NYT Claims Record September Temperature Indicates Accelerated Climate Change – It Doesn’t

The small difference in average temperature also comes with wide variation, which makes climate change considerably more nuanced than usually reported by the mainstream media.

Washington Post: Climate change is the catastrophe to end all others

What catastrophe?

The Marathon of Misguided Climate Alarmism: A Review of “Feasibility of the Olympic marathon under climatic and socioeconomic change”

The paper, shrouded in the guise of scientific inquiry, seems more like an exercise in creative speculation, leveraging the universal appeal of the Olympics to propagate the narrative of climate…

Study: Climate Change Could Lead to Food Unrest in 50 Years

If only there was a way to preserve and stockpile of food, to help carry us through shortages.

The Bitter Taste of Climate Alarmism in Your Beer

This latest research, published in Nature Communications, is a classic example of the narrow lens through which many studies view the world of climate aka climate catastrophizing.

Wailing Greens: “Tory strategy is now turning net zero into election fodder”

If only this was true. The real British conservative energy policy is a lot stranger.

“Climate Change killed my family” – or Was it the Badly Managed Local Dams?

My heart goes out to Om Prakash, who lost his family in a landslide disaster earlier this year. But it wasn’t climate change which killed his family.

Allison Pearson: The public is wiser than the net zero hysterics

Spare a thought for the BBC’s climate editor. He appeared to be having conniptions on News at Ten

“A Cleverly Staged Hoax.” …Former German TV Meteorologist Slams “Climate Hysteria”

They don’t care about the people.

“Listen to me!”: A Climate Study into Angry Young People

“… when I discuss climate change with people who are older than me, the general response is to … feel angry and betrayed by their lack of involvement, considering that…

Climate doomsters hit the streets of NYC for UN meeting – Urge Joe Biden to declare ‘climate emergency’

Dumpster Diving NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admits he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels

Help! I Care More About Climate Change Than My Partner

How do Alarmists cope when their partner inconsiderately brings home a loaf of bread wrapped in plastic, despite a freezer is full of home made bread?

Claim: Climate Change is Causing Floods and “Flash Droughts”

According to University of Melbourne academics, climate change is disrupting rainfall and affecting farmers. But strangely this alleged disruption isn’t showing up in global food production statistics.

UN: The Climate Breakdown has Begun

According to news sources, in August we just hit 1.5C warmer than pre-industrial. Hands up who wants to surrender their automobile?

Did a Climate Alarmist Law Student Just Kill the Green Movement?

An Aussie law student has forced the government to settle an accusation it breached its duty to investors, by not adding climate risk warnings to new sales of government debt.…

Martha Stewart Exposes the Ignorance of Climate Alarmists

So, along comes Martha Stewart, at 82 years old just trying to enjoy life, and she gets global backlash for plucking a chunk of ice out of the ocean to…

“10k dead penguin chicks” more animal tragedy porn used to advance global warming agenda

Activist scientists and the media are shamefully using emotional language to describe an almost inconsequential mortality event in order to manipulate public sentiment and force influential conservation organizations to accept…

John Kerry: Climate Deniers “lash out at the truth tellers, and label indisputable evidence as hysteria”

h/t J Boles, PJ Media; “… humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself …”. John Kerry speech 24th August, with fun annotations to hilight his ridiculous mistakes.

More Climate Alarmists Misinformation about Emperor Penguin’s Breeding Failure!

Shame on all the alarmists that weaponized weather and natural penguin struggles to push a climate crisis!

“Bring it On Lord”: The Christians who WANT the Climate Apocalypse?

The climate crisis is Armageddon?

Fast Company: Climate Optimists are Worse than Climate Doomers

According to Brian Kateman, climate alarmists like Musk who think colonising other planets will solve our problems are worse than people who think it’s all hopeless.

Decoding the Climate Psychology Certificate

Here’s a simpler version: go outside and enjoy nature. You don’t need a certificate to do that.

Merging of Public Health & Climate: American Medical Association declared climate change a public health crisis – Physicians Urged to discuss ‘climate change’ with patients

At the 2022 annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA), climate change was declared a public health crisis.

German Scientists: Global Warming A “Corrupt”, Fear-Mongering Scheme “Headed By Super-Rich”

We need an uprising of the decent against this fraudulent business model of alleged climate rescue.

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