We Stopped Just Stop Oil

Josh & Archie

© Goon Squad Productions Ltd, 2023. With additional writing and production from Keelan Kember.

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Entertaining, even if the pranksters are true believers.

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July 26, 2023 2:14 am

It’s a sort of attempt to rescue what Michael Mann describes as… the cause.

Uxbridge & South Ruislip has muddied the waters, considerably.

Reply to  strativarius
July 26, 2023 3:37 am

It is interesting to note that over the past week since the by-election the Daily Telegraph (ostensibly a conservative news organ) has run multiple ‘climate catastrophe’-type stories every day. Net Zero by 2030, ICE bans by 2030, EVs, off-shire windfarms, the Mediterranean heat, politicians starting the about turn.
Presumably most is clickbait but when you see over 4000 comments on a story, the vast majority against the ecolunacy and taking apart, with facts and data, the climatastrophists who do comment, it is hugely heartening to read.
People are waking up to being told they will be poor, cold and hungry because of the policies politicians are pursuing with no proven science behind them.
Hoping for happier times.

Reply to  Bil
July 26, 2023 4:36 am

Uxbridge has them split. Delay (cost of living etc) or double down (on the poorest)? We all know the answer to that quandary…

“Sadiq Khan insists Ulez expansion will go ahead after Labour Uxbridge defeat”

Starmer…. says whatever he thinks people want to hear…

December 2022
“Keir Starmer has pledged to change the law to allow trans people to self-declare their gender”

And now?

“[Starmer] insisted that there needs to be some form of medical process for anyone looking to have their acquired gender legally recognised.

That’s despite just two years ago promising that he would scrap the need for a trans person to obtain a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria before being eligible for a gender recognition certificate.

The Labour leader said the UK party’s recent U-turn was a result of…”

A desperation to get elected.

Ulez – for everyone – and road pricing are just around the corner.

Reply to  strativarius
July 26, 2023 12:51 pm

Sad part is that Labour will probably lead a coalition.

Reply to  Bil
July 26, 2023 4:36 am

I don’t see anything changing until the parties which are intent on shoving the green crap down our throats – pretty much all of those currently represented in parliament (I would sat all but am not sure where the DUP sit on these issues) – lose votes on a big scale. The Tories (likely) held onto Uxbridge because of the London ULEZ expansion plans of the Labour London mayor, a local issue for them, but let’s not forget that it was Tory legislation that enables local authorities to impose such schemes, and Sunak has since re-stated his strong belief in net-zero. The arch-fence sitting twat Starmer says that the party and the mayor should ‘reflect’ on the evident opposition to ULEZ but refused to say what ‘reflecting’ will mean (yet another amusing car-crash interview for Starmer). But Labour won one of the three by-elections with the Lib Dums winning the other (& boy, the winning Lib Dum candidate certainly came across as dim), so no sign yet of people deserting parties pushing the ‘green dream’.

Reply to  DavsS
July 26, 2023 4:55 am

 to impose such schemes”

What was that about British democracy?

Consultations? LOL

Reply to  DavsS
July 26, 2023 5:05 am

Don’t disagree with your analysis of the political companies (never forget they are companies). I am heartened that there now seems to be a start of a groundswell (I give you that it is in a conservative paper) against all government Net Zero policies and AGW and that the political companies are starting to realise they could be in trouble if they hit people in the pocket in the timeframes they’re talking.

ethical voter
Reply to  Bil
July 26, 2023 1:53 pm

I think they are more political unions than companies. The only way to circumvent them and return to democracy is to vote for independents.

Reply to  DavsS
July 26, 2023 5:55 am

ULEZ is a Tory policy introduced by Boris.

The idea that, if it has any value, it should be extended to all imapcted areas… is only sound.
Labour can be criticised for not cancelling ULEZ but not for choosing to expand it, if it’s not being cancelled.

And as the courts ruled that a child died of particulate pollution in the air, it’s hard to see how ULEZ can be cancelled, legally.

Reply to  MCourtney
July 26, 2023 12:53 pm

I thought that it was a “congestion” charge.

Richard Page
Reply to  MCourtney
July 26, 2023 1:26 pm

I think you may need to read up on the background before rushing to comment. The little girl that died had severe asthma and the court ruled that she died with high levels of air pollution not because of it – asthma kills 3 people in the UK every day and yet I don’t see your concern for all the others. One child dies from asthma 10 years ago and suddenly TfL wants to profit from that tragedy – that money won’t go to help asthma sufferers, it won’t be used to clean London’s air; it’s going to be used to bail TfL out of their financial difficulty.

July 26, 2023 2:35 am

The warmist platitudes aside, these people deserve medals. The JSO idiots should also thank them for keeping them out of danger because, sooner or later, one or more of them is going to get severely injured or worse.

July 26, 2023 2:50 am

Follow you … why? They spent their funds at it, do you really think that money is an object, think again, there are a huge pill of numbers of foundtations contributing to the green movement, in this the private donors sums is just a vanishingly small amount.

What you are doing isn´t even qualified as infotainment. It´s entertainment with out the portmanteau of information.

This is how it works, well, to know how it´s works your contribution is close to being worthless, you´ll would have known that if you have seen videos or read public statements from people leaving such movements.

Follow you – that´s a big NO …

July 26, 2023 2:56 am

Whilst I applaud the ambition to curtail Hust Stop Oils’ antisocial antics, they still ‘believe’.

