communist, with only the content of the syndrome changing. True Believers tend to act much the same.

Reply to  Tom Halla
August 5, 2023 6:40 pm

I have no idea what you mean, but it sounds very” intelligent”. Please write in plain English so the majority of us can understand what you are conveying.

Tom Halla
Reply to  schmoozer
August 5, 2023 7:00 pm

To be aggressively casual, people who get a bug up their ass about anything, whether politics, religion, or climate change, all tend to act much the same. When Antifa, the Proud Boys, or Just Stop Oil are staging the most recent riot, it takes outside information to know what the riot was about.

Reply to  Tom Halla
August 5, 2023 7:35 pm

Thanks for the translation. I have a PE in mechanical engineering, but most of my clients can’t speak the language, so I have to keep it simple, the KISS principle.

Rich Davis
Reply to  schmoozer
August 6, 2023 4:45 pm

If you can’t follow what Tom wrote even though you have Google at your fingertips then you’re pathetic. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

Reply to  Tom Halla
August 5, 2023 10:59 pm

Yep. True believers really do have a limited repertoire of behaviour, which is why scientists should never believe, because doubt, questioning, investigation is the direct opposite of Belief. The biggest hurdle decent people have, is getting past the many, many rules and regulations the believers need to make life conform to their er… beliefs?
The sad part is, even this site is replete with people who steadfastly believe in science, while ever ready to denigrate any sign of religion in others.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  cilo
August 6, 2023 4:55 am

Some denigrate religion. Some don’t.

Religion is based on faith. Science is supposed to be based on evidence, with the exception of climate science. So there is a natural conflict when on a science-related website. Don’t take it personal.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 8:39 am

But why denigrate religion at all? Falangism and Catholics are not bound together in fact “…the Falangists gained increasing popularity at the expense of the conservatives and Roman Catholics of the right.” (From Encyclopedia Brittanica).

Many of the very science facts we mention or use here were found/discovered by people of faith. Relativity, laws of motion, Big Bang theory, Quarks etc.

I disagree about a natural conflict as someone said “God does not play dice with the Universe.”

Tom Abbott
Reply to  mkelly
August 7, 2023 4:52 am

“But why denigrate religion at all?”

I’m against denigrating someone’s religion.

I think there are a lot of things we don’t know about this universe we live in.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 11:10 am

Religion is based on faith. Science is supposed to be based on evidence

The theist sees evidence of God’s Work everywhere*. My point is that believing in science IS religion, just like Communism answers to every conceivable definition of a religion**, including pathological evangelism and putting the questioners of Holy Dogma to death. I was merely commenting on the number of people (even on this ‘science-related website’) who just will not grasp this.
*P.S. “…evidence does not constitute proof…”
**Communism is an Economics Theory, and your government’s economic theory IS your State Religion, ergo…

Tom Abbott
Reply to  cilo
August 7, 2023 4:54 am

Thanks for the clarification. I needed it. 🙂

Reply to  Tom Halla
August 6, 2023 4:03 am

| … political movements look very much like a preaching religion. 

I believe that everyone is religious because man is a religious animal, even Atheists. Religion explains who we are and is extremely useful for explaining behavior.

So, Climatism is indeed a religion, with its own peculiar notions of Original Sin [fossil fuels] and Redemption [spread the wealth].

Elliot W
Reply to  Johanus
August 6, 2023 10:26 am

Sadly, Climatism is a pre-Enlightenment religion, with an emphasis on “feelings” rather than data and observation.

The similarities to the medieval church is eerie. Climatism has pilgrimages (eg, COP conferences), child crusades(eg, Fridays for Future), saints(eg, Greta) and prophets (eg, Algore), even indulgences paid to authorities (carbon tax). So far heretics have merely been cancelled and their livings destroyed instead of being killed by the Inquisition, but do we doubt that’s far behind?

Tim Gorman
Reply to  Elliot W
August 6, 2023 1:05 pm

I haven’t seen this comparison before. Eerie for sure.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Elliot W
August 6, 2023 5:13 pm

I endorse your observations about how Climastrology mimics the flaws of medieval Christianity, while at the same time remaining a believer.

It is not the proper domain of religion to teach truths that can be discovered through the scientific method. While I am sure that some religions make scientific claims including some denominations of Christianity such as fundamentalist groups that deny evolution and hold to a young earth interpretation of the Bible, that is generally not the case for Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox churches.

Religion properly teaches on matters of faith and morals. Matters that are beyond the capability of science to evaluate. The religion which I believe in requires that we freely choose to believe and must not be coerced. Of course we may note that civil law largely coerces compliance on certain moral points such as to proscribe murder.

When religion and science stay in their lanes, there is no fundamental conflict.

