Professor Russell Tytler (left) and Professor Peter Freebody (right). Fair Use, low resolution images to identify the subject.

Aussie Academics: Scaring School Children Improves their Climate Behaviour

Essay by Eric Worrall

Apparently its OK to step up climate education, because the kids are scared anyway, and scaring them more “engages them with positive actions”.

How should we teach climate change in schools? It starts with ‘turbo charging’ teacher education

Published: June 13, 2023 6.01am AEST

Russell Tytler Professor of science education, Deakin University
Peter Freebody Honorary Professorial Fellow School of Education, University of Wollongong

The case for action on climate change no longer needs to be laid out. 

The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia has done a review of research on climate change education in schools around the world. 

The emotional side of learning about climate

Teaching climate change in schools raises basic and potentially divisive questions about the purpose of education and the nature of childhood. We are supposed to teach children about their world. But what if in doing so, we scare them with facts about climate change?

We also know children are worried about climate change anyway. Many children and teenagers are stressed and anxious due to their growing awareness of climate change.

An increasing body of research is identifying approaches to teaching and learning about climate change that address students’ understanding in this complex area and engages them with positive actions. 

This includes making climate change personally relevant, interacting with scientists to experience scientific practices and designing projects to address an aspect of climate change.

Read more:

Not every kid gets “engaged” with positive actions. Some kids can’t cope with the fear, and turn to hard drugs to alleviate the psychological pain.

The following is testimony given by Dr. Alex Wodak in 2019 to a NSW Ice addiction inquiry.

First, the threshold step is redefining drugs as primarily a health and social issue rather than primarily a law enforcement issue. Second, drug treatment has to be expanded and improved until it reaches the same level as other health services. Third, all penalties for personal drug use and possession have to be scrapped.

Fourth, as much of the drug market as possible has to be regulated while recognising that part of the drug market is already regulated, such a methadone treatment, needle and syringe programs, medically supervised injecting centres. It will, of course, never be possible to regulate the entire drug market. We have regulated parts of the drug market before. Edible opium was taxed and regulated in Australia until 1906 and in the United States Coca-Cola contained cocaine until 1903.

Fifth, efforts to reduce the demand for powerful psychoactive drugs in Australia have had limited benefit and require a new focus. Unless and until young Australians feel optimistic about their future, demand for drugs will remain strong. Young people, understandably, want more certainty about their future prospects, including climate, education, jobs and housing affordability. Change will be slow and incremental, like all social policy reform.

As Herb Stein, as adviser to President Nixon said:
Things that cannot go on forever don’t.

Drug prohibition cannot go on forever and will be replaced by libertarian paternalism. Thank you.

Source: (available on Wayback Machine)

Many of those kids who don’t end up visible destroying themselves may suffer, even if they outwardly lead a normal life, and keep their suffering private. Who knows how many of the kids subject to “turbo charged” climate education will live stunted adult lives filled with psychological pain, a lifetime of struggling with long term psychological trauma from their “turbo-charged” climate indoctrination.

What about the teachers at the coalface of this climate indoctrination push? How do they live with the guilt of seeing a child who came to their class as a happy child, turn into a drugged addicted human wreck? Perhaps they can console themselves climate education wasn’t the only factor in that child’s downfall, and for most kids climate fear was likely only one of a range of problems. But deep down some of them at least must be aware that adding to the burden of distress children experience is not helping the situation.

I doubt social engineers like Professors Tytler and Freebody care about the harm they are causing, with their push for turbo charged climate indoctrination. As far as I can tell not one mention in their article, of helping those kids who are damaged by the intensified climate indoctrination they want to inflict on Australian schoolchildren.

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Edward Katz
June 12, 2023 6:08 pm

Parents in any country shouldn’t tolerate this type of indoctrination, especially since it’s invariably one-sided. What do most teachers know about climate change beyond what inevitably leftist curriculums tell them? If there were some balanced coverage of the so-called climate “crisis” and a reminder of the benefits that fossil fuels have brought to global civilization, it would do much to allay any fears that students supposedly have about the whole issue. But since the alarmists have gained control of the climate misinformation mill, this type of coverage is unlikely.

Reply to  Edward Katz
June 13, 2023 10:18 am

But the parents, ( and in fact the teachers ) have already been indoctrinated so they think the children are being told the truth.

