Man-Made Disaster’: Byron Donalds Blames ‘Green New Deal Stuff’ For Maui Wildfire


Republican Rep. Byron Donalds blamed “green new deal stuff” for the devastating wildfire in Maui, saying an electric company ignored “the basic things.”

Maui County filed a lawsuit against Maui Electric Company, Limited, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., Hawaiʻi Electric Light Company, Inc., and Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. for allegedly failing to shut down equipment on Aug. 7, when the National Weather Service issued a “red flag” warning, ABC News reported. The deadly wildfire that destroyed many buildings in the town of Lahaina on Aug. 8, killed at least 114 people and left hundreds missing. (RELATED: ‘Are You Freaking Kidding Me?’: Former FEMA Head Blasts Hawaii Officials’ Focus On ‘Equity’ Prior To Fire)


“I don’t believe in man-made climate change, that is number one. Number two, even if you believe in climate change, quote, unquote what are the actual solutions? What the Democrats want us to do is to send money and treasure over to the Chinese so they can strip mine the planet, basically dump a lot of emissions into the atmosphere and give us solar panels and windmills,” Donalds told “Kudlow” guest host David Asman. “Even with the solar panels and windmills it will not help the American people be able to survive if there are higher temperatures because you need massive amounts of electricity to run air-conditioning, to run refrigerators, so on, so forth.”

“What people on the left who really dig into this climate change stuff really want for us to do is to unwind some of the very fabric of our economy. That doesn’t make any sense,” Donalds continued. “You need fossil fuels. You need energy production and that primarily comes from natural gas, fossil fuels and what we should be doing is embracing nuclear power, not going down this green new deal stuff because frankly that is what happened in Hawaii. There was so much pressure on the electric company from officials both locally in Hawaii, but also the federal government, to chase down renewable energy. They weren’t paying attention to the basic things like making sure that you don’t have limbs touching power lines and that you actually clear out the underbrush so that the fuel for a fire which is fresh wood and other things like that, is not laying around to catch fire and nearly burn down an area.”

The West Maui Land Company accused M. Kaleo Manuel, an official with the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR), of delaying a response to a request to use water to refill reservoirs used by the Maui Fire Department to fight the wildfire, Hawaii News Now reported.

“I’ll tell you this: This is much more after man-made disaster, what happened in Maui, than being caused by the planet,” Donalds concluded.

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Steve Case
August 31, 2023 10:41 pm

There are reports resulting from the Maui fire that are difficult to believe:

Was there really a road block set up on the only road out of town?

Was there really a hold up on whether or not the fire department could have access to water because farmers needed it?

Reply to  Steve Case
August 31, 2023 11:30 pm

The road was blocked by utility company vehicles trying to erect new power poles and police protecting them.

Yes, water managers did need permission from “farmers”, ie poi growers or the defunct sugar and pineapple plantation land owners.

Reply to  Milo
August 31, 2023 11:32 pm
Reply to  Milo
September 1, 2023 3:52 am

Even if I accept your first (novel to me) explanation, the second bit is nonsense; there is not a place on earth where houses on fire does not trump any other effing concern you and your libtard buddies may have.

Richard Page
Reply to  cilo
September 1, 2023 5:18 am

The ‘second bit’ as you put it is a matter of record – it actually happened during the early stages of the Lahaina fires. You can eff all you want to but you’d be better served looking at what actually happened and the lives that were lost because the fire services were unable to draw water from the rivers to fight the fires.

Reply to  Richard Page
September 1, 2023 8:33 am

unable to draw water from the rivers

Richard, do you have any more information about that? Were they perhaps an urban department without any drafting equipment? (or limited equipment)

Reply to  cilo
September 1, 2023 8:02 am


You are on this site enough that you should have seen the links to the factual reports of a 4 or more hour delay in releasing water to the reservoirs that feed the hydrants due to the activist bureaucrat’s desire to maintain supply to “native” agriculture.

