COP28:  Who Matters?  — Follow-up

“China having a higher share of renewables each year, while also having a massive growth in overall electricity consumption.   …  What does this tell us about the type and amount…

The Great Climate Change Science Bottleneck

IAM research and IPCC reporting The two activities have become interdependent and reciprocally legitimizing.

Video: 2022 Nobel physics prize winner John Clauser rips climate idiocy, No ‘climate crisis’ and IPCC ‘one of the worst sources of dangerous misinformation’

2022 Nobel physics winner John Clauser ripped the pseudoscience and ‘techno-con’ that is climate last week in South Korea.

Thorough analysis by Clintel shows serious errors in latest IPCC report

We are sorry to conclude that the IPCC has done a poor job of assessing the scientific literature.

L A Times UN Climate Report Editorial Lacks Competence & Credibility

…the Times Editorial Board swallows hook, line and sinker with incompetent and grossly incomplete analysis. 

UN’s climate panic is more politics than science

The IPCC Reports have become “bumper sticker” climate science

McKibben: Last Week’s Climate Report “landed … with a gentle plop”

McKibben believes the reason the IPCC’s increasingly frantic climate warnings are being ignored is people don’t believe they can make a difference.

Media Regurgitates IPCC’s ‘Final Warning’ on Climate Change – Without Realizing We’ve Already Passed 1.5°C

With all this contrary evidence of a doom-laden present and future, isn’t it time we simply stop listening to these unproven claims?

The IPCC AR6 Report Erases the Holocene

By Andy May This post has been translated into German by Christian Freuer here. You won’t find much in the IPCC AR6 report on the atmospheric CO2 concentration evolution during…

IPCC’s 1990 Predictions Were Even Worse Than We Thought

… it is clear that IPCC’s midrange medium-term prediction has proven to be a 140% exaggeration…

Important New Paper Challenges IPCC’s Claims about Climate Sensitivity

Official IPCC estimates of future global warming may be overstated

IPCC Scientists: Climate Change Doom is Doomier than People Realise

IPCC Lead Author Glen Peters and friends are dismayed some people have misinterpreted a call for immediate emissions reductions to mean that we still have a few years to act.

New UN IPCC report claims ‘Now or Never’ to flight climate – That’s an easy choice – NEVER! – More tipping points – Point-by-point rebuttal

“Absolutely nothing in this IPCC report is true. It is all fake and threatens the existence of civilization, especially the West because the East and the South don’t buy it.…

Monday Mirthiness – Climate Horrors?

Our resident cartoonist, Josh, points out an article in the Sunday Times of London that is horrible in more ways than one. First, it’s yet another IPCC report, second, “it’s…

The IPCC CO2 Climate Narrative: A “Behemoth On Clay Feet” …Ready To Collapse

The earth’s history provides the solid proof that acquits CO2. The IPCC’s claim of CO2 being the dominant climate factor is a behemoth on clay feet. 

Physicist Dr. Ed Berry rips UN IPCC’s ‘climate fiction’ – Explains ‘why the IPCC is wrong’

But the physics model shows IPCC’s basic assumption, and therefore IPCC’s ice-core assumption, contradict IPCC’s natural carbon cycle data.

Challenging UN, Study Finds Sun—not CO2—May Be Behind Global Warming

Climate scientist Dr. Ronan Connolly, Dr. Willie Soon and 21 other scientists claim the conclusions of the latest “code red” IPCC climate report are strongly dependent on the authors’ narrow…

Climate change: New report will highlight ‘stark reality’ of warming

Meanwhile global temperatures, following on from the record El Nino in 2015/16, are no higher now than they were two decades ago. Isn’t it strange that things like Germany’s floods…

Why the IPCC focuses on the scenarios that it does

It is more than a little silly to have a breathlessly-awaited, embargoed report presenting analysis of out-of-date scenarios, but here we are!

How much global warming should IPCC’s next report predict?

Mainstream climate scientists have been busy in the last two years, publishing updated climatological data in time for IPCC’s forthcoming Sixth Assessment Report. The availability of those recent mainstream data…

Analysis of a carbon forecast gone wrong: the case of the IPCC FAR

Reposted from Dr. Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. Posted on January 31, 2020 by curryja | by Alberto Zaragoza Comendador The IPCC’s First Assessment Report (FAR) made forecasts or projections of…

Were IPCC’s 1990 medium-term warming predictions accurate? No.

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley In the increasingly vain hope of success in flogging the dead horse Global Warming, revisionists are increasingly trying to pretend that climatologists’ original predictions of…


Guest Post by Michael Kile The IPCC’s latest serve of climate catastrophism, released just before the UN General Assembly met in New York last month, ironically contained some good news;…

New IPCC report on ocean warming cites a flawed and retracted paper

Via Retraction Watch: A major new report about the dramatic warming of the oceans cites a 2018 Nature paper on the topic that was retracted earlier this week — the same day, in fact, that…

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