Elliot W
Reply to  Rich Davis
August 6, 2023 6:38 pm

My observations were of medieval Christianity and Climatism, and I am appalled that Western society is throwing away the progress of the Enlightenment so easily.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Elliot W
August 7, 2023 7:53 am

And I definitely share that view, Elliot.

Tim Gorman
Reply to  Rich Davis
August 7, 2023 2:55 am

At its base, morals are those traditions and practices that insure the survival of a society. Society abandons its moral base at the risk of its society failing. That *is* what is happening in western civilization today – abandonment of its moral base. And western civilization *is* in the process of failing. Western civilization moral base includes belief in a higher power and the existence of absolute truths, truths such as those laid out in the Declaration of Independence which includes the belief that our rights are given us by our Creator and are unalienble. Western civilization is being pushed to abandon these in favor of the belief our rights are given us by government (i.e. those in power – man given and not Creator given) and can be expanded or destroyed by those in power in government. The belief that you have a *RIGHT* to the work product of others is Socialism/Communism and is becoming more and more endemic in our society.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Tim Gorman
August 7, 2023 8:21 am

That’s a very wise comment, Tim. Whether you believe in God or a higher power or you just acknowledge that acting as if there were a god in order for society to hold together, all rational people ought to be able to recognize the function and necessity of a moral code, a rule of law. When we lose the sense that our rights are inalienable, that collapses to mob rule and might makes right.

Your other point about rights is equally powerful. The right to free healthcare as an example is a claim on the property and labor of others, enslaving them to serve your needs. The Left in general and the Democrats in particular are constantly inventing rights to enslave others. Every entitlement falls into this category.

Christians believe that they should help others in need, but the atheist Left perverts this into a coerced charity. Not only is that an unjust enslavement but it also destroys the bonds of gratitude felt by those who are helped. Not to mention that it corrodes the incentive to be productive and serve society in a just and dignified manner.

I hope that just as the media over-hypes slightly unusual weather, they are also exaggerating the collapse of law and order to some extent. I still want to believe that most people care about their neighbors.

Tim Gorman
Reply to  Rich Davis
August 8, 2023 4:45 am

might makes right.”

The Law of the Jungle. The strong survive and the weak get eaten.

You can see this quite obviously in so many Democrat-run large cities today that it is truly scary.

I agree with everything you say. Especially the purpose of charity. Charity, personal charity, builds a relationship between the giver and the receiver. That relationship provides a channel for those needing charity to obtain the help needed to lift themselves. Government coerced charity, administered by the government, doesn’t build up any kind of uplifting relationship. It’s why things get worse instead of better in a welfare state like the Dems have engendered here. Those surviving on government welfare never get out from under their circumstance and the number surviving on government welfare just keeps growing as government demands more and more from the productive portion of society. It’s the common, underlying thread that has destroyed all Socialist/Communist experiments since 1900. M. Thatcher said it best – sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.

Med Bennett
Reply to  Tom Halla
August 6, 2023 11:06 am
Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 6:47 pm

Walsh begins his column by labeling climate change, Covid-19, and “Russian collusion” as the greatest hoaxes of the modern era, designed by those who intend to harm western civilization”

Then you know you are in crackpot rant territory. And so it unfolds.

Tom Halla
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 7:03 pm

Wanna defend The Steele Dossier? The nastiest piece of dezinformatsiya since The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Tom Halla
August 6, 2023 5:11 am

Yes, and Barack Obama and Joe Biden knew from the very beginning that the Steele Dossier was a fabrication by Hillary Clinton, and yet they allowed/directed their “Justice” Department to go after Trump as if the Steele Dossier was legitimate.

Obama and Biden used the power of the federal government to attack their political opponents then, and they are continuing to do it to this very day.

Barack Obama and Joe Biden and all their Democrat minions are Traitors to the United States. They think it is ok to stomp on the U.S. Constitution as long as it results in giving them political power.

Freedom is under assault from the radical Democrats. It will only get worse if the Democrats retain political power.

Rich Davis
Reply to  Tom Halla
August 6, 2023 5:19 pm

I know a lot of people who “feel” it is probably right about some things and in any case Trump is such a “threat to Democracy” that the ends justify the means. (Trump is such a threat that we clearly need to eliminate the First Amendment).

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Rich Davis
August 7, 2023 4:57 am

Propaganda can be very effective.

Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 5, 2023 7:32 pm

In WA state, flu cases went to ZERO when Covid hit the streets. Pure political BS. I lost clients because I refused to get the jab. They are now back, and we aren’t talking Covid.

