Artificial Airglow from HAARP May Be Widely Visible in Alaska Tonight

NOTE: The HAARP facility was closed some years ago, and now it is operational again. Back then I was happy it was closed because it (mostly) ended the silly conspiracy…

Climate scientists admit they have a 90% chance of being wrong about Arctic sea ice

Guest Post by Javier Vinós Arctic sea ice is lowest during the month of September, and its average extent during this month is a useful metric for measuring Arctic sea…

High-Arctic Spring and Climate Change: A Tale of Shifting Claims

…prior assumptions about the region’s advancing spring season have now been effectively erased.

Polar Bear Sea Ice Habitat Near the End of Arctic Spring 2023

From Polar Bear Science Susan Crockford Arctic sea ice is beginning to melt and the end of spring is drawing near. Mating season is over for polar bears as is the gorging…

Arctic Ice: A Cold Reality Check for Climate Alarmism

If we are experiencing a global warming crisis as intense as many suggest, shouldn’t we be seeing a decrease in such significant ice formations?

Aarhus University Researchers Find Arctic Warmer, Ice-Free in Summertime 10,000 Years Ago!

Moving goalposts

Polar Wildlife Report reveals Arctic and Antarctic animals were thriving in 2022

From Polar Bear Science Susan Crockford The Polar Wildlife Report is a peer reviewed summary of the most recent information on polar animals, relative to historical records, based on a review of…

Study finds sinking tundra surface unlikely to trigger runaway permafrost thaw

“Improved drainage results in a drier landscape over a decadal timescale, and the process then becomes self-limiting,” said Scott Painter, who leads the Watershed Systems Modeling group at ORNL.

Allow Children to Learn About the Arctic Without Terrifying Them with Fantasies of Climate Catastrophe

Children need to be allowed to learn without being used as pawns in an adult political battle.

Arctic Ice at Decade-High Level: Can Doomsayers Explain?

With ice coverage for July and August remaining above the 10-year average of 2010-20, the extent of summer sea ice in the Arctic has surprised experts who once predicted that…

Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute Sees No Extreme Situation with Arctic Sea Ice

The ice cover in September will be with a great probability in the range of the last years, i.e. between 4 and 5 million square kilometers.

Since 2000 The Arctic’s Hudson Bay Has Cooled -0.35°C With 10 Of 15 Sites Gaining Sea Ice

From the NoTricksZone By Kenneth Richard on 7. July 2022 A new study (Gupta et al., 2022) indicates that from 2000-2019 73% of the 15 sites considered have been cooling and 67% have…

MSM Scares Themselves, Confuse ‘Unprecedented’ Weather Model Temperature Spikes with Actual Temperatures

Scientists (and journalists) that use those terms might be better off keeping a lid on their opinions until they have real data to confirm their “unprecedented” claims. Carl Sagan rightly…

Claim: Permafrost peatlands approaching tipping point

Researchers warn that permafrost peatlands in Europe and Western Siberia are much closer to a climatic tipping point than previous believed. 

Thawing Permafrost Could Leach Microbes, Chemicals Into Environment

The hope is that using measurements from a combination of platforms will help scientists create a fuller picture of changes at the poles, where permafrost is thawing the fastest.

Monitoring Arctic Permafrost with Satellites, Supercomputers, and Deep Learning

“The ice wedges form from the freezing and melting of soil in the tundra,” said Liljedahl. “Some of them are tens of thousands of years old.”

Attenborough fibbed about hundreds of dead walrus because he wanted what the WEF wants

As I point out in my new book, Fallen Icon, David Attenborough devised a three year campaign on the falsehood that hundreds of Russian walrus died falling off a cliff due…

Arctic Ocean Warming Began Already In Early 20th Century, Meaning Natural Factors Strongly At Play, Not CO2

But all of a sudden at the start of the 20th century, you get this marked change in temperature and salinity—it really sticks out

Mediterranean Weather In The Arctic

And apart from the exceptional temperature last year and in 1988, there is no evidence that Siberian summers are getting hotter in overall terms.

University of Manitoba Publishes an End of Snow Prediction

As Russian Arctic towns struggle with an unexpected early hard freeze, and Northern Europe struggles with harsh temperatures, climate scientists have announced that rain will dominate Arctic snow events by…

Early Arctic Freeze Threatens to Strand Ships.

Some 20 ships are either stuck or struggling to sail, as waters in the East Siberia Sea froze earlier than in recent years

Black carbon aerosols heating Arctic: Large contribution from mid-latitude biomass burning

he year-to-year spring variation in Arctic black carbon (BC) aerosol abundance is strongly correlated with biomass burning in the mid-latitudes. Moreover, current models underestimate the contribution of BC from biomass…

How the Sun Controls Arctic Ice and Temperatures part 3

Part 3 on controls on Arctic sea ice. Although sunspot cycles do not add enough energy to explain the Arctic’s warming, the sun and sunspot cycles do explain redistribution of…

Researchers find the dynamics behind the remarkable August 2018 Greenland polynya formation

“We found that the thinnest sea ice cover in August since 1978 and the modest southerly wind were responsible for the formation and maintenance of this polynya.” said leading author…

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