REBUTTAL to Doctor Merritt: ‘Climate Change’ Does Not Affect Human Health, Weather Does

This story on WUWT last week was so absurd, I felt like it needed a strong rebuttal. A November 4th article in the Canadian newspaper, Victoria Times Colonist, reported, B.C.…

Friday Funny BONUS: Funniest Things Blamed on Climate Change?

What are the most ridiculous things the media has blamed climate change on? Heartland’s Andy Singer breaks down the thirty funniest claims the media has made yet. Website referenced:…

Oh FFS, “Researchers explore psychological effects of climate change”

From the UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA and the “abnormal people don’t worry about climate change” department comes this load of codswallop. It’s all about messaging, if we didn’t have the MSM pushing…

Hurricane Irma Is NOT the Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane Ever Recorded… Part Deux

Guest post by David Middleton Caribbean battered as Irma, most powerful hurricane ever, makes landfall Winds of 151mph recorded before monitoring equipment is destroyed by the storm, as eye of…

Oh, please: ‘Weather whiplash’ triggered by changing climate will degrade Midwest’s drinking water

From the UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, and the “department of creative doom labels” comes this fine example of Tabloid Climatology™ that is totally busted, if you just check a little history.…

Garbage Climate Science: Modeling  ≠ Data when it comes to 2003 Paris heat wave deaths

You have to wonder about the logic behind such “science”. Instead of looking at actual data, such as actual causes on death certificates, researchers instead run a distributed model processing…

Worst science of the year: “‘Unprecedented’: Scientists declare ‘global climate emergency’ after jet stream crosses equator”

This ridiculous claim made me think of this line: Sometimes, number one, you just have to bow to the absurd – Jean Luc Picard, Star Trek TNG From RAW Story and…

Not just extreme weather anymore, 'extreme climate events' enter the lexicon

Amazon rainforest responds quickly to extreme climate events STANFORD’S SCHOOL OF EARTH, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES A new study examining carbon exchange in the Amazon rainforest following extremely hot and…

Oh Noes!!! Sea Level Rise to Double… Again!

Guest post by David Middleton Sea levels could rise far more rapidly than expected in coming decades, according to new research that reveals Antarctica’s vast ice cap is less stable…

This just in: Ice Age postponed due to global warming!

Guest post by David Middleton, featured image borrowed from Meadow Heights PTA.   Global warming caused by fossil fuel emissions is blamed by scientists for intensifying storms, raising sea levels…

Video: Why science reporter Seth Borenstein at the Associated Press is more about 'New Catch Phrases' and less about science

Worth repeating, in their own words on video, from Pierre Gosselin’s “No tricks Zone”: Amazing…AP Reporter Seth Borenstein Emphasizing Value Of “New Catch Phrases” To Hype Up Climate Stories! By…

Tabloid Climatology from the Max Planck Institute : "The findings show that no place is safe from climate change."

This recently published Max Planck Institute paper claims that seasonal temperature variability across the world has been affected by “climate change” what they DON’T do as far as I can…

'Climate disruption' gets a movie

This must be coordinated blitz week for climate alarmism leading up to the “march on climate” Sept 21 in New York City. Now there’s a movie about the so…

UN/WMO Propaganda Stunt: climate fantasy forecasts of hell on Earth from the future

Eric Worrall writes: The UN has launched a climate propaganda campaign, consisting of two weeks of “weather forecasts from the future”, intended to give people a taste of what our…

Hilarious! Sierra Club & ditch polar bears as climate mascot, try 'cat videos' for climate change instead

In the past we’ve seen polar bears dropped from the sky and animals committing suicide rather than face climate change. Those didn’t go over very well. So, the Sierra Club…

More tabloid climatology: gloom and doom about the jet stream, winters, and global warming

From the University of Utah, an argument that makes you wonder “what started it 4000 years ago”? Looking at another similar study, Joltin Joe Romm called that study Bombshell: Study…

The Age of Hyperbole: How Normal Weather Became ‘Extreme’

A media without shame drives us towards energy poverty. By: Dr. Tim Ball and Tim Harris Said Thomas Jefferson: “The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than…

Quite possibly the dumbest example of 'Tabloid Climatology' ever from Climate Central's Andrew Freedman

Andrew Freedman writes in this Tabloid Climatology™ piece at Climate Central: When Hurricane Sandy struck New York City on October 29, 2012, the dark waters of Flushing Bay poured over…

'Greedy Lying Bastards' film uses a fake cover photo, recycled PR from 2005, cites opinion of a 'truther', is directed by a former ELF spokeman, and uses a big dose of hate to make its point

When they lie right on the cover, it speaks volumes about the content of the film. What’s the lie in the cover you ask? I contacted the West Coast press…

Low information opinion: weather rules, climate drools

From the University of British Columbia , and the “weather is not climate, except when we say it is” department comes the reason why alarmists are trying to make people…

The week in Gore

Al Gore has been running the interview circuit this week, and it seems since his sale of CURRENT TV to Al Jazeerra he has gone from golden boy to goblin…

The Atlantic Magazine's '5 Charts About Climate Change That Should Have You Very, Very Worried'… Worried about scientific illiteracy.

Guest post by David Middleton I ran into this gem on Real Clear Energy this morning… The article cites terrifying new reports commissioned by the World Bank and the CIA…

More Tabloid Climatology – now 'extreme weather' killed the Mayans

From the University of California – Davis  and the “seek and ye shall find” department, a stunning example of Tabloid Climatology™ trying to link “extreme weather” with the Mayan civilization…

Job candidate tells Bloomberg to 'take this job and ….. ..' over global warming cover

People send me stuff. This one, submitted to WUWT’s “submit a story”  is quite something in that I’ve never seen someone take such a principled stand before getting a job.…

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