John Hultquist
Reply to  schmoozer
August 5, 2023 7:47 pm

In WA State, Covid was out of control in the elder-care facilities for about two weeks before medical types recognized anything out of the ordinary was happening. When the government folks were alerted — they panicked.
As Covid cases diminished, they went back to panicking about CO2.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 5, 2023 11:00 pm

The UK’s Nightingale Hospitals cost a fortune and went unused. Huge amounts of PPE supplied by government ministers friends went unused or never appeared. It wasn’t actually needed

DD More
Reply to  John Hultquist
August 5, 2023 9:24 pm

Posted 3 years ago
For every American who wants accurate, detailed, objective information on the disease.”
How about – Tuesday’s latest – U.S. death toll rose to 26
Monday, Public Health – Seattle & King County announced three new deaths, bringing the statewide total to 23.
& – Twenty (20) of those who died in King County were residents of Life Care Center, a nursing home in Kirkland.
So 20 out of 26 of the US Total deaths are from 1 nursing home in Washington state.
I think I saw Chicago had over 80 shooting deaths this year, but no calls to boycott Chicago.
Objective with a side of reality. Be Waarry, waarry Hafrawd.

Reply to  DD More
August 6, 2023 6:44 am

Add to that the fact that “death toll” began to include deaths “with COVID” as well as “from COVID” and you have completely unreliable data.

Rich Davis
Reply to  hiskorr
August 6, 2023 5:43 pm

Yes a lot of people died in that timeframe as they always do in any similar period of time.

An awful lot of people die WITH the common cold, with herpes, with shingles, with hiv, etc. How many actually died OF covid is probably never going to be known because there were financial incentives to over-report.

Of those “real” cases, how many would have died of some other opportunistic disease if it had not been for covid being prevalent? At the same time, healthy young athletes are dying or being incapacitated by the non-vaccine shot and those are being covered up to the maximum extent possible.

So yes it’s a hoax. At least to the extent that people with the benefit of hindsight still hold to the claims made in “the fog of war”. I don’t blame leaders for having taken prudential steps to fight an unknown risk who in hindsight overreacted. It’s those clinging to the restrictions on liberty after the facts were fairly clear who are the scoundrels. And those profiting from the fiasco (looking at you Pfizer and Tony Fauci).

Frank from NoVA
Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 5, 2023 9:26 pm

‘…the outcomes for all would have been significantly better.’

Maybe not quite ‘all’. Absent the economic shutdowns and unconstitutional (non-legislative) changes to state voting procedures, I sincerely doubt the 2020 elections would have turned out so well for the Left.

Ben Vorlich
Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 5, 2023 10:56 pm

Very succinct summary of my feelings about that.

Nick Stokes
Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 5, 2023 11:45 pm

It was a disease of out of control observation bias”

It was a dangerous disease that killed over a million Americans.

But whatever the faults in how it was dealt with, it is a huge stretch to say that it was a hoax perpetrated by people wanting to destroy Western civilization.

Remember who was President at the time?

Tim Gorman
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 5:24 am

It wasn’t covid that killed my mother-in-law. It was a weak heart. Pneumonia or a bad case of the flu likely would have done the same. It was the same with several of the people I knew that died while suffering from covid.

From my point of view the problem with covid was that it was highly contagious – but so is the flu – with no preventive measures, i.e. vaccines, like we have for the flu. Like the flu the main population at risk were the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, not the young and healthy. It was sheer idiotic hysteria and panic by those wanting to exert control over the population that caused schools to shut down and the economy to tank. That describes mostly Democrats – the same crew that is using CAGW today to exert control over the population. Long live the Bureaucratic Hegemony!

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 5:24 am

I remember Trump stopping all traffic from China right after it became clear there was a new, dangerous virus in circulation.

I remember Trump doing so against the advice of *all* his advisors, including Fauci. I believe there were 26 advisors in the room at the time Trump made the decision.

I remember Trump stopping traffic from coming from Europe. Unfortunately, he was a couple of days late on that one for my State, which got its first covid infection from a person who had arrived from Italy two days before the ban on travel from Europe took effect.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 6:52 am

And you remember that all those “advisors, including Fauci,” jumping on the panic train as soon as they realized the power and money that could be gained!

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 5:16 pm

How did Moderna come to have its mRNA vaccine on the shelf in 2019, prior to the outbreak of the WuFlu?

old cocky
Reply to  karlomonte
August 7, 2023 12:47 am

It was developed for SARS. SARS-CoV2 is closely related.

Tim Gorman
Reply to  old cocky
August 7, 2023 2:58 am

Yep. It had to be tweaked to be effective for covid, just like the flu vaccine has to be “tweaked” every year.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 5:18 pm

Pres. Trump sent the U.S. Navy hospital ship to NYC, it was never used.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  karlomonte
August 7, 2023 5:03 am

Biden should send the Navy ship to New York City today to provide some housing for the illegal immigrants.

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 8, 2023 1:30 pm

Or maybe for homeless US veterans that got displaced to provide room for people who entered the country illegally.

old cocky
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 7, 2023 12:46 am

Agreed, to the extent that it was a dangerous new disease which little was known about.
Reported death rates in northern Italy very early on were quite concerning.

old cocky
Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 7, 2023 12:36 am

SARS-CoV2 was a pathogen which had jumped species, and the early impacts among the elderly in northern Italy were extremely severe.

