Deconstructing Polls & Surveys

Polls and surveys are indispensable tools for discovering valuable information, but we need to understand their inner workings in order to assess their accuracy.

World Population – Political Statistics

Here I just want to look at what has become a run-away bad habit in the field of science and data. …. Statistica….does not do anything to visually distinguish between…

The error of the mean: a dispute between Gavin Schmidt and Nicola Scafetta

By Andy May You can read this post in German here, courtesy of Christian Freuer. Here we go again, writing on the proper use of statistics in climate science. Traditionally,…

How epidemiologists try to fool us with flawed statistical practices

We have just completed a study for the National Association of Scholars [1] that took a deep dive looking at flawed statistical practices used in the field of environmental epidemiology.…

Climate Statistics 101: see the Slide Show AOC Tried, and Failed, to Censor

News 16 Jun, 2020 Climate Statistics 101: See the Slide Show AOC Tried, and Failed, to Censor This is an embedded Microsoft Office presentation, powered by Office. This is the…

Why You Shouldn’t Draw Trend Lines on Graphs

Guest essay by Kip Hansen What we call a graph is more properly referred to as “a graphical representation of data.”  One very common form of graphical representation is “a…

The ‘Trick’ of Anomalous Temperature Anomalies

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen   It seems that every time  we turn around, we are presented with a new Science Fact that such-and-so metric — Sea Level Rise, Global…

Google's search bias against conservative news sites has been quantified

Google Search is biased in favor of left/liberal websites against conservative websites, and is extremely biased in favor of climate alarmism against climate realism.

What Are They Really Counting?

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen WARNING: This is not a technical essay. There is almost no science in it. It is not about AGW or any issue involved in the…

'Robust' analysis isn't what it is cracked up to be: Top 10 ways to save science from its statistical self

In the wake of what Willis recently pointed out from Nassim Taleb, about how “In fact errors are so convex that the contribution of a single additional variable could increase…

A Way To Calculate Effective N

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach One of the best parts of writing for the web is the outstanding advice and guidance I get from folks with lots of experience. I…

Solar Cycle Driven Ocean Temperature Variations

What Slow Fourier Transforms can tell us. Guest essay by Stan Robertson, Ph.D., P.E. On May 3, 2014, an article on WUWT by Willis Eschenbach entitled, The Slow Fourier Transform…

Standard Deviation, The Overlooked But Essential Climate Statistic

Guest essay by Dr Tim Ball Never try to walk across a river just because it has an average depth of four feet. Martin Friedman “Statistics: The only science that…

Statistical flaws in science: p-values and false positives

To make science better, watch out for statistical flaws by Tom Siegfried First of two parts As Winston Churchill once said about democracy, it’s the worst form of government, except…

Lewandowsky – call your office: Correlation is Meaningless

Readers may recall this survey: A poll to test the Lewandowsky methodology The results are in, which is why we can’t say global warming proponents support pedophilia. Guest essay by Brandon…

Warmists Are Never Wrong, Even When Supporting Genocide

Guest essay by Brandon Shollenberger Global warming proponents support genocide. That may seem hard to believe, but remember, they’ve said it’d be right to blow up dams and burn cities…

Raising the bar on statistical significance

I was searching the early edition of PNAS for the abstract of yet another sloppy “science by press release” that didn’t bother to give the the title of the paper…

Detecting the AGW Needle in the SST Haystack

Guest essay by Jeffery S. Patterson My last post on this site, examined the hypothesis that the climate is dominated by natural, harmonically related periodicities. As they say in the…

Chiefio Smith examines GHCN and finds it “not fit for purpose”

E.M. Smith over at the blog Musings from the Chiefio earlier this month posted an analysis comparing versions 1 and 3 of the GHCN (Global Historical Climate Network) data set.…

An Ocean of Overconfidence

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I previously discussed the question of error bars in oceanic heat content measurements in “Decimals of Precision“. There’s a new study of changes in oceanic…

Tipping points and beliefs – the 10% solution

From the Rennsselaer Polytechnic Institute Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas Scientists at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have found that when just 10 percent of the…

Warming or Cooling? Heads or Tails?

At left, Two Headed Quarter from This article, originally published in the Wall Street Journal, is now republished here, with the author’s permission, using his website post. Mathematician Doug…

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