June 12, 2023 6:18 pm

Fear is the mind killer.

Fear based propaganda is remarkably effective, and has always been. Of late, we have seen that in glaring detail. Governments (and supra-national bodies who have designs on ruling the world) are deliberately using military psychological warfare against their own citizens in order to get them to comply with measures that are against their own interests (both short term and longer term).

The people doing this are most definitely aware of the impacts of this fear based propaganda. They know it is harming your children, and not only do they not care, they think that is a good thing.

ethical voter
Reply to  MarkH
June 12, 2023 6:29 pm

You are right. Saving the world can justify anything to some people. Warmunists and communists simply cannot understand that the end can never justify the means.

Tom Halla
June 12, 2023 6:33 pm

First, there is the ethics of lying. Second, once their audience figures out that they were lied to, cynical withdrawal is common. Preaching is dangerous, once the audience loses faith.

No one
June 12, 2023 6:37 pm

Inducing terror to cause political change: I wonder, is there a name for that?

June 12, 2023 6:55 pm

The climate panic has long since degenerated to a sorry example of mass mania like the ones described in Charles Mackay’s 1841 book, “Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.” Now it’s degenerated to frightening children with cherry-picked data and doomsday scenarios — in The Lucky Country, of all places.

Australia has fewer people than Shanghai metro. Guangdong, the most industrialized Chinese province, has three times more people than Australia. Nothing Australia does or doesn’t do would show up on a global pie chart. And for that, activists are eager to demoralize a generation of children?

Please, recover your sanity, and restore to children the hope and joy that are their true birthrights.

Rod Evans
Reply to  tom_gelsthorpe
June 12, 2023 10:59 pm

As the teachers encouraged the children to raise their arms skyward and declare their allegiance to the cause, the distorted chant of “Seek higher! Seek Higher! Seek higher!.. indicated clearly where the Net zero demonstrators (the NetZes’) were taking their political inspiration from… Where was this happening?
Melbourne March 2019 at the first AOC induced Green New Deal Demo in Australia.

June 12, 2023 7:06 pm

Delusional, sanctimonious, and odious navel gazers.

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Mike
June 13, 2023 4:47 am

And to validate their beliefs they endeavor to convince everyone else about their “truth”. And children are the easiest targets of all.

June 12, 2023 7:28 pm

“We also know children are worried about climate change anyway. Many children and teenagers are stressed and anxious due to their growing awareness of climate change.”

Put them on a plane flying from Denver to Miami. When they get off of the plane, ask them how they feel. You’d probably get a shrug or an “okay, I guess”. Then tell them, good, you just experienced climate change, and you’re perfectly fine…

June 12, 2023 7:31 pm

The loonies are loosing and they know it.
The climate crap is starting to hurt people they are onto the deception
Those promoting it are now under dire threat hence the turbocharged indoctrination.
Kids committing the unthinkable (the S word ) will only drive parents to take actions into there own hands Not a easy time to be a woke school teacher
Well I guess one reaps what one sows
Spread the truth climate at a glance for teachers and students is a good start
We are winning

June 12, 2023 8:23 pm

Child abuse, nothing else.

Reply to  Mr.
June 12, 2023 11:10 pm

Correct. An example…..

We are supposed to teach children about their world. But what if in doing so, we scare them with facts about climate change?
We also know children are worried about climate change anyway.”

Scare them about climate change and then you can just finish the job it because you’ve already started.
The lack of self awareness is very profound in these people.

Reply to  Mr.
June 12, 2023 11:26 pm

Groom and use the kiddies so they can’t be hit with costs for their frivolous political lawfare-
Climate change trial pits youths against Montana (

Ed Zuiderwijk
June 13, 2023 1:48 am

The learned professors should be sent to the naughty corner and stay there until they come to their senses.

some ideas are so idiotic that only academics and intellectuals take them seriously (Orwell).

Tom Abbott
Reply to  Ed Zuiderwijk
June 13, 2023 5:03 am

I saw an article yesterday decribing how some people were promoting moving the Earth farther away from the Sun as a cure for human-caused climate change! They didn’t say how they were going to get that done.