Incubation period, modes of spread, transmissibility effects on the body, and treatment protocols were unknown.

It pays to be cautious. As it turns out, authorities overreacted – they usually react too slowly to something new, then overreact.
As also appears to be the case, some medical authorities suspected this was a lab leak of an engineered pathogen, but were unwilling to say so publicly.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 7:56 pm

No, Mr. Stokes. The crackpot rants are the claims that:

1) CO2 is a pollutant [it is the fundamental building block of life — you are made of CO2].

2) CO2 causes global warming [paleoclimatology proves that claim false].

3) Warmth is bad [warmth is essential for life — for 99% of the time since life arose the Earth has been much warmer than today].

Crackpot rant finger pointing is a valid and useful exercise, but you miss the target. Take a look in the mirror, son.

Kudos to Walsh. He’s 100% correct.

Reply to  forestermike
August 5, 2023 9:17 pm

If you want to see real crackpot rants, The Guardian out-crackpots everyone.

Chris Hanley
Reply to  forestermike
August 5, 2023 10:45 pm

CO2 causes global warming [paleoclimatology proves that claim false]

There are reasons why the current increase in the CO2 atmospheric concentration is not causing a climate crisis but that often-cited reason is not one of them.
Because CO2 has followed warming out of past ice ages due to ocean out-gassing it does not logically follow that for that reason alone the observed increase in CO2 cannot contribute to the current warming.

Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 5, 2023 11:35 pm

I don’t think the paleoclimatology argument is based on CO2 following warming out of past ice ages (glacial terminations). I think you will find it is based on a total lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature in much longer and further back climate history.

AGW is Not Science
Reply to  Chris Hanley
August 8, 2023 1:33 pm

Maybe not, but the repeated episodes of REVERSE CORRELATION at every reversal of temperature “trend” clearly show that CO2 “drives” nothing.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 8:33 pm

You’re probably correct Nick, however it is the same territory occupied by the likes of Just Stop Oil and their fellow fringe environmental nutters.
I think Western society is in serious trouble, and it’s not because of Global Warming, COVID-19 or Trump.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Grahame
August 6, 2023 5:36 am

“I think Western society is in serious trouble, and it’s not because of Global Warming, COVID-19 or Trump.”

That’s right.

Western society is under attack by radical leftists/socialists/communists. In the past, their attacks were under the radar, but now they are doing such damage to society that they can no longer be ignored. They are boldly marching through our Societal institutions, and destroying them one by one.

This is what radical leftists do. They destroy, while trying to make you believe they are doing you a favor.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 10:22 am

Yes, too true! Radical leftists of whatever persuasion believe they have the moral right to trample our freedoms and current rights, as they know what’s best for us. However, their positions are often totally immoral and destructive to western democracy and scientific thinking. We must continue to combat this existential menace to modern society and free thought.

ethical voter
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 1:50 pm

I think you are right. I also think you fail to understand that all political parties, including the right, are all instruments of communism. Bar none. the opposite of communism is individualism. This in politics means independents.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  ethical voter
August 7, 2023 5:09 am

I look at Republicans as being proponents of individualism, too. Or I wouldn’t support them.

Admittedly, some Republican politicians in Washington DC are part of the Swamp and part of the problem, but somebody like Trump is just the oppposite of these people and will make their life miserable, and our lives much better, if he is elected.

That’s why the Swamp is throwing the kitchen sink at Trump now. But that still may not be enough. Let’s hope it’s not enough, or we are all sunk. Then Joe Biden and his cronies can treat us just like they are treating Trump.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 9:27 pm

You had better go back under the doona old mate and wait your next instruction on what to think and say from your master Kim Jong-un Andrews.

Frank from NoVA
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 9:51 pm


I’m unaware of any evidence whatsoever that COVID-19 originated in the Wuhan ‘wet market’, that DJT colluded with the Russians in order to win election in 2016 or that our CO2 emissions have contributed anything to climate change. Perhaps you live a lot closer to ‘crackpot rant territory’ than you care to believe.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 11:07 pm

…you are in crackpot rant territory.

For the first time, “Nick” says something so stupid, even my sarcasm fails…
Nick, you should really be careful of employing children for your troll team, this one is embarassing you.

Reply to  cilo
August 6, 2023 1:07 am

FN has been teaching him 😉

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 5, 2023 11:12 pm

No Nick, the crackpots are those that haven’t realised it yet. !

You don’t really think that leftist ideologies of Net Zero and the Green New Deal etc are actually planned to “help people” or “Save the world”, do you. ! WOW !

Just look at the outcome every single time.