Right-Handed Shark
Reply to  Bil
July 26, 2023 3:54 am

Yes, a little education is required. The world does not need “saving” from a little extra plant food, but it does need to be wrested from the clutches of idiot politicians who have no idea what they’re talking about, and a compliant media.

Reply to  Right-Handed Shark
July 26, 2023 12:54 pm

Supported by the oh-so-virtuous useful idiots.

Reply to  Bil
July 26, 2023 4:52 am

they still ‘believe’”

It is a post-modern religion with its cadres of high priests (climate sceantists etc) who preach the gospels of Hansen, Mann, Trenberth and Jones. Deviation from the (pseudoscientific) narrative – heresy – is punishable by excommunication and a public burning at the stake on anti-social media. Like Bellamy, you’ll never work again.

The politicians, technocrats and academics etc have too much invested in the illusion of the climate crisis that they can never recant their faith.

Reply to  strativarius
July 26, 2023 6:29 am

“The politicians, technocrats and academics etc have too much invested in the illusion of the climate crisis that they can never recant their faith.”

The real driving force is the banking industry that thinks it can benefit from artificial investment cycle in green energy and EV. The rest are just serving them.

Reply to  strativarius
July 26, 2023 8:44 am

(“climate scientists etc”) there fixed it.

July 26, 2023 4:01 am

Love the balloon idea !!!

Reply to  1saveenergy
July 26, 2023 4:59 am

Scorpions and vipers would be a hoot.

Barnes Moore
July 26, 2023 4:51 am

And the other question for both groups – who is funding them?

Reply to  Barnes Moore
July 26, 2023 4:56 am

Just Stop Oil get money from Dale Vince among others.

July 26, 2023 5:01 am

What percentage of Just Stop Oil’s protests were stopped by the Goon Squad?

Reply to  CampsieFellow
July 26, 2023 5:16 am

What percentage of JSO protesters have stopped using oil products ?

ZERO !!!!!

July 26, 2023 5:05 am

Believe it or not, this clip is not a spoof. Real ecolunacy. Very worrying that a person, with this level of ignorance, arrogance and lack of intelligence, is a Baroness in the Lords. Dictating how we will live our lives.


Reply to  bobpjones
July 26, 2023 5:19 am

A tiny number of scienetist … I don´t know who they is, I don´t know were they comes from and whats their science is … I suggest you put that one into the bind.

Before the grifter it was 97%, then it became 98% … oh “Lords” now it´s 99% …

Thanks for a good laugh … !!

Reply to  bobpjones
July 26, 2023 7:13 am

If the eyes are the window to the soul…

July 26, 2023 5:15 am

Oh dear… a fight between two groups of gullible anti-science clowns. !

July 26, 2023 6:52 am

Narrator of the above video, starting at the 40-second point into the video:
“Now you’d have to be a top-tier tit to deny that climate change is the greatest problem we face and that something has to be done . . .”

I had to listen to that remark six times to make sure sure I captured it correctly . . . but there you have it!

Such a statement caused me to not bother to watch the video beyond the 52-second point.

Jeff Alberts
Reply to  ToldYouSo
July 26, 2023 9:40 am

Well, when regarding tit*, top-tier is all that matters. 🙂

Ronald Stein
July 26, 2023 6:53 am

All the protester “tools” are made from the same oil they want to stop!

Do they want to live in the 1800’s, before oil?

More Soylent Green!
July 26, 2023 7:03 am

Just off the top of my head … Maybe the best way to stop using oil is to find a viable alternative?

Rod Evans
July 26, 2023 7:21 am

I love the anarchic approach. One bunch of bright anarchists disrupting the game plan of the thick anarchists.
Now all we have to do is explain to the bright ‘goon squad’ bunch there is no crisis to get excited about anyway. I somehow think they know that, but their pretence of being a thoughtful eco loon allows them to create confusion and dissonance among the naïve JSO nuts.
The infiltration of the JSO was so ridiculously easy it makes you wonder if some uneducated numpty is organising that action group. Greta wasn’t present at the JSO planning stage by any chance?

July 26, 2023 8:47 am

You sense a shift in tolerance for the virtue signalling jackbooters-
UK bank NatWest CEO resigns after Farage ‘error’ (msn.com)
You’re just sorry you got caught out luvvy and it’s always the attempt at coverup that gets them hardest.

Richard Page
Reply to  observa
July 26, 2023 1:32 pm

Give her a couple of months and she’ll walk into another job at some other place with a vastly over-inflated salary. Those people have contacts in all the like-minded places and they look after their own.

Mickey Reno
July 26, 2023 8:51 am

No, sorry, climate change is NOT the biggest problem facing humanity. It’s not even a problem at all. Stop thinking Carbon Dioxide is pollution. It is plant food. It is the greatest thing we can give back to the commons. I don’t mind you pranking the real assholes, but don’t be a lesser asshole in the bargain. Don’t claim you know the discount rate of a future that is beyond your understanding. How do I know you don’t understand the future? Because you don’t even understand the present. CO2 is Good, with a capital G.

July 26, 2023 8:53 am
July 26, 2023 11:17 am

News tip
fire on board ship carrying cars, 25 of which were EV. Fire believed to have started in one of the EV.

Richard Page
Reply to  JohnC
July 26, 2023 1:37 pm

‘Sincerity Ace’, ‘Felicity Ace’, ‘Olympia’ Euroferry, now ‘Fremantle Highway’. That’s 4 too many and counting.

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