From Now To 2100 Emission Reduction Policy Costs Greatly Exceed Any Net Benefit from Averted Warming

The benefits of not meeting Paris Accord emissions-reduction targets outweigh the costs associated even with worst-case-scenario global warming throughout the 21st century.

Oh Noes! Window to avoid 1.5°C of warming will close before 2030 if emissions are not reduced

Without rapid carbon dioxide emission reductions, the world has a 50% chance of locking in 1.5°C of warming before 2030, according to a study led by Imperial College London researchers.

China Abandons Paris Agreement and Makes Others’ Efforts Even More Futile

China blithely continues on its own path, demonstrating to the world that the Paris Agreement and the entire global climate change initiative is an exercise in futility.

Bye Bye Paris: Chinese CO2 Emissions are Skyrocketing

As industries in green nations like Germany struggle with unaffordable green energy, China is boosting coal use.

India’s Record Aircraft Orders Ignore Climate Goals

Developing countries will continue to defy international climate goals as they become more intentional about addressing economic concerns.

Does the Paris Agreement Favour Human Rights Atrocities Over Machines?

Article 6.4 apparently rejects machine based carbon sequestration in favour of poor nation carbon reserves, which have a hideous baggage of human rights violations.

U.S. Exit of the Paris Climate Accord: Reasons Reverberate Today

Six years later, the logic of withdrawal remains–and more so.

Bloomberg News: ‘South Africa Beats Climate Goal as Blackouts Slash Emissions’ – ‘Unintentional…power plant breakdowns are reducing industrial activity’

Regular breakdowns of the coal-fired power plants that supply more than 80% of South Africa’s electricity mean that less carbon dioxide is being pumped into the atmosphere and daily rotational cuts of…

Study: The Tongan Eruption Might Cause a Breach of the 1.5C Global Warming Limit

… But we can’t consider it a Paris Agreement breach, because volcanic impacts on climate change are natural, not manmade.

WMO: “More bad news for the planet: greenhouse gas levels hit new highs”

Clearly the net zero push to date has been a complete failure. But the green focus on renewables made this inevitable.

“No More Excuses”: Aussie Academics Demand Global Paris Agreement Compliance

Aussie climate academics demanding better international compliance with their diktats.

What Paris Agreement? Worker Shortage Impeding Global Coal Production Surge

As global demand for coal skyrockets, a shortage of coal miners is the biggest impediment the growing coal renaissance.

Will the Next French President Renounce the Paris Agreement?

President Macron, thought technically in the lead, is facing a nervous time attempting to build a coalition, to win a run off election against upstart right wing candidate Marine Le-Pen.

Exit the Paris Climate Accord (Marlo Lewis on offense)

If fewer than two thirds of senators present vote in favor of ratification, President Biden should inform the U.N. Climate Secretariat that America is not a party to the Paris…

Will China achieve its 2060 carbon neutral commitment from the provincial perspective?

China has pledged to peak carbon emissions before 2030 and strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2060

The Impossibility Of The 1.5C Target

Be warned. We will be told that the world has finally committed to keeping temperature rise below 1.5C, and we must therefore play our full part by destroying our economy.…

AP: “UN: Climate pledges put world on ‘catastrophic pathway’”

Naughty China, India and Saudi Arabia have missed the date for submitting their climate change COP26 homework to the UN.

Philippines at Crossroads: Paris Pledge Threatens to Compromise Energy Security

The Philippines was one of the first countries to pull out of the international Paris climate agreement. However, it rejoined soon after and is now torn between its need for…

Will France Leave the Paris Agreement in 2022?

Marine Le Pen, who once described climate change as the “new religion of the bobo” (bohemian bourgeoisie), has a real chance of becoming the next French President in 2022.

The Guardian: “The Paris Agreement is Failing”

Does The Guardian want military invasions of countries which fail to reduce CO2 emissions? Author Jojo Metha laments the Paris Agreement has no enforcement clause – but she shies away…

Court Ruling: French Government is Failing to Meet Paris Agreement Pledges

What is the point of President Biden rejoining the Paris Accord, when even the French cannot be bothered to keep their pledges?

Boebert bill to block Paris climate agreement reignites Senate ratification debate

From The Washington Times Valerie Richardson writes in the The Washington Times: Rep. Lauren Boebert, Colorado Republican, has introduced a bill to block the Biden administration from reentering the Paris agreement…

US Rejoins Paris Agreement.

This email received from the White House Press Office this evening. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 20, 2020 ACCEPTANCE ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President…

The Case Against Sabotaging Biden’s Paris Agreement Plans

A few days ago WUWT published an article urging President Trump to kill the Paris Agreement by submitting it to the Senate. I disagree with this view. Quite apart from…

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