Your liberal moronitude is showing.

Liberal: One who’s beliefs are unfounded and who refuse to research to get to truth.

“the second bit is nonsense”??

Aren’t you the one who mentioned that with the ocean right there, they should use seawater to fight fires? If not you, some other liberal mentioned that on WUWT, showing the ignorance of liberals in general. That seawater would need pumps, probably, due to EPA regulations, electric pumps, which would have had NO ELECTRICITY to run them due to the downed lines.

I get so sad for the status of “humanity” when I read comments like yours.

Steve Case
Reply to  Drake
September 1, 2023 9:45 am

Aren’t you the one who mentioned that with the ocean right there, they should use seawater to fight fires? If not you, some other liberal mentioned that on WUWT, showing the ignorance of liberals in general. That seawater would need pumps, probably, due to EPA regulations, electric pumps, which would have had NO ELECTRICITY to run them due to the downed lines.

Twas me: Reply to  Scissor August 21, 2023 8:44 am LinkyPooh

Steve Case
Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 9:46 am

Link didn’t show up?? LINK

Reply to  Drake
September 1, 2023 10:50 pm

I never said to use seawater, and I never disputed the story about water allocation, I merely pointed out that I know of no society in the history of mankind, where houses on fire did not override any other consideration, except maybe rescuing the women and children, yes? The fact that this was not done, puts Maui solidly on the same ground as 911, Boston marathon, Sandy Hook and that libtard schoolshooter with the unholy manifesto the other day.
As for the power being down and no pumps, please, once again, with the cultural aversion to adobes burning down, please point me at a fire brigade that does not have their own pumps.
So, thanks for the invective, I apologise for WordPress not allowing me to edit that “you libtards” to make clear I am not attacking you personally (I saw this coming) but still, your arguments are invalid, and sound like justifications for mass murder. “We were busy with a live safety response exercise and could not respond to…(see list above).” Sounds familiar?
But as you get so sad for humanity, how’s my original warning going, the one where I warned everybody against sending money, as it will be used for the military, and to fund the disappearance of stray children? Any veracity to that warning, you think? Time to despair for humanity yet? And did those Maui officials learn anything about fire fighting on their safety course on a faraway island that day?

Reply to  Milo
September 1, 2023 8:31 am

water managers did need permission

Only if something needed to be done upstream of the firefighting location. Incident commander on scene has full authority to do whatever is needed – he could have just taken the water without asking. I can’t understand why he didn’t.

Reply to  Tony_G
September 1, 2023 9:22 am

“… releasing water into the reservoirs …” would have been an event way upstream of the fire commanders authority.

Reply to  Retired_Engineer_Jim
September 1, 2023 11:28 am

Thank you R.E.Jim, I missed that part (I see it in in Drake’s post now). Makes a lot more sense now.

Reply to  Retired_Engineer_Jim
September 1, 2023 11:02 pm

Jim, I hear you, but in what world does a fire chief not pick up a phone, and overrides every other official? This is basic human culture, in every culture I know of, with the possible exception for Eskimos living in igloos. I was going to add river people, but I have seen them act on house boat fires.
This was land clearance, plain and simple, see you in the five star hotel where granma’s little shop used to be…

Reply to  cilo
September 2, 2023 11:24 am

in what world does a fire chief not pick up a phone, and overrides every other official?

The Incident Commander HAS that authority, but petty bureaucrats gonna petty.

Reply to  Steve Case
September 1, 2023 1:37 am

This is an incredible mountain of accumulated incompetence. Institutional stupidity like investing in solar PV to “save the planet” instead of maintaining the actual grid to ensure everyone is safe TODAY, down to individually stupid and aberrant decisions on the ground in the face of an emergency.

Ed Zuiderwijk
September 1, 2023 1:15 am

Good man.

September 1, 2023 1:27 am

What we are witnessing in Maui is not climate related deaths but climate POLICY caused death.