You have been used. ! (and you probably enjoy it)

Reply to  bnice2000
August 6, 2023 3:16 am

Old mate will be voting yes, no question. Why think critically about it, its the vibe man, the vibe…

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 5:02 am

Well, human-caused climate change is a hoax, and Russian collusion was a hoax, but Covid-19 was real, so I don’t think Covid-19 belongs in the hoax category. The efforts to combat Covid-19 are what belong in the hoax category.

Tim Gorman
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 5:28 am

The hoax was not covid, the hoax was the idiocy of claiming schools and the economy had to be shut down because of it. Florida stands as mute (sort of) proof.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Tim Gorman
August 7, 2023 5:13 am

Oklahoma, too. We didn’t have any State-wide travel bans, or mask mandates, or requirements to get vaccinated, here.

Mark BLR
Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 10, 2023 8:39 am

… but Covid-19 was real, so I don’t think Covid-19 belongs in the hoax category.

I agree with this, though my “fact checking” is very much WIP (Work In Progress) right now.

– – – – –

Data sources

ONS “Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales” website.
URL 1 :

. . .

Vaccination numbers from the UK government’s “” website.

URL 2 :

– – – – –

I used that data to see whether all the recent talk about “an explosion in excess deaths” is (or was) “justified” … or not …

The current version of my “Summary graphic” is attached below.


– I calculate “cumulative excess deaths” using only positive “anomaly” (relative to the 2015-2019 averages for each week of the year) numbers.
If the delta is negative I just “carry forward / copy” the previous week’s value. This has the advantage of clearly showing “deaths brought forward” as levels in the resulting lines.

– This graph is way too “crowded / busy”, but I can’t see which lines are “necessary / interesting” and which are “just clutter”.

No compensation is made for population changes (so far). This may well explain most of the “hardly any excess at all” results for 2014.

– November 2017 to February 2018 probably counts as a “worse-that-average flu season”.

– Correlation of (excess) deaths with vaccinations is … how can I put this ? … “selective” (at best).

– After my delay in posting thhis is now effectively “a dead thread”. It may, however, be useful (to me !) to be able to refer back to this graphic without using up the only “slot” in each WUWT post allowed for attaching image files from my local hard disk.

Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 7:53 am

No-one who saw the early effects of the pandemic on the health care systems of the UK and Italy would think Covid was a hoax. It certainly was not. It was quite selective, but if you have any acquaintance in either country with people over about 70, you probably know of several deaths from it.

It was very badly reacted to, its becoming clear now that general lockdowns were the wrong policy. Isolation of those at high risk would have been possible, correct and effective.

It wasn’t a conspiracy against western civilization either. Neither was the Russia dossier – that was just political dirty tricks against Trump.

The two great delusions of our time on climate are not part of a conspiracy either. They are better seen as an example of mass hysteria on the part of the political and media classes in the English speaking countries. Yet another one in a long series of historical examples.

The two delusions are

(1) that there is any kind of climate crisis or emergency.

(2) that moving power generation to wind and solar, while at the same time moving transport and heating to electricity, is either possible, or would make the slightest impact on any climate crisis if there was one. Its stupid, impossible to do, and were it possible would be useless.

The moral is, never ascribe to conspiracy what is well enough explained either by mass stupidity or mass hysteria. But also, don’t dismiss the objections to the hysteria just because they come with a large serving of conspiracy.

By all means dismiss their conspiracy theories. But don’t think that the silliness of the conspiracy theories make what they are objecting to sensible.

The Darien project was not a conspiracy against Scotland. But it was a completely idiotic venture which was bound to and did end in tears, no less stupid because it was a non-conspiratorial delusion.

The climate hysteria is not a conspiracy either. But it is very expensive and useless non-solutions in pursuit of a non-problem.

Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 7, 2023 12:31 am

The UK published daily statistics on the pandemic, cases, hospital admissions, deaths. Look at the deaths, which were published by age group. Even allowing for the fact that they record people dying with, but not necessarily of, Covid, its undeniable that they show a very serious epidemic with quite a high mortality rate in some groups. It did many things wrong, but there is no evidence of a wave of psychosomatic cases overwhelming emergency rooms or beds. There is no evidence they denied care to those needing it most. There is no evidence they over-used ventilators – they used them as a last resort, and they learned from clinical experience as they went on.

As for PPE, in the early days of the pandemic hospitals were a vector for infection. PPE was necessary.

The things the UK did wrong were many. To lock everyone down was a mistake – they should have just locked down the elderly and those at risk because of other conditions. They should have handled nursing homes quite differently – the release to the homes policy led to a wave of infections and deaths. They greatly underestimated the damage done by general lockdowns – and they were irresponsible with debt financed spending.

What they got right, and what pretty much stopped it in its tracks, was vaccination. First the Astra Zenica and then the Pfizer. This lessened infections without eliminating them, but the most important thing it did was to lower the severity of the infections. The deaths in the locality in England I am most familiar with stopped after vaccination. However, infections of a fairly mild sort, a bit like a nasty flu bout, continued and quite a high proportion of the population seems to have had it.

