Lunar eclipse and winter solstice to coincide, first time since the year 1378

How often do you get to witness an event that has not been seen since the year 1378,  over half a millennium, 632 years ago? Of course, weather will make…


Note: clearly satellites can see urban heat, as demonstrated by this recent paper unveiled at the 2010 AGU meeting by NASA. See: Satellites Image the Urban Heat Islands in the Northeast.…

Global Eruption Rocks the Sun

I should point out that thanks to the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), we can see things that we’ve never seen before. So while this event is unprecedented in the history…

Satellites Image the Urban Heat Islands in the Northeast

Gee where have we seen something like this before? Dads/Moms and Grandparents: if you’d like your children/grandchildren to be able to do something on UHI for the spring science fair,…

NASA's Terra Satellite Images Minnesota's Blizzard Aftermath

From Science @ The upper Midwest was hit by a powerful winter storm this past weekend as more than 17 inches of snow brought down the roof to the…

Hansen feels the need to explain why GISS is high in the midst of frigid air

I was working on a general report yesterday, but in checking background for it, I discovered this recent missive from Dr. Hansen. I suppose when your agency is the “odd…

Quick, somebody slap a carbon tax on this new planet

NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope Reveals First Carbon-Rich Planet PASADENA, Calif. — Astronomers have discovered that a huge, searing-hot planet orbiting another star is loaded with an unusual amount of carbon.…

A bill for climate data integrity: The Public Access to Historical Records Act

This just in from U.S. Senator David Vitter’s office here’s now the official press release: For Immediate Release Contact: Joel DiGrado (Vitter) (202) 224-4623 December 8, 2010 Emily Lawrimore (Barrasso)  (202) 224-6441…

Arsenic and post-haste: another example of the broken peer review process turned "science by press release"

Did “go fever” push NASA to publicly announce science to the MSM that wasn’t well peer reviewed? WUWT readers may recall that I conjectured about the cryptic press release NASA…

NASA climate model shows plants slow Global Warming by creating a new negative feedback in response to increased CO2

  From NASA Earth Science news: A new NASA computer modeling effort has found that additional growth of plants and trees in a world with doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide levels…

SOHO – 15 years today

Dr. Leif Svalgaard advises via email that today is the 15th anniversary of the SOHO(Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). Here’s a story to celebrate one of the most successful space missions…

NASA's extraterrestrial buzz

UPDATE2: 12/2/2010 10:15AM PST, NYT reports on this a full hour before the NASA news conference at 2PM EST (11AMPST) that it is in fact about arsenic microbes. – Anthony…

Be a closet climate modeler with Climate@home

First there was SETI@home where you could use spare CPU cycles to look for extraterrestrial signals. Now we have Climate@Home, running NASA GISS modeling software in distributed computing, but no…

This year's Antarctic ozone hole is 5th biggest

September 12th, 2008 Ozone hole over the Antarctic From NASA News This is considered a “moderately large” ozone hole, according to NASA atmospheric scientist, Paul Newman. And while this year’s…

Scientists trace cosmic rays to massive black holes

Above: (artist conception) Astronomers have discovered the biggest black hole orbiting a star 1.8 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopeia, with a record-setting mass of 24 to 33…

NASA blows wads of cash on celebration parties

From Slashdot: “NASA spends between $400,000 and $1.3 million on a party at every shuttle launch, according to CBS. Select personnel are treated to 5 days at a 4 star…

Camille Paglia on "fancy-pants, speculative, climate models"

Camille Paglia is listed as one of the top 100 intellectuals in the world today, in fact she’s at number 20.  So, it is with some surprise that I read her response…

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