James Hansen Hots it Up Even Higher

New paper from the “father of global warming” argues reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not enough to combat climate change

CO2 Analogy to Tobacco: “Nonsense,” states James Hansen

But with global lukewarming and a nod toward the manifold benefits of CO2 enrichment, this scare can be moderated. Stay tuned on this one, as the father of the climate…

History Confirms Democrat’s 1988 Senate Global Warming Hearing Got Everything Wrong from Start to Finish

The Democratic Party’s pattern of climate alarmist distortion and deception has continued for more than three decades and is thriving under the incompetent energy leadership of Biden, the Democratic Party…

Hansen’s 1988 global-warming prediction was thrice observation

Hansen’s business-as-usual scenario A is now universally recognized, even among the Thermageddonites, to have been a baseless and absurd exaggeration. It predicts two or three times as much warming as…

Climate Leader James Hansen: “It’s time for Bernie Sanders to retire”

Guest essay by Eric Worrall h/t Dr. Willie Soon; Ex NASA GISS Director James Hansen, who kicked off the global warming scare with testimony before Congress in 1988, has attacked…

Supreme Court Intervenes in Children’s Climate Change Court Case

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Justice John Roberts of the US Supreme Court has stepped in and temporarily halted the Children’s Climate Lawsuit, pending resolution of a Government application to…

The Hansen forecasts 30 years later

From Dr. Judith Curry’s site, a discussion of Hansen’s original forecasts as seen below: by Ross McKitrick and John Christy How accurate were James Hansen’s 1988 testimony and subsequent JGR article forecasts of global…

Analysis of James Hansen’s 1988 Prediction of Global Temperatures for the Last 30 Years

Guest analysis by Clyde Spencer Introduction There have been articles on WUWT recently, here and here, commemorating the 30 years since James Hansen gave Senate committee testimony about his view…

Thirty Years On, How Well Do Global Warming Predictions Stand Up?

The short answer, is not all that well. On June 23, 1988, NASA scientist James E. Hansen testified before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, where he expressed…

SHOCK: The 'Father of global warming', James Hansen, dials back alarm

James Hansen: We Have a Little More Time After All (Whew!) By Robert Bradley Jr. “Contrary to the impression favored by governments, the corner has not been turned toward declining…

James Hansen gets grilled by attorney in Omaha after spewing nonsense

From the Powerline blog: Nebraska attorney Dave Begley is our faithful Omaha correspondent. Dave reports: (video follows) Friday night in a crowd of 500 to 700 people at Creighton University…

Federal Court rules in Favour of Plaintiffs Demanding Climate Action

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Federal court Justice Thomas Coffin has ruled that child plaintiffs suing the Federal Government have a right to put their case, that the US Government…

Renewables are useless: The Evidence is Overwhelming

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Al Gore has a problem. He seems to want people to believe that only climate skeptics oppose renewables. The truth is, a small but growing…

James Hansen at #AGU15 Why Are Scientists Holding Back on Sea Level Projections?

Session today: James Hansen, Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Hansen coauthored a widely discussed paper this year that projects sea levels could surge up to 10 feet this century. He…

Final draft of #COP21 reached – with a 1 year "opt out" clause

Opinion by Anthony Watts A final draft of the Paris climate agreement has emerged after days – and years – of negotiation. Laurent Fabius, the president of COP21, called the…

Obama’s climate policy is ‘practically worthless,’ says Dr. James Hansen

From MSNBC. During his big emotional climate speech this week, President Ovbama said: “I don’t want my grand-kids to not be able to swim in Hawaii or not be able…

Coal, Death Trains, Climate, and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Guest essay by Charles Battig, M.D. Mike Huckabee’s recent comment about President Obama, “He would trust the Iranians and he would take the Israelis and basically march them to the…

Early Hansen Co-authored Paper Notes “global mean temperature was perhaps 1 deg C warmer than today”

Guest Post by Bob Tisdale While doing some research for my upcoming book, I was rummaging through early papers on sea level data at the CU Sea Level Library.  I found…

Earth Institute: "Japan should use nuclear power"

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Jeffrey Sachs, director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University, has stated in an interview with Ryuichi Otsuka, a news researcher for the prominent Japanese…

Video: Comments on Human-Induced Global Warming – Episode 1 – The Hiroshima Bomb Metric

With much fanfare from the faithful (a grand total of 15 comments as of this writing), SkepticalScience recently released their 4-Hiroshima-Bombs-per-second widget. Their claimed intent is to “raise the awareness…

Climate Craziness of the Week: James Hansen's human free vision of the future

When I was a kid, I’d watch cartoons with mad scientists running amok and causing trouble. As an adult, I observed that there actually aren’t any mad scientists. Now, after…

Global Warming to Endanger Breakfast by 2080!!!

Guest Post by David Middleton First it was wheat and now it’s coffee. What’s next? Bacon & eggs? This is nothing but alarmist nonsense… Researchers at the Royal Botanic Gardens…

Not Quite Friday Funny – Hansen's hot product

Josh is in fine form today, saying: “New Hansen cartoon.. a bit of a mix a whole load of news stories together and see what happens cartoon.”

NASA Astronauts Announce Second Letter to NASA at Heartland Conference

This will be a top sticky post for a day or two, new stories will appear below this one. At the Heartland Conference in  Chicago this morning, four of the…

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