The UK did finally move to a more nuanced policy on lockdowns in the later stages of the pandemic.

Then there is the question of was there some kind of conspiracy in the UK around Covid policy. The answer is obviously not. There was very alarmist advice from the experts, but there was quite a bit of debate. There was some profiteering from supply and quite some fraud from the handouts. At one point Johnson (who had himself almost died from Covid) rejected the advice for a repeat lockdown and was proved right by the event.

There is no evidence of anything but people doing their best – some to make the right decisions for the population, others to make the most profits they could from it, others to protect themselves and families. But the idea that there was some kind of plot to undermine western civilisation is as mad as the freaks from Extinction Rebellion thinking that glueing themselves to the roads or museum paintings is somehow going to save the planet.

It would be interesting to have a source for the claims about Italy. Its certainly not my impression that the hospitals were choked with non-serious psychosomatic cases, but if there is real evidence of this I’m open to reviewing it.

Just about all countries seem to have done badly with elderly residents of care homes. Sweden did well and moderately on lots of indicators, but they failed on this one.

Someone says in this thread that all those who died would have done so anyway in a couple of months. Definitely not so in the area of the UK I am familiar with. Again, where is the evidence?

I see no evidence of any conspiracy here. I also see no evidence of any conspiracy in the climate hysteria. Just human stupidity, credulity, conformism, amplified by modern electronic media.

Reply to  Charles Rotter
August 8, 2023 10:14 am

I don’t have an unwavering belief in any agencies. But I find it totally implausible that all the UK agencies who put together and published the data referred to are all in some kind of conspiracy to fake it all. You could track the bed occupancy in the UK, and the death and infection rates, on a daily basis, though with a reporting and collection lag, all through it. You could track events including bed occupancy and deaths at your local hospital even. I don’t see any reason to think those numbers were faked. And what they showed was a real pandemic, with a lot of very sick people, and quite high death tolls.

The UK has a well organized reporting system for adverse effects, and would have caught any from either Pfizer or Astra Zeneca. Did indeed catch some, which were well reported on and pretty rare considering the number of vaccinations. Or maybe you think this was all lies also, and that the number of adverse effects were much greater and have been concealed? Where’s the evidence?

I also don’t think there is a conspiracy of misrepresentation about climate. There is a lot of misrepresentation all right, but I think its quite adequately explained by groupthink and pressure to conform and just going along to get along. Its the same mechanisms that have led to all kinds of previous manias and moral panics.

Reply to  michel
August 6, 2023 11:31 am

No-one who saw the early effects of the pandemic on the health care systems of the UK and Italy would think Covid was a hoax. It certainly was not. It was quite selective, but if you have any acquaintance in either country with people over about 70, you probably know of several deaths from it.

…so, you are going to plead ignorance of the old folk murdered by counter-protocol? The hospital patients murdered with counter-protocol, poisoned with known toxins, denied proven treatments? The over-reporting of “cases”, the fake scary statistics on TV?
Safe and Effective?
Tell me you don’t know Antonchrist Frauci had a group video call with a horde of Hollywood and social media celebrities, coaching them on “the official narrative”.
Calling peoples’ objections “conspiracy theory” does not negate the fact that your paymasters are conspiring against them.
P.S. Counter=protocol is when you not only ignore accepted traetment regime, you purposely employ counter-indicated protocol, such as breath-suppressing opioids at known toxic doses for elderly patients with breathing difficulties, withholding water, food and/or IV feeds.
Sorry, but if you know someone who died “of civid” there is a 99% chance you knew someone old and innocent who got murdered for money.

John Oliver
Reply to  Nick Stokes
August 6, 2023 6:52 pm

Nick, your not even a good sparring partner anymore. You are essentially the kind of person that would take a job at a 100 million dollar factory that makes some thing essential, employees 1000s of people just so you can drop a rusty old nail in the machinery, then go snicker in the bathroom. Your just a nasty sick little troll that takes advantage of others tolerance.

John Hultquist
August 5, 2023 7:37 pm

There are several “pipeline” blogs or sites on the web.
What they are is a quandary. Does this “Pipeline” have anything
to do with this one:  thepipelineblogs dot com – – –  A faith-based blog dedicated to deepening our connections with Jesus Christ, ourselves, and each other.  

Michael Walsh (and friends) may provide a different perspective over the next several essays but this one doesn’t add much to the topic.
Do those writers have a wide audience and this is a new topic for them?
Also, is the first time on WUWT?

Reply to  John Hultquist
August 5, 2023 8:03 pm

Are those criticisms? Are you threatened by Christians? By other audiences? By new to you voices?

Judge on the merits of the argument, please, not on what appear to be logical fallacies.

