Predictably, the Rush to Electric Cars Is Imploding

Anyone who tells you these power grabs aren’t coming is telling you not to believe your own eyes.

Reconciling with Nature – God and Qantas (Part 1, Arriving London)

Guest essay by Dr. Jennifer Marohasy There is a tendency, that must be resisted, for 21st century Western scientists to claim every discovery of mass death as a catastrophe and…

California: from Mega-Drought to “The Big Melt”

The plentiful rain that fell in California through the last few months have ended California’s long-term drought for now, but has also left the mountains covered in snow, tens of…

Resourceful Earth Day: Fred Smith on Julian Simon we approach their due date for disaster, the planet is in increasingly good shape.

Open Letter to Global Leaders assembled at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

And why did they not admit that mitigation even at a global scale – as already proven in the pandemic of 2020 – would have imperceptible effect on climate?

Numbers –Tricky Tricky Numbers: Part 1

We find ourselves reading articles and essays and journal papers filled with abstractions about abstractions about ordinary phenomena. 

People, You Better Vote for Better Energy Policy, and Fast

The “fossil fuel lobby” is every one of us, because we owe our lives to the stuff, and the government actually knows this. That is why they are leaving boot prints…

Disinformation Becomes an Art Form, And – A Government Department. What Could Go Wrong?

Pigs will fly through the sky delivering Amazon packages. Kim Jong-un will sing a duet with Britney Spears called “If you had my dad you’d understand the hair.” A schnauzer…

WUWT Contest Winner, General Audience, Second Place – “Is There Really a Climate Crisis?”

Climate models in the past have not predicted current temperature trends, so cannot be assumed to be accurate in the future.

Column: A Stake Through the Heartland – Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Are Greatly Stressing the Country’s Producing Class

But global mismanagement of the fuel system – following very bad advice that the old can be now starved of capital and dismantled because erroneous fanatics have led to believe…

The New Climate Strike – What a Good Idea

““The science-society contract is broken. … We explore three options for the climate change science community. We find that two options are untenable and one is unpalatable. “

IPCC WGII AR6, More Insanity: Small Islands

”The report seems to have been written by the inmates of an insane asylum.   Or maybe by beings from a far distant planet writing about the for-them exo-planet Sol-3 or…

Existential Risks

The story is about how politicians, the media, scientists, the public and space entrepreneurs react to this.  The Director, screen writers and lead actor (Leonardo DiCaprio) all say that it…

The Profound Junk Science of Climate

Climate change and wind and solar electricity are a snipe hunts, diverting the country from serious problems in favor of imaginary problems with imaginary solutions that enrich the promoters and…

Europe’s Energy Crisis Better Wake America Up

The overall effect of these anti-fossil-fuel policies on livelihoods, living standards, health and life spans will be profoundly negative. Countless people will perish, many of them cold and jobless in…

Plain English Lost on the High Court of Australia

Coral reefs can be messy, and so can court cases. And so it is with the case of Peter Ridd, sacked by James Cook University because he exercised his intellectual…

Climate Politics Threatens an Era of Energy Poverty

The situation in the U.K. should be a warning to U.S. energy planners, who might face a similar situation if Biden moves ahead with his carbon-reduction proposals and replaces U.S.…

The Climate News Cabal Just Can’t Quit

In a video obtained this week by CNN, US Senator Ron Johnson, Republican of Wisconsin, said the following in June during a luncheon with GOP women: “I don’t know about…

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