Green politics KILLS. It’s that simple.

John the Econ
Reply to  climategrog
September 1, 2023 7:14 am

“Climate Change” is simultaneously the excuse for Progressive policy failure and the excuse for more bad Progressive policy.

September 1, 2023 2:03 am

Now we mention the Las Vegas Harvest Festival massacre connection with John Peltier, aren’t we still waiting for the report on the Mandalay Bay shooting promised by Sheriff Lombardo during his hostage video?

Reply to  climategrog
September 1, 2023 3:24 am

Yep just checked back. Much of the original content covering investigations seems to have disappeared from YT. All there is since seems to be MSM corporate cover up “documentaries” which barely even discuss the shooter other than watching him bring in lots of suitcases.

At the time Lombardo said we would have to wait for investigation to play out to find out more. Since then it’s been shut down completely. He looked honest at the time but seemed under pressure not to say what he knew. Since he has remained silent and is now running for governor.

Probably the biggest mass shooting on US soil remains without explanation. very strange.

Reply to  climategrog
September 1, 2023 8:08 am

The Obiden FBI took over the investigation.

Good luck getting ANY information from them.

Just the fact that NOTHING has come out is enough to make me believe they know exactly why the liberal went after the country (read conservatives) music show in stead of the Life is Beautiful downtown Las Vegas alternative, dance music type (read liberal) music show.

BTW: Early reports locally mentioned he looked into staying downtown overlooking the Life is Beautiful site. Heard this for about a day, then no more.

Reply to  Drake
September 1, 2023 11:12 pm

I see Drake really keeps up with the news. I am far away, so I have to rely on the original video broadcast into the world, and the injury reports from some hospital where somebody spoke out.
On the video, it was quite obviously not one guy with a rifle, that was professional cover fire. Secondly, the wounded were hit mostly in the upper body, the angle at which your patsy was supposed to have shot at, at that distance, all would not be so high in the body, the shooter would need be more or less at their level.
So, just from the sound of the gun, and the location of the wounds,it is quite obvious that patsy was not the killer. False flag does not mean nobody dies, but it does usually mean inflated casualty figures.
911 was the first of many “attacks on American soil” perpetrated by Hollywood film crews..

September 1, 2023 5:00 am

Byron is my representative and we’re very proud of him. Good guy, thoughtful, and wants Americans to have more freedom and accept the personal responsibility that goes along with that freedom.

If Ron DeSantis (our Governor), Marco Rubio (our Senator), or Rick Scott (our Senator) move on, I hope Byron runs for any one of those offices. Imagine a conservative black Governor of a southern state! While Byron’s race is irrelevant to me personally, it does have political impact.

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Meisha
September 1, 2023 6:18 am

Yes, I like Byron a lot. He’s a smart guy, with his head on straight. And he’s not afraid to give you his opinion.

Reply to  Tom Abbott
September 1, 2023 8:09 am

In this case, he is just stating facts.

Reply to  Drake
September 1, 2023 2:44 pm

There are a lot of people who believe that what ought to be true, should trump what is true.

September 1, 2023 6:02 am

What the people on the Left embracing climate change really want seems to be about 90% of everyone else to pick up and leave. Right now, they’re just going about it the slow way. If we wait too long, they might decide to pick up the pace.

Tom Abbott
September 1, 2023 6:28 am

From the article: ““I don’t believe in man-made climate change, that is number one.”

That’s what we want to hear! A Republican stating his specific position on human-caused climate change.

Now we need a statement from every other elected Washington DC Republican on where they stand on the human-caused climate change issue. Then we’ll know who we can work with, and who we need to vote out of office.

How many agree with Representative Donalds?

Maybe this next Republican presidential debate Septemeber 27, will answer the question of where the candidates stand on human-caused climate change. The first debate asked the climate change question of the candidates, but most of them never got to give an answer because the conversation erupted into a commotion.

