ClimateTV – URBAN HEAT ISLAND EFFECT – Dramatic New Findings! 

The Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) has been known for decades, but it is routinely dismissed by climate advocates as being either insignificant or “we adjust for it” when they…

New paper submission: Urban heat island effects in U.S. summer temperatures, 1880-2015

The bottom line is that an estimated 22% of the U.S. warming trend, 1895 to 2023, is due to localized UHI effects.

Summer warming 1895-2023 in U.S. cities exaggerated by 100% from the urban heat island effect

This means warming has been exaggerated by at least a factor of 2 (100%).

New Study Suggests Global Warming Could be Mostly an Urban Problem

“For many years, the general public has been assuming that the science on climate change is settled. This new study shows that this is not the case.” Contributor Misses the UHI Influence on Phoenix Warming Trend

Data show that the high levels of warming, especially at night and as measured at an airport, are primarily due to urbanization over time, with the modest warming of the…

Houston Recognizes They Have a Problem, the UHI.

Kudos to ABC13 in Houston for reporting honestly on how the UHI affects Houston’s temperatures.

Exclusive: Three Typhoon Jets Landed Next to Thermometer When Britain’s ‘Record’ Temperature of 40.3°C Was Recorded

For the purpose of taking temperature measurements to build a picture of long-term climate change, there are few places more unsuitable than an airport runway.

Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part IV: UHI Effects on Tmax and Tmin

The nonlinearity of the relationship is, as other investigators have found, very strong.

Classifying Land Temperature Stations as Either “Urban” or “Rural” in UHI Studies Proves Nothing about Spurious Temperature Trends

studies have demonstrated that the greatest rate of warming as population increases is for nearly-rural sites, not urban

Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part III: Using Population Density, 1880-2015

Eventually, all of this will lead to an estimation of how much of the land warming (say, since 1880) has been spurious due to the Urban Heat Island effect.

Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part II: Evidence that Homogenization Spuriously Warms Trends

Thus, it appears that NOAA’s homogenization procedure is spuriously warming station temperature trends (on average) when it should be cooling them. I don’t know how to conclude any different.

Urbanization Effects on GHCN Temperature Trends, Part I: The Urbanization Characteristics of the GHCN Stations

I’m convinced that there is spurious warming remaining in the GHCN-based temperature data. The only question is, how much?

Canadian Summer Urban Heat Island Effects: Some Results in Alberta

Landsat-based estimates of increased urbanization suggest that this has caused a spurious warming component of reported temperature trends, at least for locations experiencing increased urbanization.

New Research Showing U.S. Warming is Exaggerated by 50 Percent

Originally posted on Climate Realism By Linnea Lueken A recent post from The Daily Sceptic describes new research conducted by scientists seeking to accurately determine U.S. surface temperatures after the influence of…

Claim: Climate Change Is Closing Daily Temperature Gap, Clouds Could Be the Cause

The diurnal temperature range has a significant effect on growing seasons, crop yields, residential energy consumption and human health issues related to heat stress.

Study: The Urban Heat Island Penalty Grows, Especially at Night

From the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), more confirmation of a night-time warming bias in climate records due to increased infrastructure. RICHLAND, Wash.—City living has its perks: Live music, museums,…

Urban Heat Island Effects on U.S. Temperature Trends, 1973-2020: USHCN vs. Hourly Weather Stations

I argue that, based upon the importance of quality temperature trend calculations to national energy policy, a new dataset not dependent upon the USHCN Tmax/Tmin observations is required.

A New Look at the Urban Heat Island Effect

By Andy May Nicola Scafetta has just published a new paper in Climate Dynamics examining evidence of the urban heat island (UHI) effect (Scafetta, 2021). The paper is not paywalled…

More surfacestations project vindication: Strong UHI temperature biases confirmed in USA

WUWT readers may recall that NOAA did an experiment at Oak Ridge National Laboratory that vindicated my findings about the effects of local urbanization on surface temperature measurements. The urban…

The Megacities Are Cooking

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [OK, had to start over, had bad numbers for the areas. Graphics have been replaced. I was using “core area” but I should have been…

Poorly sited weather station leads to a fake record high in Germany

From Pierre Gosselin: Lingen Cheated: Germany’s New All-Time Record High Resulted From DWD Weather Service Lousy Station Siting During last week’s record-setting European heat wave, Germany’s previous record of 40.3C…

Scafetta on UHI

Guest post by Rud Istvan Charles the Moderator asked via email whether the following Scafetta paper had any merit? I opined yes, so here is another possible guest post. This…

Our Urban “Climate Crisis”

By Jim Steele Published in Pacifica Tribune May 14, 2019 What’s Natural Our Urban “Climate Crisis” Based on a globally averaged statistic, some scientists and several politicians claim we are…

Mosher: “microsite bias matters more than UHI, especially in the first kilometer”

Urban Stations in GHCN V4. Guest post by Steven Mosher Background The recent post at WUWT covered a new analysis by Goddard & Tett (hereafter GT) showed how UHI has…

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