Testing A Constructal Climate Model

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach ABSTRACT A simple constructal model of the operation of the climate system was created by Dr. Adrian Bejan and several others. It posits that the…

Sun, Temperatures, and Models

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach PART THE FIRST – REAL WORLD Well, my monkey mind started thinking about the relationship between how much sunshine is absorbed at the surface and…

The LWIR Puzzle: Experiments with MODTRAN

Much ink is spilled on this site, both in the articles themselves and in the threads that follow, on CO2 and its impact on long wave infrared radiation (LWIR).

Warming could raise UK flood damage bill by 20%, Say Make-Believe Computer Simulations

Meanwhile back in the real world, real flood experts have analysed historical flood trends, and found that the percentage of the population at risk has actually declined since 1870 in…

Are the North Atlantic Currents Strengthening or Weakening?

By contrast, recent empirical studies have challenged the “weakening” hypothesis.

Let the Litigation Flow!

our work is an important contribution to the effort to develop evidence that can be used to make claims for legal standing.

MSM Scares Themselves, Confuse ‘Unprecedented’ Weather Model Temperature Spikes with Actual Temperatures

Scientists (and journalists) that use those terms might be better off keeping a lid on their opinions until they have real data to confirm their “unprecedented” claims. Carl Sagan rightly…

Meandering Through A Climate Muddle

Guest Post By Willis Eschenbach One reason that I’m always hesitant to speculate on other peoples’ motives is that half the time I have no clue about my own motives.…

Pielke Jr. Slams Kerry Emanuel’s Latest

Observations of hurricane activity apparently don’t show the right trends. So this new paper re-invents history by using modeled historical hurricane activity to find the right trends.

Surface Radiation Balance

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Let me invite you to wander with me through some research I’ve been doing. I got to thinking about the surface radiation balance. The earth’s…

Central Planning Gone Wild!

Taken together, these analyses provide a strong case for redistributive policies that establish both minimum and maximum income and/or consumption levels

The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to poor modeling

The methods used in A. M. Vicedo-Cabrera et all 2021 are seriously flawed causing results and conclusion to be invalid.

Debunked: New Computer Simulated Pine Island Glacier Doomsday Paper By Rosier et al Ignores Lots Of Science

Die kalte Sonne brings up the question: Why were these earlier studies – many based on observations – ignored by Rosier et al? “Hard to believe they were,” says the…

Trouble in Noonworld, Take 2

I have been trying to understand and deconstruct the climate-modeling work of Philip Mulholland and Stephen Wilde (M&W). M&W seem to believe that the model they have developed explains planetary…

Trouble in Noonworld

So, on Noonworld, the Dark side partitioning ratio is always 𝛾ₒ = 0. The entire convective heat flux from the warm air always flows into the cold surface. Any other…

Atmospheric Energy Recycling

Yet, a simple model like what I’ve shared here can help illustrate general mechanisms, and clarify some otherwise mystifying phenomenon. These simple models explain things like how back-radiation fluxes can…

A Greenhouse Gas Planetary Temperature Formula to Put Nikolov and Zeller’s Pressure Formula in Context

So, in terms of corresponding to underlying physics, I expect my formula is basically nonsense. But, it has at least as much correspondence to the underlying physics as is the…

There Are Models And There Are Models

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’m 74, and I’ve been programming computers nearly as long as anyone alive.  When I was 15, I’d been reading about computers in pulp science…

500 Years of Global SST Variations from a 1D Forcing-Feedback Model

If nothing else, the results in Fig. 3 might give us some idea of the ENSO-related SST variations for 300-400 years before anthropogenic forcings became significant, and how those variations…

Climate change likely drove early human species to extinction, modeling study suggests

Of the six or more different species of early humans, all belonging to the genus Homo, only we Homo sapiens have managed to survive. Now, a study reported in the…

Claim: New mathematical method shows how climate change led to fall of ancient civilization

Chaos paper by RIT Assistant Professor Nishant Malik applies method to Indus Valley Civilization

Central Planning Gone Wild!

Indeed, the main purpose of reopening businesses is to prevent further deterioration of our economy by generating profits and provide incomes that many citizens desperately need. However, for employees in…

Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought – update

I showed in my May 10th article Why herd immunity to COVID-19 is reached much earlier than thought that inhomogeneity within a population in the susceptibility and in the social-connectivity…

Podcast: The Calamity of Models (Guest: Willis Eschenbach)

Both climate and coronavirus models continue to fail. Why do we still look at them for deciding public policy? Our resident polymath Willis Eschenbach joins Anthony Watts to discuss the…

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