Reply to  forestermike
August 5, 2023 10:46 pm

Please let me clarify. If a person has a position on CAGW, pro or con, that position (argument, proposition) is not validated or nullified by his/her religion. The argument stands or falls on its own merit or demerit, regardless of the character (if you will) of the arguer.

Similarly, the argument is not validated or nullified by the credentials or experience of the arguer. It’s a logical fallacy to pull in extraneous factors relating to the proponent/opponent as a counter. The argument stands alone.

I find Mr. Walsh’s essay (argument) compelling on its merits. You say it “doesn’t add much”. Okay, that goes to the content and is fair. The other criticisms are not.

Reply to  John Hultquist
August 5, 2023 10:16 pm

Well, the Michael Walsh I am familiar with is a long time right-of-center editorial writer and commentator of some veracity.

August 5, 2023 11:17 pm

One small error: the article says that Walsh argues “that a slight warming could actually be beneficial for humanity.”. Walsh in fact argues that a slight warming would actually be beneficial for humanity.

Rod Evans
Reply to  Mike Jonas
August 5, 2023 11:47 pm

I imagine he has just spent his summer holidays in the UK. A slight warming would certainly be very beneficial here. No doubt about it.

Ben Vorlich
August 5, 2023 11:19 pm

If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him. Voltaire

The newest religions and sects tend to have the most extreme followers. The Climate is the latest diety in the West and with the most extreme followers. As with all religions the dedicated followers ignore the hypocracy of their leaders and hate non-believers

Which isn’t to say that there are no decent, honest and upright followers in all religions, there are.

Climate Change is just another and its Satan is Carbon (Dioxide) whose earthly representative is fossil fuel.

Changing a dedicated follower is almost impossible as they are prepared to die for their cause.

We’ve never really given up religious wars unfortunately

Rod Evans
Reply to  Ben Vorlich
August 5, 2023 11:59 pm

Your overview of religious believers is accurate and validated by historic examples. The only option, when wanting to change a ‘believers’ conviction is to offer them another religion.
The one common feature of all religions/beliefs is; you will suffer bad things happening to you if you do not believe.
Man made Climate change believers have advised, it won’t just be bad for you as an individual if you don’t believe CAGW is a thing, it will be bad for everyone and you will also be destroying the world!!
The only fear based believe to top that is one that offers us, if you don’t believe ‘XYZ’ you will destroy the galaxy.

Peta of Newark
August 6, 2023 1:34 am

Quote:” ….stating that the Earth will continue to warm and cool until the sun dies.”

No it won’t – Earth is going to go the same way that Mars did.

  • Water controls climate..
  • …and…
  • Plants control water….
  • …and….
  • Nutrients in the soil control plants…
  • …and…
  • Those nutrients come from solid rock…
  • …. and….
  • …. are made available to plants by the process of soil erosion
  • (strictly = Rock Erosion creates the soil and Soil Erosion is where spent soil washes or blows away. Soil Erosion maybe be mechanical and/or chemical)

The process of releasing those nutrients and making them available to plants (rain laced with Carbonic Acid) also has the effect of removing them.
The rain washes them away down rivers & streams and out into the ocean. Those nutrients being mostly metallic are unable to escape the ocean becasue of their alkaline chemistry and that the ocean is alkaline.
In theory, there is (to all practical intents), unlimited amounts of these metallic nutrients BUT, plants are of finite size and their roots can only dig so far down into the ground so they require ‘some process’ to bring them to the surface where rain and bacterial activity can release fresh new nutrition.

That process is Plate Tectonics – manifesting as mountain building and volcanism.

Where Mars came unstuck while Earth (seemingly and so far) didn’t is that Mars doesn’t have Plate Tectonics. (Mars does have (one) volcano but it’s powered by Jupiter)
Initially, Mars and Earth would have been very similar and Life would have started on both.
Life Processes and weather/climate would have eroded away the available nutrition on both planets BUT, on Mars there was no replacement mechanism as the nutrients sank into the bottom of the oceans there.

On Earth there was and is a replacement mechanism, powered by nuclear isotopes within the body of the planet.
But those isotopes will be at least 6 or 7 billion years old, assuming they were created in a supernova somewhere nearby and about that long ago.
Even for long lived stuff like Uranium and Thorium – how many half-lives is that?
Those isotopes will be to all intents, dead by now. Finished. Kaput. Used up. Gone.
If not exactly = now/today/tomorrow – they are never going to last another 5 billion years.

The isotopes are actually are all gone/extinct and we know that because a resourceful ‘something’ has devised a way to replicate what volcanoes do and mountain-building does.

We call that ‘way’ = Ice Ages.
Ice Ages, with the ice-sheets & glaciers they involve are actually = ploughs
i.e. They scrub away the old soil to expose bare, new & fertile rock and crunch it up a bit.
Weather can then get to work and plants rapidly invade to speed the job.