Some people are nuts! 🙂

Richard Page
Reply to  Tom Abbott
June 13, 2023 4:02 pm

Really? If they’re that gullible, perhaps selling them on a carbon powered jet system to move the planet might be in order? Get a crowdfunding campaign going and invite them all to contribute! It’s good for the planet, really!

Geoff Sherrington
June 13, 2023 3:16 am

These academic authoprs claim “The case for action on climate change no longer needs to be laid out.”
I agree. It has been laid out for greiving relatives and friends to see and it is now on its way to burial.
Geoff S

Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
June 13, 2023 10:21 am

If only …… .

Geoff Sherrington
June 13, 2023 3:40 am

WUWT recently covered the research of Prof Ed Calabrese who discussed in great detail the corruption of the science of the Linear No-Threshold LNT euation for dose/harm relations; and the perverted use of the wrong science by regulatory bodies like EPA.
In his summing up and future speculation in Video 22, Dr Calabrese noted sagaciously (approximately) that
“Regulatory agencies have become disconnected from the science of who we are in an evolutionary sense. They tend to view humans as victims – victims unable to to repair and to withstand the challenges that we have. Within our biology we have many adaptive responses to low levels of stress, to not only fight off a challenge but to give you a benefit beyond a challenge.”
Examples of benefit include continuous improvement to innate immunities and hormesis, whereby a small dose is not always harmful but is often beneficial. Many modern drugs work this way and nuclear radiation hormesis studies have been reported in several hundred papers.

Many regulatory acts are based on fear, the assumption of the fragile human needing protection and Big Daddy to provide it. A more real scenario would leave regulators with little to do, which is why they preach fear.
This protectionist regulatory effort is being forced without asking onto school children, which is (apart from any other descriptor) UNETHICAL.
Geoff S

Tom in Florida
Reply to  Geoff Sherrington
June 13, 2023 4:50 am

Unfortunately, unethical is not in their vocabulary.

Tom in Florida
June 13, 2023 4:40 am

If they would teach the children the true facts about climate, the children wouldn’t be scared at all.

June 13, 2023 4:41 am

Years – decades – ago the Daily Telegraph had a chief education reporter, whose name I’ve long since forgotten, who from time to time commented on the often low quality of academic research in the field of education and, by extension, of the academics carrying out said research. Things don’t appear to have improved since then.

Tom Abbott
June 13, 2023 4:54 am

From the article: “The case for action on climate change no longer needs to be laid out.”

The blind leading the blind. Both will fall in the ditch.

Anyone with half a brain and a little common sense can figure out that the climate science isn’t even close to being settled.

These teachers obviously haven’t done their homework.

Someone should invite them to visit WUWT and get a little education on the subject of human-caused climate change and CO2. Invite their students, too. Then they will realize their fear of CO2 is unwarranted and unnecessary.

June 13, 2023 6:30 am

There is a saying which goes: If you want to destroy a country, destroy it´s education.

Unfortunately it´s a lot easier to fool people than to convience them that they have been fooled – such is the nature of confirmation bias and other tools of manipulation. Education as “massformation” kills the intuition.

Is the climate change debate settled, hell no, what happened in Madrid 1995, speak for it self, it´s all about consensus.

From a danish point of view, Ida Auken (WEF) wrote this back in 2016 : “You´ll own nothing. And you´ll be happy. The article still “excist” but the titel have been changed to: “Here´s how life could change in my city by the year 2030”. Talk about trying to fool people. Changing the titel just proves that words serves as data storage and in communication.

Scaring school children improves their climate Behaviour. Well yeah, stupid is as stupid does, the time that has gone since the first global revolution was written in 1991, just shows that word as a frequency is an unhealthy symphony…!!

Kevin Kilty
June 13, 2023 8:44 am

Oh, lordy. Professors of education, and science education even. Explains it all.

June 13, 2023 1:38 pm

In Tytler and Freebody’s world view, humans are just turbocharged monkeys, no greater than their pet dogs. Therefore, they have no qualms about wreaking havoc on children’s psyches “for the sake of the cause.”

June 14, 2023 5:26 pm

I remember when a local climate activist told me that it was alright to lie about the doomsday climate scenarios because it is necessary in order to Save the Planet. That’s what all the leftists are basically saying: the end justifies the means because you’re saving the planet.

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