I don’t think Trump will attend this next debate either. Fox News has put a Trump-hater on the moderator list for this debate, a person who has constantly referred to Trump as a racist in the past. So I doubt Trump is going to subject himself to her abuse. Apparently, Fox News doesn’t want Trump on the stage either, or they wouldn’t have used this woman as a moderator. Fox News is showing the true colors of the management now: TDS.

September 1, 2023 6:31 am

“It’s Chinatown, Jake……forget about it” It’s Hawaii, Jake. They can’t even account the deaths after weeks.

Reply to  antigtiff
September 1, 2023 8:22 am

What a great movie. I just rewatched it a couple of weeks ago.

What a great scam by the crony capitalists to get the water for the growth of Orange County and LA, making orange grove lands increase 100 times in value.

Another great Co Cal scam, and actually nation wide: Firestone and GM, evil oil companies, etc. buying out the trollies in LA and almost every other city with such systems and then shutting them down, line by line, to be replaced with GM busses on Firestone tires. They were sued, and lost, and the treasurer of GM was fined $1.00. See Who Framed Roger Rabbit, LOL, for that one.

John Hultquist
September 1, 2023 8:27 am

The claim has been made that the first (note 1st) fire caused by a power line was put out. The lines were shut off — de-energized — for several hours, and then a new fire (2nd) started.
The shares of the Co. went down with the first fire and bounced back with the announcement of the de-energized bit.
Either something else caused the disaster-blaze or the fire-fighters didn’t do their job.
Let the court cases begin.

Reply to  John Hultquist
September 1, 2023 11:18 pm

The shares of the Co. went down with the first fire and bounced back with the announcement of the de-energized bit.

Really? Really?? Really!!!
Now we might as well all shut up about water rights and emergency response,it was the Free Market at work all the time!
..and here I thought it was about missing chillun and incompetent officialz!

Bill Parsons
September 1, 2023 10:07 pm

According to ABC News, Maui County

has filed a lawsuit against Maui Electric Company, Limited, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc., Hawaiʻi Electric Light Company, Inc., and Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. of failing to shut down equipment on Aug. 7, when the National Weather Service issued a “red flag” warning

The state of Colorado has scores of red flag warnings each year. (One has been issued for this weekend, due to low humidity, dry conditions and strong winds). To my knowledge, PSC of Colorado has never pre-emptively shut down due to a Red Flag Warning. As of 2021

the Public Service Company of Colorado “continues to consider how or when Public Safety Power Shut-Offs (“PSPS”) should be deployed within Public Service’s service territory. While the Company does not currently have a PSPS Plan in effect, it has been actively working to evaluate how a plan might be implemented in the future for our Colorado system.

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This despite the Dec. 2021 Marshall Fire, considered our state’s most destructive, caused by conditions much like the Lahaina Fire.

The point is the Maui disaster was the result of multiple failures at management, government and individual levels. Pointing the finger at utilities may be justifiable, but this was a grass fire. For years, State, County and local bureaucrats, as well as the citizens of Lahaina, were warned of imminent fire threat. Volunteers and a few officials tried to initiate some sort of action, but nobody wanted to do the necessary.

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A recent WSJ article mapped out the land owners in and around the city, and revealed how they all were shrugging their shoulders, unwilling to accept responsibility to address the fire hazard posed by dry grasses. Those entities included: Peter Martin, a developer, the County of Maui, the Kamehameha School System, the Housing Finance and Development Corporation, and the state of Hawaii. I would argue that the people of the city, ultimately the victims, were also culpable in their own way.

When Governor Green talks about global warming on national news, what he is really saying is he did nothing leading up to the disaster, and is likely to go on casting blame elsewhere.

Bill Parsons
Reply to  Bill Parsons
September 1, 2023 10:15 pm

Map detail: Orange dots show the fire perimeter; red dots the burn areas; black lines encompas the land ownership.

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