It’s a very risky game because of the extremely high Albedo of snow/ice = ‘something’ is needed to break the ice in order to escape the Ice Age and have a renaissance of plant life
All Life in fact apart from what hunkered down in the tropical oceans

The only thing capable of doing so is: Volcanism.
Basically a great big dusty dirty muddy stinking gas filled b0mb is required to get out of the ice.
Question: Did a little volcano, under an ice sheet trigger the Younger Dryas? More you think about it, there’s no other way. Yellowstone perhaps?
Because: Younger Dryas signified The Official End of the last Glacial Period….

At some point, probably not far away now, That Volcano won’t happen.
Then we all move to Mars. Without actually going anywhere.

I hereby dedicate this piece to: The Idso Father & Son.
Please try to grasp what actually controls plant growth and vitality

Rod Evans
Reply to  Peta of Newark
August 6, 2023 2:16 am

Interesting theory ideas Peta, did you forget about planet masses re Earth and Mars thus escape velocities of gasses? Also magnetic field influence on solar wind along with its effects on atmospheric composition? I am alive to the fact, we would not have a magnetosphere were it not for our nuclear active molten core.
Just asking.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Peta of Newark
August 6, 2023 5:52 am

Humanity needs to find itself a new home in space. And we will.

Then the human race will continue, safe from the natural dangers that confront a planet-bound civilization.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
August 6, 2023 11:14 am

Yes Tom, we will have that technological capacity soon, as long as we have a continuation of cheap energy to power civilization, and institutions dedicated to furthering science and better technology to enable us to survive and adapt to different climates. One has to be positive about the future and lose the negativity of modern environmentalism and related religions.

Philip Mulholland
August 6, 2023 2:15 am
Peta of Newark
August 6, 2023 2:26 am

I’m sure I showed this before now but anyway, something to get really alarmed about.

Taking that as read (4 orders of magnitude) and if interglacials last for about 10,000 years, then at the rate farmers on the US prairies are using/burning/eroding their soils – we don’t have very long.

Question: When Idso father & son do their experiments, what do they use as dirt?
Esp, please tell me it’s not ‘just’ the compost they found in whichever glasshouse they wandered into……

edit: Ain’t that an odd coincidence that the rate assumed by USDA (1mm/year) is also, roughly, the observed rate of sea-level rise?
I don’t expect they’re in any way connected.

Soil Erosion Rates.PNG
August 6, 2023 3:35 am

CAGW is an anti-humanist philosophy, not to be debated but worshipped. It is a creed that sees nature as optimal, not to be violated by humankind. Deeply pessimistic, it is the deep ecology worldview.

Inside The Church of Climate

William Howard
August 6, 2023 7:48 am

Mr.Walsh is 100% correct – when the former head of the UNIPCC states that the real objective of the environmental movement is more about the destruction of capitalism than managing the climate you petty much know what is happening – unfortunately the communists are now in charge of most of the West and they have hundreds of millions of useful iditot at theire diaposal

August 6, 2023 10:05 am

>> his points of the evolution and motivation of the Climate Change Cult are extremely strong.

Aww, well, scientifically this is very thin.
While I do think it unlikely, it is entirely possible that the real CO2 effect in the atmosphere has the high feedback sensitivity some alarmists claim and a Walsh saying “it ain t so!” does not really change anything about it.
I was quite dissapointed reading this, even average alarmist pamphlets use way more facts than this article.. which I am afraid makes it a big waste of time.

Reply to  morfu03
August 6, 2023 5:50 pm

Mr. Walsh has based his statements on peer reviewed evidence.
Dr. Happer’s papers should not be regarded as “very thin”.

John Oliver
August 6, 2023 9:39 pm

There are some people here that are taking I believe Walsh’s assertions out of context. Michael Walsh is a very accomplished writer and reporter and one should read his works before assuming he is some wild ‘conspiracy’ spreader.

He is speaking generally not always specifically as in “ they never let a good crisis go to waste.” Not necessarily that every specific event is preplanned or caused by “ them”; them being new world order great reset extreme socialist ( or communists in the extreme case)

He is a very thoughtful fellow, does high quality research; some of his work has been dare I say almost prophetic.

John Oliver
Reply to  John Oliver
August 6, 2023 10:05 pm

In other words- do one’s research on a person or subject before rushing to spout of a opinion based on 6 or 7 paragraphs or a first blush opinion. I have made that mistake myself but at age 64 maybe I am finally learning some humility.

John Oliver
August 6, 2023 11:31 pm

See him on Youtube “The Devil’s Pleasure Palace” Critical theory.. under His name. This man has incredible personal insight into communist society a great intellectual and musical background- a lot of experience as both a critic and writer in Hollywood- Oh and knew a that had experience with a young V.Putin. Dismiss Michael Walsh’s insights at your own peril.

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